Universal Euclidean Lands (by kunabi brother GmbH)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Dev Here

    Hey everyone, I'm Miro, guy who made the game. First of all, thanks for the interest in the game, it feels great :)
    Now, let's adress the issues her, I will work hard on the next update:
    1. - Yes, it is a move counter. Having flag rewards was never a big part of the game, and I'm not a completionist, but you are right, I need to make it clear somewhere. I was thinking after level finish, you get flasg and a number, like "you moved 5 times" or smth.
    2. - Boss fights. To pass level 24 you need to understand the principle. It is same in all boss fights. Look into how color of piedestal of the boss changes when you make a move. Also, if he is guarding three tiles, you need a shield, which only lasts one attack. Spoiler below for the superfrustrated :
    It depends how the world is rotated and what color are you standing on. So in the first boss fight, you if you are on the blue side of the cube, he will rotate you to the back, and so on. Three rules. So you need to use the world rotation to control which side are you on, before you make a move.
    Again, lvl 24 is the toughest one in the game, and maybe it was not so smart to include it.
    3. - I'm not sure about undo button. That just makes is super easy. I might consider limited undo per evel or smth. Let's see!
    I hope you don't give up on the game because of these, and wait for the next update! I'm super tired and going to sleep soon, but I'll be back here tmw :)
  2. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #42 Misguided, Mar 12, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
    Thank you for the post. The problem, as I see it, is the introduction of multiple new rules at the same time. If those rules had been introduced separately (even just one of them, so the player understood that which face of the cube they were on was important), then they could be combined in a new way that would feel rewarding to the player, rather than feeling random and punishing, as it currently does. Just my two bits.

    If the idea that standing on a particular face would rotate the cube in a certain direction is introduced, it then becomes a much more reasonable task to figure out the other movements when they are introduced, because the player already has established a framework that says moving on a particular face of the cube can result in a particular rotation.
  3. I sent Denis some feedback, especially explaining why 24 seemed broken to me at first. But even once I realized the angle determines what happens, I didn't have much wish to dive in and figure out the pattern when there isn't much freedom to just mess around. That's where an undo button would help.

    Btw, if it's the hardest level in the game, why not keep it for last, as an extra challenge for those who get through the rest?
  4. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    #44 y2kmp3, Mar 13, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
    Here is a good example to illustrate the depth of puzzles in this game, even if this following solution turns out to be an unintended one.

    For level 14, the intention is to use the shield to get into an initial safe position and then work your way to dispose the enemies one by one, ending at the last enemy standing on the exit.

    However, it turns out that it is entirely possible NOT TO USE THE SHIELD and still completes the level with the SAME EFFICIENCY (in the number of moves your player character makes). See screenshot to illustrate.


    Miro, are you aware of this solution? If so, what is the point of the shield since it was unnecessary to solve the puzzle with the same efficiency to score 3 flags?

    Regardless, I am extremely impressed by the unique mechanics this game is able to demonstrate so far. Also, thank you for making the game iOS 8 compatible, so that gamers like me who are too stubborn to upgrade the firmware can still enjoy this amazing puzzle!

    PS: This screenshot does not spoil the puzzle, as the differences in the solutions lie in the middle.

  5. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    This exactly. Since boss mechanics are reverted game mechanics, not everyone might be on board with that, and maybe there should be a skip button on these. I didn't put this one at the end of the game, because there are new mechanics introduced later, that I would need to use there. IDK. Now, I'm thinking a little arrow in the boss level indicating direction of the rotation, so you can prepare.
  6. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Hey, nice that you noticed that! :) thanks for playing!
    While I am aware, I did not expect many players using that solution, and there is a shield in that level for one simple thing : To teach you that you'll lose it after the first attack! This might not have been entirely clear from two levels before, and I needed reminder before thee boss.
  7. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Yes, there's no point in pretending otherwise. I thought it's enought to show it in the first boss fight, but there's already a lot happening there, so it's tough. I am thinking of showing a little indicator, ass to where is cube going to be rotated, so players can anticipate better.
  8. 19civciV

    19civciV Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    Level Designer, Social Media Marketing & Managemen
    Nantes, France
    #48 19civciV, Mar 13, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
    I really like the levels after lvl.24 with the dark spikes, they are very challenging and fun !

    But yeah here's my little feedback :
    . I agree with the undo feature : actually it's frustrative when you are killed because of a wrong rotation and without possibility to comeback where you are

    . The 3 missions are not clear for me : how to unlock the 3 flags for each level ? Btw I'm not sure I will go throught all those levels again... they are fun to play, but I feel it will be very frustrative to get a look of the perfect play without any "hint" or something like in Hitman Go

    Btw good job for this game !
  9. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    They aren't separate missions. You get three for completing the level in the minimum number of figure moves (rotations do not count)
  10. Thunderchild

    Thunderchild Member

    Mar 13, 2017
    Lvl 39

    Can I just confirm lvl 39 is working as intended? I just can't see a way given the portal position to get there in 5 moves or get there in 4 while taking out the centaurs.
  11. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Wow you're far!!! thanks a lot for playing. Yes, it is as intended. Don't forget enemies can step on trap triggers too. Let me know how it goes!
  12. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Miro, can you confirm that in Level 22 that it is possible to dispatch an enemies with EACH SINGLE step so that at no time you need to take an extra step before reaching the exit?

  13. This is why I wanted a move counter. :p

    I got 3 flags on that one, but it was not easy. Can't remember if I took any extra steps tho.
  14. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    #54 y2kmp3, Mar 13, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
    The danger of this kind of puzzle is that you can stumble upon a working solution by brute force or by chance without actually understanding what you have actually done. Unless I can reliably reproduce a solution, I actually don't consider a level solved. It is because of this I am progressing quite slowly in this game.

    AppUnwrapper, can you replay this (level 22) level to see if you can rediscover your own solution to see if you took any extra steps?

    PS: Getting 3 flags for this level is very doable, as the tolerance is set quite high. The problem I have is that all of my solutions require extra steps.

  15. I just realized that the game doesn't show the flags you got on a replay if you already got 3 before. I assumed it would, but I guess that means I don't know for sure that the video I made even is really all 3-flags.

    Usually a game shows you how many stars your current attempt gets you even if you already 3-starred the level.
  16. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Level 24 has the same mechanic as level 16, did it the second time, when your character is on the right you go up and when he is left you go left when you move and when you are on top you go down left.
  17. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Hey, just checked, you have 10 moves to get 3 flags, so not each turn. This level was problematic often, so I left a big reserve. If you're a completionist, maybe wait for the update, where this will be clearer! Thanks for giving it a shot!
  18. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Thanks for the disclosure. This was most helpful. I have a solution that uses only 9 moves. As there are 5 enemies in this level, this means that my solution "wastes" 3 moves that are purely translational in nature and then 1 final move to reach the exit.

  19. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    I understand why the dev. would not implement an undo button it would make the game too easy I think.
  20. EuclideanLands

    EuclideanLands Active Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    :D Congrats. It's quite possible that I only managed to make it with 10! Empty moves are kinda needed with moving enemies on bigger cubes, otherwise it would be too dense.

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