I have been playing Zelda Skyward Sword lots since I got it for Christmas and have had a blast. I have been playing the Zelda series since Link to the Past - which still remains my favourite Zelda. What is your favourite Zelda?
For me it is Skyward Sword, Ghirahim just makes the game for me. He is a very innovative character and I think the series needed a different 'style' of villain.
Ocarina of Time no doubt.. I have the most memories with it. I remember going over my cousins house when I was little and seeing him playing it and I wanted it sooo badly. About 3 years later I saw a port of it for gamecube and bought it immediately. Now I can play it because it's in my pocket on my 3ds
I'm guessing that Link to the Past will come out on top, but my 2nd favorite is actually Link's Awakening (DX) which was excellent.
I only got into LoZ last year, so my favorite game is either TP or Spirit Tracks. I still haven't gotten my hands on Skyward Sword, so I'll refrain from voting.
Ocarina of Time. The 3DS one is an improvement over the N64 version, but it wasn't new by then so I wasn't too impressed. Respect goes to LttP and Link's Awakening though, great games.
Oracle of Ages/Seasons (which basically count as one game). These are so good that I still play them to this day. The amount of depth the 2 games had was revolutionary for the gameboy. Plus the fact that it wasn't the typical "save zelda" theme.
I can't really say since the only one I have beaten is Twilight Princess . I got about 3/4 through Link to the Past, 1/4 way into Ocarina and Majora, a 30 minutes into the first two, and only about 4 hours into Skyward . I really need to find time to finish these games as they are soooooo goooooood.