Epic hereos is a blood brothers clone. Basically, that's an entire different genre. This is a match 3 - hybrid card game. Blood brothers and epic hereos is an auto-attack card collecting game. I love those games but they get old, this match 3 has some awesome / refreshing mechanics. They'd have to change the entire game to make it like that, including taking out its core, which is match 3.
While similar to other games of this genre, this one pulls it off really well. Loving it so far. Player ID: Sfku77gI1D
Referral code - RTzxZnn9ac Just picked up Prince Charming from the oracle but for some reason I still think Lancealot is better, how are higher star characters better just on stats? Also was lucky enough to pick up Belle on my second try of her event.
They also have much more useful active and passive abilities. Some may have the same abilities as cards with less stars but the skills will be more effective. For example the 3* card might have +5% critical chance but the 4* might have +10% critical chance. Referral code - mgsitkMBj7
I've rerolled close to 75 times now and have not gotten a single 5* Rigged or bad luck? I wouldn't spend any money at this rate!
I didn't re roll. I think my first draw was a 3*. But today I got a 5* from a draw and another 5* with the referrals. Also, I haven't spent a dime yet and have used up a bunch of IAP they dish out at a pretty generous rate.
You've rerolled 75 times? Your crazy. All for a 5*?! You could have a few 4*s and a 5* by now. Quit wasting time and get to playing !
My referral code is RTzxZnn9ac please use anyone needing one. I didn't re roll and usually I'm very anal about getting the best start but honestly I don't care, I have a whole team of 4* now the day after picked up some from oracle and bella from the weekly quest. I also picked up Prince Charming from the oracle today who is a 5* and I honestly prefer my 4* Lancealot.
Holy crap. So I'm on book 10, all my hereos are lvl 15-18. Was doing the Wednesday special, completed normal fine. Than I tried hard, on battle 3 that molten lava dude 1 hits me basically. Wasn't prepared for that! Looks like I shall level my dudes up some more before I try hard. Edit: above me, you said you got Bella from Wednesday special. Did you complete hard?
No I think I was very lucky as it says rare drop and better chance on harder difficulty and all I did was easy twice and got her the second time.
Has anybody completed any of the key dungeons? The first wave I was up against an enemy I could only do 0 to and then got one-shot, and my team isn't exactly weak.
My best characters are all water and I can't balance my team very well unless I pick weaker characters now. Using 3 water all at once. Referral code RTzxZnn9ac
Since everyone is doing it, here's mine! Referral Code: 51LoRaFFru. Also @Sequence How is the IAP generous? As far as I know the ways of getting IAP is very limited to 1st time completion of a book, referrals, and special events (if they decide to give out during them, current event does).
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair-- and then obliterate a few baddies for me! I've got rarity 5 Rapunzel to aid you... If you'll add me ;-) Code: 4EWRvY2wCk
Kinda enjoying this game still. Hate waiting for stamina though. Hate timers Need a few more people to use my code to help me get a 5* hero. Thanks pPIIm8qdIf Get your 5* hero here while he's hot!