Universal Evilibrium: Soul Hunters (by Creative Mobile)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Gwarmaxx, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Evilibrium is number 2 on the hot games list
  2. LarkefNL

    LarkefNL Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    Love this game.

    Hey Devs,

    Great work on the game. Left a 5-star review on the Dutch App Store. Will send out a tweet later telling people to buy the game.

    I've been quite addicted so far and only feels like I'm scraping the surface. The art is amazing, the sound is great, and the game ready has a lot of depth to it.

    I've got a few suggestions and bugs that I noticed. Would you like me to post them here, or contact you somewhere else?
  3. zeroex

    zeroex Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2014
    not yet at the point where i've encountered these. i'll keep an eye out when i get there. thanks for the tips!
  4. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    From memory I finally killed him with stonewall and worm.
    It was close but stonewall was my only front line character that could withstand the goblin attacks for more than a couple of seconds. The worm is able to attack from the second position and with worm levelled up its multi attack was able to kill the goblin so long as my healer was able to fully heal the worm.

    Approx level of these three characters in my deck were;
    healer 23
    worm 19
    stonewall 39
  5. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Can not go wrong with such amazing devs! Bought!:D
  6. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    I know this recent update says contract balance . It wouldn’t at all happen to also include a nerf for the bats would it? Lol cause I did try the wisp/pixie combo you guys suggested and it didn’t work because the issue is there’s no frontline monster that can withstand the epic bats attack. Well plus their knack for dodging 90% of the time and full heal after attack lol. Now the wisp pixie combo is indeed an amazing combo it just wasn’t as successful as I’d hoped against the bats. And since the artifacts I need to evolve the rest of my mons to epic are from the 3 dungeons infested with bats ... kinda at a bit of a wall.
  7. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    Thank you!
  8. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    Thank you! We shall try it now.
  9. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    Please do post them here far all to discuss or email to [email protected] or to me [email protected] or do all three :) We need your comments to polish the game. The new update with newly balanced contracts is now live by the way.
  10. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    Sorry, we have not nerfed the bats in this update. We wanted to try something, guys. With new contract balance you should be able to earn enough coins to buy card packs more often ant thus get such cards as Syren and get epic artifatcs too. She should be very powerful especially if you place her on the stone :)
    Tell us what you think, please.
  11. LarkefNL

    LarkefNL Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    #151 LarkefNL, Feb 4, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
    Thanks! I'll get started here. :) Below is a list with some bugs, suggestions, and questions. Be assured that I love the game and that it is almost perfect. The game has some great details, functionality, and depth. I also tweeted a link to it, so I hope a few people bought it.

    • - "Voiceover" should be renamed to "Narrator".
    • - When you've killed the monsters and you play that mini-game where you can catch their souls there is a button that's named "catch" but actually the whole screen is touch-sensetive and I've had many times where my finger touches somewhere else on screen and triggers the "catch" action. This resulted that I often miss the right time to catch the souls.
    • - One of the suggestions on the black loading screen is that potions are sold at the shops in the towns. I cant find them and I am pretty sure you guys removed the purchase of potions from the game?
    • - Related to the point above. The packs you can buy with gold show that you can get potions from them. I once bought a pack and didn't get a potion. Again, I believe this is an artifact of a functionality you guys removed from the game.
    • - After you completed a task while in a dungeon, you get a message that says "This was the last. It is worth to come back to that pub for reward." The button then says "Go". To me it felt like this meant pressing "Go" meant it would take me to the store, but I didn't want to. I think renaming the button to "Okay" would remove some of that confusion.
    • - When the game language is English, and you zoom in on the map to locations you can visit (not cities) you notice another text behind the location name.
    • - It is almost impossible to see the white skull on the picture of the Will-O. I've had times where it died but I thought I could still add it to my squad.
    • - I'm often struggling when trying to drag a character from the top into the playing field. Half the time I have to slowly try again to make it work.
    • - Scrolling through my cards when I am viewing my deck feels weird. It often skips or starts again from the start when I am trying to find a card.
    • - Scrolling the "Information" part of the screen before entering a dungeon hardly ever works for me. It usually only works if I drag my finger on the little slider.
    • - On my iPhone X it took me a while to figure out how to buy items in the store. The buy button is not visible until I scroll

    • - Can you please remove the guy offering to resurrect your characters if you leave a dungeon? I've only used it once, and that was by accident, costing me 50 gold. This screen becomes really annoying when you are grinding, or stuck on a dungeon and trying it many times in a row. Now I have to be really careful each time not to select the resurrect option.
    • - I still think the bats are overpowered. But I'll play around with the most recent update a little more. It is just frustrating that I can't get to many items to upgrade my characters because the dungeons are infested with godlike bats. :D
    • - I like a good challenge but I think that the difficulty in catching the souls of the higher level monsters is too high. It's more a roulette of luck, and less a game of skill at that point.
    • - It would be nice if at a later stage the game could come with a "Guide" where you can read more about the purpose of rage, and other game elements. I like that this game has no tutorial, but it would be nice to be able to read a bit more about exactly how the game works.
    • - Have you considered giving players a (small) reward for clearing the whole dungeon before moving onwards to the next floor?
    • - How about a small reward for players taking the risk of taking going to the next floor without using the "escape" option and thereby risking to lose everything they found so far?
    • - I'd love it if cloud sync would be added to the game, so I can play both on my iPhone, and my iPad.

