Universal Exiled Kingdoms RPG (By David Ballestrino)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Repulsa, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Welcome to TA! Exile Kingdoms is an impressive achievement. You should be proud!
  2. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    Thanks, and I'm glad you all are enjoying. I'm fairly new to the iOS world so I had no idea what to expect, but so far players seem to be enjoying the game, and that's the only thing that matters. :cool:
  3. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    #43 Angmodurian, Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
    Nice title but the game control is very clunky on tablets. You should have included an option to move around icons. Switching between bows & melee weapons are a pain & i usually died that way in the heat of battle.

    Another thing is your npc ally... well they are almost made of butter, a few hits & they are gone on the frontline. There must be some sort of greater control on your npc ally. They die in like 3-4 hits which is pretty ridiculous to have & at least make them retreat when their hp is red.
  4. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    UI on tablet: agreed, I will add additional settings to offset the controls. But you can switch weapons easily, just use quick-slots (button is besides your gold). Can you please tell me what device are you using, and if you could, where would you move the controls? thanks in advance.

    NPCs: those are mere mercenaries, cannon fodder. There are three companions in the game, which you can level up, equip, and don't die permanently. Also they have unique conversations and quests. You can also give them battle orders. One of them is not far from the beginning, the other two are in the non-free portion.
  5. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Sorry if this has been asked already, but is this a full game right out of the gate? Are the 60+ missions you get when you unlock premium a whole game or is this one of those works-in-progress apps?
  6. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    I am not sure what "one of those in progress apps" means exactly so let me assess the situation :)

    The game isn't complete yet regarding content. It includes about 50-60 hours of designed content, and potentially much more if you add exploration, willing grinding, etc. I'm not pulling these numbers out of my wizard's hat, as the game has already 325K downloads in Android and I have a lot of data.

    So really it has more content than the majority of the mobile RPGs around, but there's right now a few incomplete quests, some of them important ones, and several areas I feel must be added. I've been releasing updates very frequently, since it was released for another platform 10 months ago. Next update will be out in 2-3 weeks.

    But I'll probably keep adding content to it forever, because I love to. ;)
  7. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    That's what I was wondering. So the "conclusion" to some quests/story arcs aren't complete. Is the main story arc complete? Like if I buy this and start playing to "finish" the main game is it all the way done or will I hit a wall that you plan on building out from?

    I don't mind. I'm currently playing Lost Portal, Dungeons of Chaos, and Star Billions all of which are either not quite completed yet in terms of building out the main game content or side game content and/or are in a constant state of revision by an active and engaging developer.

    Based on your post it seems like enough people are playing your game that you're invested in continuing work on it.
  8. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    The main arc is incomplete. And indeed, main content completion is a few months away, and you can see for yourself the update rate of the game. The whole changelog is public.
  9. eksaint

    eksaint Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2015
    I'm loving this game.

    I'm surprised it's not getting more action on this site.

    Personally im enjoying it much more then I am TitanQuest or ember, both of which I enjoyed (didn't finish either) but was annoyed with how linear the gameplay was in titan quest.
  10. infinityking

    infinityking Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2015
    Man, this is one of those games, whose graphics are not so brilliant, but its plot and overall experience just blows your mind away. One of those good ol' games that doesn't scream "stunning graphics" and nothing else. A MUST GET!(hope the devs constantly updates:)
  11. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    The next update is almost ready, the tester team (around 300 people) has made a great job. I expect it to be published on the App Store in about a week.

    Thanks for playing and for the feedback!
  12. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    Just released a big update, here is the list of changes:

    v.0.8.963 14/11/16

    Content and world changes/additions

    -New areas: 1 new outdoor sector and 3 new dungeons including the Mausoleum in Deadwood. New guild halls in Freetown.
    -4 new quests! find them in Freetown guild halls. This will also point you towards the new areas.
    -Dragons, giants, and many more boss-monsters will now spawn at random hideouts through the world (level 11+ required). But be quick, and gossip around to learn their location before they are gone!
    -Dozens of new items, including armor, weapons, and 5 new types of scrolls.
    -8 new Advanced Sills available. The new trainers are in New Garand (Temple, Great Library) and in the new Freetown guild halls.

