Universal EverCrawl - Pixelart Roguelite (by Luka Parascandalo)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Brightsiderus, Oct 16, 2022.

  1. twohoots

    twohoots Active Member

    Aug 20, 2017
    The archer is definitely easier than the fighter. Got to the (end?) boss this run.

    ZombieKillerNOLA and Jstorm like this.
  2. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle

    Boom baby. Haven’t even unlocked all the classes yet (one more to go). The Healer is a BEAST, and the lancer is my second fav.
  3. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    #23 Anotherkellydown, Oct 20, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
    Nice job, Echo! Agreed on the Healer. I also like the Lancer :)

    I’ve 3 starred all the heroes except the Fighter and the Knight. I’ve been using the healer with fully upgraded potions. If you can keep your health full you can plow through the enemies like butter with her.

    Edit: I think I almost made it to the end that last run!
  4. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014

    Just beat the game with the Knight, in my opinion he is underrated absolutely.
  5. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    #25 macplash, Oct 23, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
    Seeing all these crazy runs from you guys I guess I’m doing something wrong. My overall best so far is like 50 steps. Also leveling up the characters doesn’t feel as significant as I’d hope. Not to mention the overall game mechanics being pretty straightforward so it’s hard for me to see where can I actually get better. Sometimes I die to very first enemy when I miss three times in a row and that’s something I can’t influence. Or can I? Any tips for beginners? I only unlocked archer so far and it seems I’m doing even worse than with the fighter.

    EDIT: of course, right after I complained a little my very first attempt looked like this: 50CF9545-D23B-4EB6-A597-C4000E60FCB6.png
  6. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    I can give you some tips.

    Invest a few levels in the health potion and Kunai. For health potion at the least invest until the power says 2. That means a use heals a full heart.

    Do not waste items on the ground, even if you have a key. Just swap, use the item, then grab the key.

    Do not use kunai to finish off enemies when there are multiple enemies in the view. Just hit them once, and you can finish them off yourself.

    Use a kunai/an arrow to check if an unlocked chest is a mimic or not. A chest won’t react if it is not a mimic.
    aussiepaul, macplash and Lull4by like this.
  7. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    #27 Lull4by, Oct 23, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
    1. The Fighter is not a friendly class for beginner actually, since he is a close combat class with HIGH skill cooldown, most of the time you don't have chance to one shot an enemy, which means you would get damaged easily, it is not worthy to level up him from the beginning at all, just save money to unlock the Archer and level up her.

    2. The Archer is better since her skill can attack enemy from a far distance, attack the enemy that you felt hard to deal with first, it is good to check boxes as well if needed, with higher chance to dodge enemy's attack and really LOW skill cooldown, you can survive longer compared to the Fighter absolutely.

    3. Boxes are important, you can get resources from it like coins, shields, disposable weapons and the most important one "POTION", so just try your best to get more boxes if possible, there is a chance to meet an enemy though.

    4. There are 3 kind of boxes, one is the wooden box, another one is the box that looks a little bit different, you can get even more resources from it, however there is a chance that you would meet the Mimic which is hard to deal with, if you have weapons that can deal long range attack you better check it first from a distance. The third one is the locked box without any chance to meet enemy, you need a key to open it though.

    5. Calculate the path before you move, it is important to meet enemy first so you can attack them first and got less damage.

    6. Remember to level up items like Potion, which can save you when you need it!

    7. Know your enemy and choose who to deal with first, or even leave them alone when you are low on hp.
    aussiepaul and macplash like this.
  8. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Lull4by likes this.
  9. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014

    Just try to beat the game with Thief, it is TOUGH as hell but rewarding highly at the same time.

    Here is the final boss fight clip I recorded for those who are interested.

    Jstorm and Anotherkellydown like this.
  10. twohoots

    twohoots Active Member

    Aug 20, 2017
    This has grown on me quite a bit since my first post.

    I’m curious if there are some bugs regarding interactions or whether it’s working as intended. For example, the lancer’s special ability doesn’t activate the trapped chests, which I would expect it to. I’d also personally like to see the spike traps work against the enemies for consistency.
  11. Raztog

    Raztog Active Member

    Apr 11, 2011
    Is there ever an unlock to hold more than one thing at a time? I hate dropping keys for health pots!
    aussiepaul likes this.
  12. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    I haven’t completed the game yet so I can’t say for sure, but no. Lol

    The best way I’ve found is to use up any items you pick up, then swap back to your other item before moving forward. I usually try to keep a key for the chests so I run into this a lot. Using ranged weapons, clear the screen of all enemies (or prioritize them if ammo is low) and generally try to think about what will work best in the current situation. Don’t forget to pick up your original item though - I’ve done that several times and I always let out a moan of frustration!
    aussiepaul likes this.
  13. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    Just to echo what @twohoots said because it’s important:

    Use targeted ranged attacks on chests. Real chests stay chests and you will end up with far more goodies. I barely take keys on runs where I have a decent supply of Kunai or on the archer.
    aussiepaul and Anotherkellydown like this.
  14. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Good point! I’ve been avoiding/ignoring the regular chests but I’ll have to adopt your strategy and shoot those chests. Perhaps I was too focused on always getting a key.

    Side note: the color palettes in this game are great. Not all of them are the best for using all the time but some of them are so good I forget to switch back to old faithful default color. “Accent” is one of my favorites because of the Downwell look. Then of course you have GB and GB2.
  15. Roxton

    Roxton Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2015
    Finished a run with the thief. It’s a tidy little joy of a game.

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