    • - What is the "Messages" button for?
    • - Is "The Machine" something I can unlock later in the game, or is it coming in a future update?
    • - How about the Mayor at the towns, is that part of the current game already or something that will unlock in a future update?
    • - Those other players I see moving across the map, are those really other people?

    Again, great work. Love the game. Hope the sales will improve. We need to have TouchArcade leave a review of the game on the front page. :D
  12. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    #152 OrcWorkGames, Feb 4, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
    Replying to LarkefNL
    Thanks for such a detailed response!
    - "Voiceover" should be renamed to "Narrator"
    - We shall rename asap.
    - When you've killed the monsters and you play that mini-game where you can catch their souls there is a button that's named "catch" but actually the whole screen is touch-sensetive and I've had many times where my finger touches somewhere else on screen and triggers the "catch" action. This resulted that I often miss the right time to catch the souls.
    - We are working on in but there is a bit of an issue with Unity (game engine)
    - One of the suggestions on the black loading screen is that potions are sold at the shops in the towns. I cant find them and I am pretty sure you guys removed the purchase of potions from the game?
    - Yes, you are correct. They were resurrection potions because in the original version cards that died in dungeon took time to regenerate. A feature alternative to energy in f2p. We shall remove the mention.
    - Related to the point above. The packs you can buy with gold show that you can get potions from them. I once bought a pack and didn't get a potion. Again, I believe this is an artifact of a functionality you guys removed from the game.
    - Yes.
    - After you completed a task while in a dungeon, you get a message that says "This was the last. It is worth to come back to that pub for reward." The button then says "Go". To me it felt like this meant pressing "Go" meant it would take me to the store, but I didn't want to. I think renaming the button to "Okay" would remove some of that confusion.
    - We shall look into it
    - When the game language is English, and you zoom in on the map to locations you can visit (not cities) you notice another text behind the location name.
    - Trying to figure out how so.
    - It is almost impossible to see the white skull on the picture of the Will-O. I've had times where it died but I thought I could still add it to my squad.
    - We shall look into it
    - I'm often struggling when trying to drag a character from the top into the playing field. Half the time I have to slowly try again to make it work.
    - Working on this (Unity issues).
    - Scrolling through my cards when I am viewing my deck feels weird. It often skips or starts again from the start when I am trying to find a card.
    - We shall look into it
    - Scrolling the "Information" part of the screen before entering a dungeon hardly ever works for me. It usually only works if I drag my finger on the little slider.
    - We shall look into it
    - On my iPhone X it took me awhile to figure out how to buy items in the store. The buy button is not visible until I scroll
    - Could you send a screenshot? None of us have the X.

    - Can you please remove the guy offering to resurrect your characters if you leave a dungeon? I've only used it once, and that was by accident, costing me 50 gold. This screen becomes really annoying when you are grinding, or stuck on a dungeon and trying it many times in a row. Now I have to be really careful each time not to select the resurrect option.
    - People during beta testing asked that such feature may help to save a player when dying in a deep dungeon in order not to lose the loot. Do you guys think we should go back to hardcore?
    - I still think the bats are overpowered. But I'll play around with the most recent update a little more. It is just frustrating that I can't get to many items to upgrade my characters because the dungeons are infested with godlike bats.
    - We shall look into it
    - I like a good challenge but I think that the difficulty in catching the souls of the higher level monsters is too high. It's more a roulette of luck, and less a game of skill at that point.
    - We are rethinking the approach. One idea is to have modified traps that widen the green area for second. You find those traps in dungeons and sometimes get from barmen. Gotta use them wisely. What do you people think?
    - It would be nice if at a later stage the game could come with a "Guide" where you can read more about the purpose of rage, and other game elements. I like that this game has no tutorial, but it would be nice to be able to read a bit more about exactly how the game works.
    - There will be.
    - Have you considered giving players a (small) reward for clearing the whole dungeon before moving onwards to the next floor?
    - Yes, there will be a bonus.
    - How about a small reward for players taking the risk of taking going to the next floor without using the "escape" option and thereby risking to lose everything they found so far?
    - There will be both a reward for clearing in one approach and also we plan to allow exits without losing part of the loot only once on 3 levels.
    - I'd love it if cloud sync would be added to the game, so I can play both on my iPhone, and my iPad.
    - Working on it. We had to outsource server programming and the server is almost ready. We don’t have enough money to pay the guy so will have to wait.

