Exiles of Embermark - a PVP RPG tailored for one-handed play (by Gunslinger Studios)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by thewzrd, Feb 5, 2016.


In mobile RPGs, do you get more excited about PvP or PvE? (and why)

  1. PvP is more exciting

    41 vote(s)
  2. PvE is more exciting

    93 vote(s)
  3. They are equally as exciting

    45 vote(s)
  1. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Warcaster Abilities

    To an earlier question about Abilities, we'll be doing a deep dive on them soon, but before that, we're getting the V 1.0 bunch of them ready for testing. One of the Mage specialties is Warcaster, essentially a Battle Mage and a few of his possible active Abilities that will synergize with his equipment are here:

  2. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    New Dev Update coming this week, with info on a new world Zone and the first look at how cities (like this one) will be integrated into the map:

  3. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Game Dev Update | 10.13.16

    As I mentioned a few days ago, we've been working on another of our big development updates, and it just posted.


    The map works! There's imagery and a video of it in action using this fully designed Zone:


    New player character animations are going into the game (like this HUZZAH):


    A whole array of weapons are making their way into the game, with all sorts of variations. These last few weeks we've been focused on "Blunts":


    There's a ton more, including more weapons, animations, detail on the Faction system and another Angry Dwarf, in the full Dev Update, and we'd love any feedback on the way the game is progressing. If you want to talk specific questions or get the latest on how closed testing is coming along, join us in live chat or on the site.

    And if there's other imagery or detail you want to see here in this thread, let me know.
  4. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    The update also features a breakdown on the way that we're now doing battle environments for the game, as pictured here:

  5. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Hand-painted textures in the game

    We'll go into more of this in our next dev update, but I'm excited to report that the hand-painted textures are going into the current Exiles build and they're looking great. Here's a quick screen of me fighting myself, but you can get an idea of what armor and weapons will look like in action:

  6. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    As much as it's a staple feature in any 3D character-based game, I find myself jazzed this morning about us getting Zoom into our interface for the player character's management screen, check it out:





    More screens to follow!
  7. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015

    jus...juuuuss....hurry and take my money...such a tease. My excitement for this game has not waivered. Its goHn be 2017 huh? =(
  8. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Yes, 2017. So you should go the way of the Mogre, I suppose:

  9. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Los Angeles, CA
    We've moved enemy NPCs from 2D to 3D

    It's actually faster... for humanoids anyway. We can get more variety from less work by pushing and pulling on our base human character model than doing 2D paintings and animating from there.

    So here's the base human and the latest ogre to illustrate. They're the same model:


  10. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Another variant of the above Ogre-- we're going to see how much variety we can get just from textures, then move into gear on enemies' bodies...

  11. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    The Player Camp is coming online in the latest build-- I'll outline more in the latest Dev Update in the next week or two with some video, but here's a snapshot:

  12. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Mixing and matching looks (and the effects that go along with them) are going into the game rapidly now. There will be a TON of loot in the game. I'm considering calling it "a farfillion pieces of loot" because the variants are high.

    Here's 5 takes on one group of 6 pieces of loot on the body (head, chest, arms, shoulders, pants, boots) for the Mage class:


    Without knowing the effects, got a preference?
  13. ashmike3

    ashmike3 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    4th from the left. Looking excellent
  14. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    #134 Tychaeus, Nov 17, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
    The one to the furthest right

    In reference to the mage outfit's above this post: It actually looks like an upgrade sequence from left to right imo, so in my mind almost naturally I prefer the image to the far right. I love the fact that there is going to be a lot of loot in the game, some dev's making rpgs these days don't seem to tie the connection between the high and dopamine rush a player experiences upon getting that new awesome piece of loot...especially when it makes your character look really snazzy...and the immense compulsion it creates in a player..which I would assume is a plus for both player and dev. For me, looting the new items is a key part of a compulsive progression system.

    As always, tremendously excited about the game qame all the latest developments, especially loving the whole "camp" area and all the possibilities it entails. Am I thinking of another game or did you not mention some kind of housing for players at some point?

    Every new tid bit of info makes me smile about EoE!

  15. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    The "Housing" I think you're thinking about is the House System, which is the Exiles version of guilds-- but instead of player-run guilds, the Houses are systems in and of themselves, which give Players bonuses, things to do together and a way to compete as a team for seasonal rewards.

    On the mages and loot system-- thank you, we're huge fans of huge loot systems too, and the more items we make, the more excited I get about that system. Come tomorrow, we're starting to upload a ton of the loot that we've been making the past several months.

    Loot like this! :


    Can't wait to get the Mages into the system and start showing screens. Will have a Game Dev Update this week too...
  16. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Oh yeah, now I remember

    Ok, now I remember the house/guild system, memory was just foggy #
  17. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Game Dev Update | 11.22.16

    This month's giant Dev Update just went up over on the Exiles site. This month, we dig into:

    Mage Variants


    Legendary Items:


    The new, working player Camp:


    3D Enemies in action:


    And all sorts of other imagery and descriptions of what's going into the game. Come and check out the rest and I'll be discussing all the new systems (like Motivations) here on TA and over there.

  18. Sanderok

    Sanderok Member

    Oct 2, 2016
    Looks like awesome. Wanna play this great game)
  19. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    If you are interested in this game, come chat with other fans (and the devs) on the Discord channel!. It's where news breaks the quickest and inside info on the development of the game is shared. The Devs also have live talks (on occasion) and give out in-game items to winners in the chat.
  20. thewzrd

    thewzrd Well-Known Member
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Yes, and we're planning another scheduled Live Chat soon to dive into a few of the game systems.

    I mentioned Motivations in the Game Dev Update, here's a GIF of the initial interface for that. Your Quests and Battles and choices in the game will affect your levels of certain Motivations. This is one of the systems we'll be discussing, so stay tuned for a date and time:


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