Just bought the game and I enjoy it. It reminds me of those indie RPGs from the mid 90s that you would find on the PC except this one seems much more complete. My only complaint so far is ranged combat, in particular casting spells, which unfortunately seems pretty hit or miss. Ive wiped plenty of times at the jail cells at the beginning of the game cause my spells wouldnt activate against the guardians and jailers. Out in the open spells seem to activate better but in tight corridors they would just fizzle even if the enemy seems to be in range.
Yes, there seem to be an issue when you cast very close to a corner or door. I am working on it. EDIT: it is already fixed in the test update, should be out for iOS in about 10 days together with other improvements.
Update 1.0.1061 is out. It includes no new content but some visual enhancements will make the game look much nicer. It also fixes all the remaining known issues about the Mage class, including the failed casting in narrow corridors and the aiming of Ice Storm. If you play one of the partial-translations, this update includes a lot of new localized files. Portuguese is now 100% and we expect to have german and russian following soon. Full list of changes:http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/changelog
I don't own a iphoneX for testing, if someone here owns one and is willing to try, please contact me at [email protected] I'll make a build that I *think* solves the issue and offer it for download via Testflight.
Thank you. I still have to research the issue further. The problem is, Exiled Kingdoms is not a "standard" iOS project made in Swift/Obj. C, it is a Java project that runs in iOS through several third-party solutions. It is very likely that, in order to adapt to iOS11 and iphoneX layout, I'll need to update several such libraries, which is always a bit time-consuming because things tend to break. I'll get back to you when I have something ready, but I can't be sure if it'll be a few days or a few weeks.
Exiled Kingdoms will soon be released for desktop (including Mac, of course) Now with the shameless cross-marketing out of the way, the mobile version will of course keep getting updates. Next update will not include new content, but a few important improvements/fixes. For instance, current input of Skill buttons will be improved. Currently if you tap a skill button while your character is attacking or performing another action, the tap is ignored. From now on it will be simply delayed until you finish the current action. Also, there are a few specific iOS issues that I haven't forgotten, but will need to wait until the dust settles from the PC release. In particular, the crashy behavior from the Google Play Games connection, and the screen resolution of iPhoneX. I hope I can get into those things in a couple months. Other than that, I expect to keep releasing more content as time allows. The game is already complete, but there're still places in the map I want you guys to play, and further detail can be added to existing areas. If only I had more time!
Best of luck with the pc edition. Just be prepared for the usual "it's a mobile game so it's poop". I see that sort of reaction to a lot of mobile games that get released in the Steam Store, and sometimes they haven't even played the game. #
Thanks. Yeah, that's an usual thing to hear, but it's impossible not to draw some criticism nowadays when you expose work of any kind; in this case it's better to come from mobile and bring thousands of existing fans (and as you mention, the despise of some mobile-haters) than being entirely unknown and start from scratch...
After the successful Steam release I am now working on a new content update. More details on what to expect here: http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15604
After the successful Steam release I am now working on a new content update. More details on what to expect here: http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15604 (sorry for double post -moderators can delete this one)
If I buy the pc version can I transfer saves between that and my iOS version? If yes, can I do it easily or does it involve some sort of contorted file manipulation? #
This looks great. But I downloaded it on my iPhone 8 and all it does is crash every time I choose new game.
Please disable the achievements system, it crashes with some users since some changes were introduced in Apple/Google. I'll likely replace it with Game Center in the future.
Latest iOS updates seem to be increasing the crashes caused by Google Play Games API. I am releasing a hotfix update in the next 24-48h, it will disable the auto-login to Google Play Services so the game does not crash on start up, and I advise not to turn it on except to make a cloud save/restore if that works for you. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm already looking into replacing the achievements and cloud save; in the meantime, if you need to backup and it crashes for you please use the "export to file" method and copy it via itunes file sharing.
Since my last post here in May I've updated the game twice, including lots of new content (free for those with a full license). Last update released today on App Store (1.1.1103) introduces companion-specific quests to learn more about their backstories and also to reveal new game lore. Full list of changes: http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/changelog/ During the summer I'll try to address the iOS-specific issues that have been coming up lately (google play connection crashes, and iPhoneX resolution). I hope I can make it work as intended, but my hands are a bit tied due to the multiplatform nature of the game and the latest decisions from Apple about OpenGL support.
Do the cloud saves work in this game for iOS? So if I get a new iPhone later this year can I carry over progress to it? Also does the loot in this game have different rarities for quality? Ie rare, epic and legendary.
The cloud saves are having compatibility issues. They work for most players, but some have crashes which I'll fix by replacing the whole cloud system (or trying to) later this summer. However, you can backup your games via iTunes File Sharing, and that works fine. There's over 600 items in the game, all of them handcrafted, some common, some rare, some unique.