Thank you and no problem, I'm also getting an issue with a black screen after any adverts I view I have to close the app and open it again. I'd also like the option to send the train away if I don't like it's order, maybe just give a timer again until it returns? But a quicker one that if you had filled it. Also didn't get the advert cheat bonus after watching some for gems.
I'm now level 10. First impressions are positive. I really like the graphics and it definitely has the 'I'll just build such and such' vibe. It reminds me of a PC game I used to play called farm frenzy. Here's a few points I've come across whilst playing. * it's not always easy to tell when your crops are ready. Maybe a small green arrow when the free speed up is available and sparkles when they're done would help. * it would be good to be able to feed your animals with one tap (as long as you have the food obviously) * it feels to me like the animals take up too many squares, I think perhaps 2 squares per animal would be good as 4 feels excessive. Good game folks.
Glad your liking the game so far too. With your points I would say the space animas take up isn't really an issue as so far I haven't really struggled for space. Feeding is pretty easy it pretty much is one tap? Well two tap the first animal then the feed then it just goes across all animals that need feeding by 1 tap which I believe is quicker overall as it saves scrolling to find the others as you get more. The crop ready thing I agree sometimes it's hard to tell.
Just reminding you that here are still four codes left! (At least nobody wrote to us that they have been redeemed) If you are not in one of our soft-release countries, feel free to take them and give the game a try. 6JLEMFH96HWY 4KJLYFN4FE4T EALAXE7MA6TF M4XAWJFYAWF6 P.S. Please let others know which code you redeemed.
@Lorena, of course, we are constantly updating the game. In a few days we will release a new update, and we are going to try to squeeze another update just before the worldwide launch. We are adding features, crushing bugs and making balance changes, so keep looking at the store to learn everything about the latest updates. Feel free to give us any suggestions.
I see the update hit and added extra production slots, I just wanted to ask as I purchased the third slots with gems are they still gem purchases for players or is it just the 4th slot now that costs? Also I noticed the 4th slot isn't the same price for all buildings. Adverts seem to be working properly now with nonblack screens too, although my free chests for watching 10 ads a day don't seem to work properly. Also I do often feel the gold rewards aren't great from bonus chests or even iap it always seems extremely low to me given that one cow costs me 5k yet I might find 20 gold or so in a chest. I have no idea what the special bonus reward is on weekends by the way? Finally for you as devs, I honestly don't know why I'd spend money on this game. I mean that in a nice way offering advice as I worry how you'll make money. You are fairly generous and I feel I can get everything over time for free even the iap decorations, although some companies go too far with iap only content and it puts many people off so I understand the struggle. I'd buy an unlimited inventory and perhaps if there was a good deal I liked I'd buy gems once to support you if it were enough to unlock my 4th production slots all around....but eventually I'll get them for free anyway.
Yes, the slots are an essential part of the production line on your farm. Right now, we think that this is the way to go, and we are updating the slot balance as I type. Every next slot after the third will cost you gems. We have added 3 new slots for every building in order to help you with the production. We are aware of the Ad bug. The problem is out of our hands and we are waiting for the response from the company that manages that Ad technology. We have discussed the problem as the team, and we are going to have some test builds to check out the problem. We need to be sure to balance that mechanic so that it doesn't interfere with other systems. As for the weekly reward - this is a new addition and right now we are offering two bonus rewards. The first one gives you a double awards in the top of the hard currency shop (so when you watch ads you get double the amount of rewards). The second bonus reward on weekends is the water tower speed up. So, when you watch an ad the crops will grow 50% faster (instead of 25% during weekdays) Thank you for this! Our goal was to be different from other Free-to-Play games. The generosity is a representation of our honest opinion on what should be a good mobile game. We hope that players will recognise that, and help us make the games even more friendly towards them. Right now, we are seeing a number of purchases from players that are happy with our decision. Of course, if we notice that this is not the way to go, we will go back to the drawing board, and find new way of monetizing our game. Once again, thank you ste86uk for your time and such a great support!