    - What is the "Messages" button for?
    - Bonus collection from reaching achievemnts or presents from us, devs. NOt working yet. No server as I mentioned.
    - Is "The Machine" something I can unlock later in the game, or is it coming in a future update?
    - In the next Chapter hopefully
    - How about the Mayor at the towns, is that part of the current game already or something that will unlock in a future update?
    - There will be a whole line of quests from Governing Factions
    - Those other players I see moving across the map, are those really other people?
    - Emulations at the moment but later yes, will be real people and you would be able to have certain interaction (trade, fight, train)
  13. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    The intro to the world

    Guys, allow me to post a bit of narrative about the game. Here are a few facts about the universe we created. It was planned to be be as a comics intro before the game.


    Souls of living beings are real and material enough to be used a source of energy… The moment that fact discovered by Viktor Frankenstein had been made public, the World changed. Human soul lost the divinity of its origin and became merchandise… very pricy, hard to get but still merchandise.
    The first ones to reap the “fruits” of this discovery were the richest families of Europe who owned numerous plants and factories. Steam engines sank into oblivion having been replaced by soul-reactors, all machinery now worked on the energy of myriads and myriads of captured souls. Combustion engine remained just a blueprint, an invention that no one needed because ships, planes and even automobiles were equipped with soul-reactors. The genius of Nikola Tesla created a beam weapon of terrifying power that also used the energy of captured souls. The lesser versions of it replaced rifles and machine-guns in the infantry of those countries whose governments could afford to pay for it. Business tycoons, the Industrial Alliance, gladly accepted partial barter and the poorer countries paid in souls, massively slaughtering beggars, homeless and even common folk.
    Strange abnormalities and weird creatures that appeared in such countries attracted Frankenstein’s attention. Having studied the situation Viktor came to a conclusion that the massacres happening in a single geographical point lead to rifts in the very matter of our World opening portals to outer worlds and dimensions. Creatures born under different skies entered our World through such rifts. Some of such creatures were so alien and hostile to our World that they terrorized nearby territories.
    This could not bypass the attention of Church. Vatican joined forces with other religions and created the Council of Faith and its Holy Army. They exterminated alien creatures with fire and sword and closed the rifts with the proper prayers and rituals. The Council gladly granted protection to numerous territories levying duties on them and eradicating any heresy, be it science or occult movements.
    Representatives of the latter formed a whole cast of specialists who used souls for their hideous experiments. They called themselves the Temple of Mankind advocating protection of humanity against the creatures from outer worlds. Adepts of the Temple were greatly interested in souls from the rifts but did not shun the ones from our World at all. Their deeds were not always malicious, they often put the soul energy to cure and protect people, doing it in a manner of mages from fairytales. Many lands that did not wish to comply with the tyranny of the Alliance or dictatorship of the Council asked protection of the Temple.
    It was not long until the whole of Europe had been divided between those three powerful groups: the Industrial Alliance, the Council of Faith and the Temple of Mankind. The New World and other parts of the planet soon felt their heavy steps.
    The three constantly plotted intrigues on the opponents that sometimes even resulted in wars between dependent countries. However, inside every group there was a clear understanding of the necessity to study the nature of a soul, its metaphysic attributes, options of use in our or other worlds. Each faction was successful in something of its own:
    The Industrial Alliance, seeing souls as an enormous source of energy, concentrated on extracting from them the maximum of kilo Joules and putting them to use in different devices. The subservient territories made a significant technological jump – soul reactors made possible the electrification of cities, electric automobiles, zeppelins, beam weapons and other benefits of technological progress. However, the fact that there is no life after death, made the rich live the full life here and now and the poor be ready to do anything to get richer. Morality was in decay and separation of society became more and more visible.
    The Council of Faith defied the fact that souls are not divine because no one was able to create new ones. Recognizing the energetic value of a soul they studied own souls thoroughly as well as the use of the latter without separating from body. Soldiers of the Holy Army were able to put energy of own souls into weapons and armor they wore significantly improving their attributes. However, defying the fact that a soul can be extracted from a body or be separated from it lead to limited use. The warrior’s soul energy could be placed only into specially crafted weaponry that had to be in contact with his/her body. This was the main reason for not having ranged weapons powered by souls in the Holy Army but in a melee combat they knew no match.
    The adepts of the Temple of Mankind were not really concerned if souls were divine or not and how much energy it could exactly produce. They were occupied with splitting souls into pieces, relocating and even mixing souls. Split souls were used to create “magic” amulets and talismans for themselves or for sale. By relocating whole or mixed souls from a human and vise versa the Temple created different monsters, which they used as cannon fodder in conflicts. Those creatures were fierce and merciless to anyone who happened to be near including some unlucky creators.
    In the chaos of wars and under-carpet diplomacy the three major clans did not wish to communicate openly in any manner a unique group of adventurers who became mediators and sometimes assistants had been formed. They neither supported any of the major factions nor opposed them, they did not claim any territories or strive for power. They simply fulfilled orders for soul delivery from any side without asking questions. The amount of such specialists eager for adventures and money grew and resulted in the creation of organized structure – the Brotherhood of Hunters.
    Their skills were put into a system, passed from one to another and improved with every generation. Frequent necessity to catch and deliver a substantial amount of souls lead to development of special compact traps that visually resembled playing cards, the means of crafting which were kept in a severest secret. No one knows when and how but Hunters developed a unique skill – mental control over captured souls. Some say that the skill is genetic which meant that not everyone could become a Hunter. The higher the skill level the more creatures such a person could control.
    The Hunters, invisible in the crowd but commanding pocket armies, eager for wealth or adventures, ready to dash into any dangerous place in any world or dimension…
  14. fatkit

