Well, every level is unique and hand drawn, so it takes up much more space than a tile-based game. Is the file on saved on the phone compressed or uncompressed, though?
wow... 1.1 gigs? i guess i better delete Rage off the ipad then... a new 32 gig ipad 2 that has less than 2 free gigs.... i should have gotten the 64gig one -__-
Okay, I spoke with the team and it seems like they left the images uncompressed since Apple compresses the game. We just didn't know that Apple uncompresses them on the phone, whoops... On the bright side, we can compress the images and give everyone back that chunk of space in the next update. I'm so glad you're enjoying the game! And many appologies to anyone who has to delete anything else in the process
How large do you expect the file to be after the update? I played this game on the 360, and would pay another buck in a heartbeat to have it on the iPad as well, but unless the file size is less than a quarter of what it unpacks at currently at most, it simply isn't an option.
Shouldn't be much larger than the compressed file, from what I'm told. I understand, we're all really mad that this happened. Hopefully we can get something through quickly. Just don't forget, please! Also, I'm not sure if the price is an introductory price or not, it should say it on the game description. If it is, maybe you should buy it without installing it, I don't want you paying more than you need to
Yep, asked the team about that too, the older GPU can't support the game, sorry We're not just blocking older devices for the fun of it, I promise!
Game Impressions Ive been playing for an hour and im already amazed by this gem... it has so much content: each level has up to two mini games inside them, plus challenges and lots to collect, theres an arcade machine on the hall with more mini games... costumes and much much more.... the graphics are very well designed, with good animations, character animation is outstanding, and the player can do many things with only two buttons (up and down)... levels are bigger than the iOS average, with bosses, cutscenes.... and im only starting the game (i hope).... and now the controls: they are good, responsive but a bit tiny and when you jump on stairs your character moves a bit backwards before jumping so it can lead to some confusion.... but its nothing.... i already love this game, highly recommended to everyone specially platformer fans and lovers.... BUY THIS GAME
Sorry to ask goofyjmaster's question, but does this have GC achievements, etc.? If not, any plans to add them later? **Please say yes**
No GameCenter whatsoever, only Crystal... But hey, it isn't EA, so maybe there's a chance it will be added in an update...
I really wanted to, I was pushing for both, actually. I'll definitely discuss that with the team. Pretty sure there's achievements for Crystal in there? If we add GameCenter, I'd imagine they'd cross over. I can't say for sure, though.
Welp, I just bought it even thoughi don't have the space. It's just sitting there all forlorn and greyed out, just waiting for me to give FIFA the boot.
Apparently that's not how it's supposed to be, a problem caused it to expand from ~300mb to 1.1 gb. I'll wait for the update because I'm low on space, but will definitely be buying this. Question for the dev: How soon do you estimate the update will be out reducing the size?
I just noticed this too after it finished downloading. Whoa! I'll just wait for the update before I put it on my device.
Did the dev say when the update will be live? not trying to rush im just curious as to when is all = D tyty
Was wondering why the game didn't install..then I saw the file size. Probably going to wait for some kind of update as well before syncing it.