The new update broke my game. Anyway here is my take. I like it very much. It is cute it is fun and blast to play. I guess i am not your target audience since i haven't spend a dime in any free to download games but i did watch a ton of ads. Like a lot of them. Like all of them. Got to keep them trees watered. Fishing is a nice touch. I would like to have more different animals early on instead of houses that make things. Animals are cuter. Way better it would be to have 2 chickens, 2 pigs, 2 cows and 2 sheep instead of 4 chickens and 4 pigs. I do not like icon with pig. I have iPhone SE and sometimes x to close things does not respond since target area is so small. Very nice touch with icon that tells you what item is in orders list but it is annoying to click on it to start producing it only to find out that resources are missing for it. It would be great to have icon that shows you somehow that resources are missing for item even if it is in orders list.
Thanks for your reply and the only bit I'm now sad about then is that I purchased those third slots and now they are free, feels like I've lost out spending my gems on them.
Hey! Don't be sad. We didn't change it to free. The third slot still costs diamonds, we just added new slots for you to purchase.
Ah I must have misunderstood your reply, that's good to know. Played with my sound on for the first time today and the sound is pretty cool it's nice to listen to for a little while. I'm level 25 now and I'm starting to feel like the rewards for selling things aren't scaling very well even new items don't really sell for much of a different price than older ones when I get offered deals with gold and experience. Some deals are just terrible I'm forever rejecting them. Most deals seem to offer around 100gold maybe 500 is the highest I've ever had but it seems rare to get over 300 or so. Yet my last building cost me 12k I think it was. I seem to be affording things eventually though although still haven't got that 4th cow. Also what's with fishing? It mentions the more you bait you have a better chance of catching rare fish I always bait to 10 but pretty much always seem to get the same? I thought I'd maybe find something that's bigger and gives me more fish meat occasionally or you'd have a little fishing manual with the fish you've caught and their sizes or something. Also still about the train...I'd really like to be able to send it away I've only been able to complete two orders since unlocking it. My order today is 15 fish pies! The take an hour each and you get 16 hours...
Great comment! This is the type of information that really helps us pinpoint the delicate systems in game that need to be challenged. Everything you said has been told to the Dev team, and as we speak they are running some tests to see what balance should we make for the next update. Regarding your question about the fishing. There will be a balance update and a bigger update concerning fishing in near future. We want to make fishing more compelling than it is now. As for the train - well, that is an late game element, and we will make sure that it works as intended. That means - balancing balancing balancing. Thank you again for the comment.
Glad my comment was of some help rather than just spamming you with useless messages. Hit level 26 now and still happily playing away, it hurt when I seen the 4th apple tree costs 10k though when the others were 150g each. But if things did scale better with the deals you get for selling things then it wouldn't be as much of an issue. It is really just odd that something can take 2 hours to grow then I need multiple ones then I turn them into something better that takes another 2 hours and then I get an offer for less than 100g for 2 or even 3/4 of them when two would take me at least 4 hours to make.
Hi! Comments like your are what we developers need to make a better game. The end-game aspect is very important for us. We are aware of how difficult is to balance it, without making things harder for those who start fresh. Sometimes, a small change in the end-game can lead to big unwanted changes somewhere else. That is why balancing updates are so very important for us. Stay tuned for future updates where we will address everything you asked.
You already know that Farm On! is a vertical scroller game. Let's look at the lay of the land: We decked out the top of the farm with animals and production buildings. Looks like these piggies are good to go – we decorated their pen with some balloons to celebrate the big day! //DISCLAIMER: no pigs were hurt during Farm On! gameplay!// Just below our animals, the crops are ripe as rain! We've got potatoes, sunflowers, and corn on our farm. Oh hey, your friends are driving by! Click on the trucks to say hi to your real friends, and maybe even score some free reward! And way down under, we put our wellies on and are off casting the net! There's more rare fish in your pond than you can count. Try to catch them all! Farm On! is currently in soft launch, available in the following countries: Austria, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Croatia, Indonesia, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, United Kingdom. Download link:
I'm getting on for level 30 now but have yet to decorate my farm I haven't placed any at all. Saving all my space for everything I need for now still.