    Features and improvements

    -When you sell/buy/take/deposit stackable items, you can now select how many units.
    -Vault quickbuttons added so you can switch between vaults quickly.
    -Switch item position in vaults by tapping on one item, then on an empty slot of the vault (same as you can do with backpack)

    Balance and Adjustments

    -Maximum bumber of Advanced Skills per character raised to 8.
    -More trait points per level for the player at high levels: 3 points/level from level 16 and onwards. If you already reached those levels, you'll get the extra points now.
    -Rogue bonus to melee damage: gain +1 on level 1, then increases on levels 6,12,18 and 24.
    -Rogue skill "Stab" improved. Rank 3 and 4 now does more damage and scales up better with level.
    -Several items (in particular dragon loot) have been enhanced. A few items are now less powerful, but only for new drops (won't affect you if you already own the item).
    -XP required to reach levels 21-25 now scales up more logically. It still progresses very slowly, as level 20 is considered the "soft cap" at which you can face all the end-game challenges.
    -XP from disabling traps has been adjusted, and respawned traps no longer grant XP.
    -Personality bonus to Spirit Resistance is now +2 per point instead of +5 per point.


    -Stability improvements.
    -fixed some script failures in devices with turkish language (Where is Giles quest, and others)
    -fixed an incompatibility between cloud-saved games between different platforms. It could corrupt some data when NPCs were added to the party.
    -detection when the player was invisible was not working correctly since last update, now the player can once more be detected when approaching enemies invisible.
    -traps that respawn (like the ones in the sewers) were not meant to give XP after being deactivated once. Fixed.
  13. ojtitus

    ojtitus Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    Canton, Ohio
    Awesome, Thanks for all the hard work, I love your game!
  14. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    Awesome update, thank you David and everyone involved.
  15. infinityking

    infinityking Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2015
    Thank you for the update!! Keep it coming!
  16. Ponycakes

    Ponycakes Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 27, 2012
    No idea how I missed this; downloading now.
  17. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    No kidding. Somehow this is only hitting the TA hotlist now. At least I'll be starting one big update in!
  18. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    Thanks folks, already working on next update ;)

    If you like the game, remember to rate it on App Store, or re-rate it if you did it for an old version. It makes a huge difference, and will help to make the game bigger and better. Being new to iOS, I am surprised by the low number of ratings and reviews per download, compared to "the other platform".

    Regarding next updates, they'll focus in the main quest. Once it's completable, the biggest pending features are the Mage class and crafting.
  19. solistus

    solistus Member

    May 24, 2012
    #59 solistus, Nov 22, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
    Anyone else playing on Hard? It's... Really hard :p I am struggling to make progress on my rogue. At level 3 i can handle goblins, orcs, and wolves, but I find myself grinding a lot around the first town with frequent trips back to the inn to refresh my heal ability. Leveling to 3 didn't take too long but these low level enemies are giving pretty paltry exp as I grind slowly to 4. I have all the gear I can get from the first town and I'm not finding anything better. I tried going into a dungeon, got bum rushed by 3 zombies and went down in seconds. I guess I need to hire a merc and maybe save up for a couple potions so I can do a dungeon?

    edit: I figured it out - I totally forgot about the mine in the top right corner of the zone with the first town, and that I could buy healing potions (gotta use those sparingly, since 100 gold for 30hp is pretty steep compared to 20-something for the inn, but as an emergency option they're extremely useful). I got a new marginally better weapon there, and more importantly, it offers a pretty high density of mostly lvl 3-4 mobs and a decent loot haul, plus the one time quest reward for rescuing the prisoner there. I haven't managed to clear the back room full of imps, though - I died fighting two imps who seemed to be healing each other or something, because I didn't even put a scratch on the one I was swinging at. I dinged 4 by clearing the rest of the dungeon and turning in the rescue quest, though, and I may grind there a bit longer (maybe to 5, or maybe just to replenish my supply of potions).
  20. DavicBVal

    DavicBVal Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    My advice would be: focus on quests and use your skills tactically. The game currently takes you from level 1 to 15 just by doing the quests, and the rewards are often better than grinding as well.

    An example of how could a rogue deal with zombies... Well, first of all try to never fight three at once, and if it happens you can run away or find a doorway. Use traps or kick to split them, and stab to kill one of them quickly. Rogue is probably the hardest early class to play, it often requires lots of dancing...

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