Those extra puzzles are my favorite part of the game. Spoiler I also see something on some of them that I think might be part of a meta puzzle! So far completed level 7 including all letters. Onward!
Ah, thanks! Really should have tried that, don't know why it didn't catch my eye before. Really eagerly waiting the level 16 bug fix. The game is nonstop enjoyable and every level has some cool idea in it.
I just finished the 15 first levels and found all the 3 notes, awesome secrets on each level ! Waiting the patch for lvl.16, I'm now brainstorming deep inside those notes : seems that all the 3rd notes of each levels create a secret story, did you noticied that ? They also are the only notes to get weird latitude/longitude... I'm really wondering if there will be something to do with that after completing the 18 levels ! For sure, I hope there will be more levels in next updates, this game is really awesome ! Some kind of "Enigmon" game for the secrets
Yeah, I may start looking up the coordinates when I have a little time, even before I complete the game. I want to see where they lead.
This immediately reminded me of the very old game that was available on ZX Spectrum and on Commodore and was titled Total Eclipse. It was one of the first primitive attempts at full 3D exploration of an Agyptian tomb mystery.
Completed. Good game. Plotted the coordinates into maps but nothing jumps out? Possibly a picture will appear with the right order of waypoints? Maybe a route we need to input into a level for a bonus
Do you mean to say you have found a whole secret level, or just a secret in one of the levels? A couple of us are quite interested to see if there is more to do once all the notes are collected...
I found "level 0" eheh And this secret level is a great tribute for the players ahah ! You need to complete the game to 100% if you want to unlock it
Level 13. Note three. Any hints. I assume it involves the three movable items and the block code but logic eludes me. I need that last 1%
Spoiler Count each yellow cubes in the key of the door : you need to activate the 6 levers in the good order 1/2/3/4/5/6 to unlock the 3rd note. Easy !
It is freemium. It is free to download and try the first levels but later on, you will have to buy the remaining levels. So, the developers know what they are doing.