    fatkit Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2013
    Just asked two of my friends to buy this amazing game to support the dev.
    One nit pick fix if dev can help, the app name, it shows EvilibriumSoul... on my iPhone X, hopefully dev can either shorten the name/pick another app name.
    And all of us hope the game can stay at its current state - Premium, no IAP for currencies/consumables, we all don't mind those extra contents/DLC IAPs and would love to support the dev so we can see some future chapters:) Anyways good luck to the game and dev again!
  15. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    #155 dbagga84, Feb 4, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
    Dev, the issue that Larkefnl spoke about with the text behind a dungeon level (not cities) it only happens when there’s a main story mission at those levels. The game forces you to go to the story mission and no longer allows you to explore the actual dungeon for monsters and artifacts until you beat the quest.

    The issue with the monster list at the top of the screen when you’re choosing which 3 to bring to a fight. I don’t know what’s it’s like on an iPhone X but on a regular iPhone (mines a 8 plus) I’m constantly (almost always) pulling down the phones notification screen because the monster portraits are too close to the invisible tab up there.
  16. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    hay guys, really good intro story for the universe!

    have a question > why accasionally enemy souls are under lock, so impossible to catch?
  17. eugenemcardle

    eugenemcardle Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2013
    Retired, Math/Science Teacher, Air Force Electron
    Redcliffe Queensland Australia
    Love the back story, give me more as soon as possible muhaaaaaaaaw����
  18. ssxia

    ssxia Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    #158 ssxia, Feb 5, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
    OK I am back. So what's your guys thoughts on bats again? Now I have level 44 Legendary skeleton and level 44 Legendary wolf, and lvl 30 healer(missing the only 1 artifact that can be obtained in the 10 level dungeon, which I can only clear the first level), I can beat one EPIC bat using the wolf or skeleton's skill, if it stands in the front. But if there are two EPIC bats, I am as dead as mutton, as I still don't have anything that can stand in the front to withstand the attack.

    Other bugs:

    1. You can catch legendary stone, but you find out that it is only a C after you catch it.
    2. I still can not drop the quests I accepted after the update.
    3. I have no way to know which city I accepted the quest on the quest log, so there is no way I can know if I am dropping the correct quest.

    Upcoming updates I really look forward to
    1. nerf the bats, or at least make the bats appear lesss often as purple colour mini boss
    2. less monster pop-up on the dungeon map
    3. increase the chances for the artifacts to envolve rare to EPIC
    4. present several quests to choose from, instead of only 1 every time
    5. more useful artifacts or souls for the proper level of hunter. lvl 16 hunter bonus gift only includes a rare soul and some useless artfifacts are not proper gifts. I have 2 lvl 44 legendary cards already, even though I am still not lucky enough to get a rare artifact for my healer and worm.

    I am a patient gamer, as you see that I already have 2 lvl 44 legendary cards. but it is so frustrating that farming 1-2 hours one the same dungeon again and again everyday but still no luck finding the artifcat you want. the frustration makes me thinking about giving up the game.
  19. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    Yes. Some are impossible to catch. This will change once Hero skill tree is introduced. Catchability :) of souls will depend on your hunter skill level. The lower it is the more locks you see and vice versa.
  20. OrcWorkGames

    OrcWorkGames Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    We are trying to fix this. It will take a bit more that we thought.

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