Universal Euclidean Lands (by kunabi brother GmbH)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    :D hehe, someone gets me :) thanks for playing, and I hope you have fun!

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Yeah I have fun, the game is great specialy since it's done by one man, very impressive, the best level so far for me was Level 23 Weightless it reminded me a bit of Monument Valley, it took me the longest to complete.
  3. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    #63 y2kmp3, Mar 13, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
    I finally found a truly elegant solution for Level 22. 8 moves (previously I got 9 moves) required. This means only 2 "wasted" translational moves, not counting the last move to reach the exit.

    I agree with Roger-NL, level 23 is superbly clever!!! Solution is so elegant.

  4. Does that mean a move counter is coming?

    And any chance you can show how many flags a specific attempt gets even after you've earned all three?
  5. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Yes, right now, it is shown when you click on the sub-menu icon only - it shows you current amount of moves - moves: 6
    I don't feel comfortable putting it straight to game screen. And probably in the big menu with level selection, something like minimal moves requirement.
    As for the flags, eh, maybe, but not in this update. Or at the end of the level, you are shown the count.
  6. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Since you are considering showing the move count, can you also show the target par value for each level then? Might as well go all the way. It is important for players who want to match the best possible solution (at least the ones for which you are aware). :)

  7. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Ok, how about thiss : "moves: 4/6" where 4 is current move count and 6 is ideal move count
  8. Wait, the current version shows how many moves you made so far? Because I can't find that anywhere.
  9. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Oh sorry, didn't make myself clear. Right now, as in the way I am implementing it now here's an image.
  10. Ah ok great, thanks. I think that's how Deus Ex GO did it (at least until you solved a level at least once).
  11. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Can you please post (as a spoiler if needed) in detail explaining the rotational rules of Level 24? I don't understand your previous explanation, and I am not convinced that the rules (whatever they are) are being applied correctly and consistently in all cases.
  12. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    They are. Again, there is one rule, with three verison.Spoiler below with images.

    It all depends on what side of the cube player is standing on. 24 is especially difficult because it's not a cube.
    So, if you are standing on a plane, that is oriented to the top (so like in our world), you will always be rotated to the appropriate left facing side.

    This rotation will happen, no matter how you rotate the world(by dragging on the background), so that is what you need to use. Rotate the world, make a move, rotate, move...

    Now, if you are standing on any left facing side, you will be rotate to the back, and if you are on left side, you will be rotated to the top.

    Overal strategy is easy : configurre the worlld, make a move, get to the teleport, and once there get to the boss. All enemies die with the boss.
    Let me know if this helps :)
  13. Wait,
    all enemies die with the boss? Is it the same with the level 16 boss? I can't remember.
  14. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Yep it is. As you regain your power with his defeat, running after smaller enemies seemed pointless
  15. Ah ok. That explains how I beat 16 without learning the pattern. I think I was just too happy to be through it to consider how it happened. :p
  16. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    #76 ROGER-NL, Mar 13, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
    Compared to level 30, level 24 is a walk in the park, this is really hard.

    Got it!
  17. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    #77 y2kmp3, Mar 14, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017

    Thank for the tip. As soon as I read the first line of your clue, I understood what the intention of the rotational or pivot rules was and am able to figure out the remaining ones on my own. The system is extraordinarily clever, as it aptly provides all 3 axes of rotations to fully maneuver the cubic structure. The forced counterclockwise or clockwise rotation is what confused me originally, leading me down an erroneous path in trying to deduce the system. I also mistakenly believed previously that the rotation or pivot depended on the cardinal direction of the player character's movement, which turned out to be completely irrelevant.

    The "importance" (without spoiler) of the boss relative to minions needs to better signposted. Despite the previous boss fight, I mistakenly believed that I needed to dispose all of them to solve the level.

    With this said, I found a solution that uses only 9 moves for level 24. Extremely efficient and elegant solution. I presume that this is the intended solution. If so, I am truly impressed.
    is important. Unable to find a solution without using it.

    BTW, is the enemy counter for level 24 incorrect? I said there are 8 enemies. I counted only 6 enemies (5 minions and 1 boss). Don't think I missed any ones that were hidden out of view (like the bottom).

    Also, for the spikes, such as level
    , how do I know if a spike I set will go through the ground (as opposed to a spike that stays above ground only) to also emerge on the other side? This is important
    because I can leverage it to kill enemies on BOTH sides of the column or row which I pivot.
    In particular, if this mechanic is intended, this otherwise complex level can be completed in only 2 moves! But is there a way to make this happen consistently?

  18. Thunderchild

    Thunderchild Member

    Mar 13, 2017
    Lvl 39

    Okay, 4 centaurs, 2 pikemen. Portal holds the same position as the green button, therefore ending turn 4 on green = incapable of getting to the portal. Given the portal location and starting position = hitting the portal on the fourth move seems required, which means killing 4 centaurs in 3 moves, the pikemen don't move which means you hitting 4 plates in 3 moves (as green can't be used, and the centaurs can hit the plate to kill the pikemen).

    When someone gets lvl 39, please give me a heads up as I'm getting vexed
  19. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    hey, playing it now with morning coffee.Spoiler/advice :
    on the first turn, you kill one one centaur with trap, and two pikemen by having another centaur trigger black trap.Then you have 4 turns and three enemies. There are corner traps and center traps,you need to kill enemy every turn and then go to portal. Hope it helps :)
  20. Thunderchild

    Thunderchild Member

    Mar 13, 2017
    Lvl 39

    I agree, my issue remains that after three moves every centaur faces into the centre, thus making the only available trap "green", which is situated on a corner plate. Which when used makes the portal in my current state nigh on impossible to access. I can kill everything in 4 moves, but by doing so, the portal kinda mocks me. And I'm having trouble working out the logic whereby starting on a corner, any combination of 5 steps has me finishing on a corner

    But tell me it exists, and to get biblical, I'll either get it on the third day or my iPad will require resurrecting.

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