Enjoying what I've played of it so far; playing one of those time-slowing adept dudes. I'm not far in as of yet, but it would have been nice to see more of a Mass Effect-style system, different playstyles for classes, different spells for the mage-like class, etc. Personally, from the looks of things, content is a little lacking? Though that's just based off of opinions of others so far. Not that I can really complain for £3 (£4? I forget) but I'd be happy to pay for extra expansion-type DLC, as per my usual preference. They're a quality developer, and deserve the money. Actually enjoying it quite a bit more than Ravensword or RS2.
Just my suggestions here, but I would like if we had some improved character models. I play the game in third person, so I'd like more customization over the characters. And the female models need hairstyles. But I'm still loving the game so far!
This. Edit: Just realised someone already bet me at the quote then agreeing but I'll still leave this here. As I said before I was originally planning on a day 1 buy but after seeing the impressions I decided to wait. Reason being that I want to do more research about the game. As people here have said Crescent Moon Games usually update their games to make them better. I loved Ravensword and I trust that Crescent Moon Games are going to bring updates to make their games better. For that reason I will buy this game when they add more content and fix current problems.
Ahhhh thought as much but thanks for letting me know am not the only one most be for when they add more missions....currently just working on my level 21 run and gun dude will complete the mission again and then just explore a ton more
But this is crescent moon. Lots of RPGs in the past. Friends of the forum. We'll get updates for sure. This isn't some newbie company trying to flog some $5 game out of the blue.
Which part of the game you at? It takes only a few shots to kill anything. In fact, this is one of the easiest shooters i have played on iOS. Are you holding down on the fire button? I only have bought a few energy cells from the Nomad traders, after that i've just picked up everything i have for ammo. I have about 40+ energy cells when i decided to fill my ammo stock coz i felt like im nearing the end of the game.
I went to Delta to get some vaccine and entered the maintenance tunnels. I'm a soldier. There are these peace robots stationed around the place. I was able to take out a few of them with my rifle but had to use grenades and the special power but still there's more of them..... And I'm out of ammo despite finding a weapon cache from using the data terminal. The robots have 35 health I think but I keep dying and going back to the entrance. Should I go somewhere and buy some more power cells or lvl up somewhere? This is only the first mission so I'm low level.
I only have about 5 energy cells going into this stage and keep running out. Should I start the game over?
Just finished the game. Pretty disappointing really. But at least it didnt really sway me into abandoning the game. Plus, huge glitch in the post-main story mission. The final part of the mission is to speak with the guy, and speaking to him only restarts the stupid mission. I spent more than half the game exploring for practically nothing. Not even sure why they decided to make the maps this huge, unless it's just to waste so much fuel cells. Too short, too easy, too bare. Kinda felt like the design team quit their job just after the reskin-job off the Shadowlands engine. Exploring a huge sector to find a couple crashed ships with a few supplies that you can actually buy at the base camp isnt worth exploring at all... Unless you're in it for the scenery. LOL. And there's like 8 weapons in the game, with only 1 missable that i know of. Even the last boss was a pushover. Anyways, it's been a decent playthrough that im glad was over. Still have huge respect for Crescent Moon Games to support their future projects. And maybe Exiles could get some update to increase the things to do in the game. The game needs more subquests, more people to give it out, and more equips. Only equips in the game are the 8 weapons which is kinda pathetic considering the amount of stuff you have in Shadowlands. Gave the game 3-stars. It would be hard to recommend a game like this especially at this price point when you can get monster premium titles that are already in the appstore.
So this is Destiny-like situation, overhyped and underdelivering? BTW: not saying that either of them are bad but I've come to see that ~6 hours in Transistor were far better than my ~30 hours in Destiny (considering I've played the DLC)
Okay... found out something that's weird. After finishing Exiles, i decided to create a new game in Ravensword Shadowlands. Upon loading, i just realized the Crescent Moon Logo in the into is animated in Ravensword Shadowlands, while it was just a static, low-res picture for the CM Logo in Exiles. I was wondering maybe an incomplete version was uploaded into the appstore? Oh well, i guess this is wishful thinking. Oh and just to add, Ravensword Shadowlands has a TON of improvements over Exiles like the quest tracking, the map system, tons of collectibles, varied monster drops (meats, skins, etc in RS, while only Carbonites in Exiles), and a lot more. I really think Exiles was just rushed, or maybe some people abandoned the project and those left were left no choice but to release it or something like that.
this is absolutely nothing like destiny. If you are excpecting anything destiny-like, you will be disappointed lol. Kinda like fallout without any content and just scenery.
Maybe they actually abandoned this for the most part awhile ago and are just working on aralon 2? N nice one man I never even thought to compare the two like that.. Lol Edit: actually I just thought that they may have already made content for like 10 updates and they are just waiting to blow our minds haha
I wasn't talking about the gameplay but of the expectation vs. actual product relation. Scenery-only Fallout seems to be then the right way to see it.