We're doing a small update for Ernie vs Evil. Here is a list of what we'll be doing for September 8th. This update is going through for both iOS and Android. General Fixes: - Polishing up menu navigation - Art change in menus and buttons for better clarity Bug Fixes: - Fixed movement bug with Priest and Redman the first two bosses - Fixed bug of Ernie going off screen post tutorial
The Ernie update is live as of last night! We've already got another update planned so obviously I want to hear from everyone on the forum. What would you guys like to see for the next one?
love this game. when these small developers put this much work in a game i can't help but support them
Ernie vs Evil Update 5: -Mirror girl enemy needs a white flash frame when getting hit in shield mode. Also said enemy should take minimized damage while in shield mode -Sniper bullets should not be destroyed by enemy projectiles -Awoken laser does not damage player this will be fixed. -Make main menu start button hit box larger -Nurse needle will be enlarged -Make “no ammo” indication more obvious -Low gun meter will have an indication for the player -Reduce weakness penalty for blue gun meter -Special laser/shooting bullets stays ontop of game over overlay -Show highest combo results for both modes -Extend weapon function actor all the way to the edge of the left side -Boss 1 and 2 leave screen sometimes and will now be fixed -Fancier system font -Rearrange upgrade store -Redo button art in tutorials menu -Various menu art tweaks/changes This is the to do list straight from Kamil, we don't have a finalized finish date but I'll keep everyone posted as we get a good idea of it. - Lawrence
Hi this is Kamil bringing you news about the update for Ernie vs Evil. Things went well at A Videogame Con. We had a booth there and people were enjoying the game. I took this opportunity to take some more notes of any little polishes,tweaks, and bugs from all the people playing. Luckily we were able to spot some things that I'm going to fix for the upcoming update. Currently I polished up the buttons in the tutorial select menu. Before the art we used for the buttons were simple text and did not really look like buttons to many people playing. I've also replaced the art for the syringe that the nurse enemy throws at the player. I've increased the size and made the syringe more vibrant to make it easier for players to see while playing. Next up on the list I will be working on extending the area on which the player can tap to shoot. We don't have a release date yet for this next update but we are all ears if there are any suggestions you guys may have. Thanks and stay tuned! -Kamil
I very much enjoying this great game by a very good developer that listen to their fans and brings constant uodates
Another update on the next update Hello, this is Kamil again bringing you up to date on our next update. Last time I worked on some polishes with the text and various other visual tweaks. Right now I am trying to re-balance the gun meter so it is a bit more forgiving. Also while many people were playing Ernie at A Videogame Con, players often did not realize they were out of ammo or their gun meter was really low (causing their attacks to be significantly weaker). So as part of the following update and previously mentioned on the list above, I am currently working on making certain important indications more apparent such as having no ammo or low gun meter level. Here are screen shots of some of the things i have finished so far.
Update Release Date The next update will go live on October 10th! There are a ton of fixes and graphical updates in this one as we listed above. Check out some screenshots from the new version:
Ernie update is a few days away! Hey guys its Kamil here to let you know how things are going with the next update for Ernie vs Evil. We are coming up pretty close to the deadline and Ive pretty much finished most of the little cosmetic changes and tweaks in the game. There were several hud modifications ive made with regards to notifying players of important things. Players, amidst all the action, often forget to pay attention to things like their ammo. So now when you have no ammo on your currently equipped gun, text will now flash dead center to remind players that they have other guns. Another change is that now when your gun meter is low, there will be text on top of the meter flashing accompanied with sound to alert the player. Next, Ive made some visual and ai tweaks with some of the enemies. One for example is the Awoken grunt enemy type. This enemy used to shoot laser beams but it provided to be too buggy and troublesome so I have modified its attack to be something more simple. Also now the HUD will display the current level on the top right corner of the screen. These are some of the fixes i have done to the game in addition to many other things. The remaining important things are tweaking some of the rules and logic to improve load times and some gameplay balance issues and usability. Thanks everyone, hope you guys enjoy the next update! CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO!
Nice! I was an early adopter and it's nice to see you guys so communicative and updating like this. To say you guys are dedicated is a true understatement! Billy
Thanks Billy! Just like you we love to play games as well and continually try to improve the experience. And what better way then to be talking directly to you guys! - Kamil