The new "Burner" type weapons are pretty strong. Basically, it leaves corrosive damage-over-time on the spot where you shoot the enemies even if you stop shooting. The biggest advantage is if you are keep firing at that enemy, the shot damage stacks with the corrosive damage and it's pretty powerful. On the downside, very mobile enemies can take a while to take out coz they can avoid more of the DoT effect.
Just got done playing through the first and second levels of the campaign, and I can already tell this is going to blow Epoch 1 out of the water. The Fast Reload is also a great feature, especially for thinning hordes of weak enemies in a pinch with he damage bonus. The second level was a rude awakening, though, in terms of difficulty. I need to get much more used to employing counters and booster abilities if I'm going to beat this game, I realize. Just being an artful dodger won't cut it.
True... This game doesnt have the very casual Easy difficulty of EPOCH.1 anymore. I'd say it's somewhere between Normal and Hard. The hard part isnt exactly hard per se, it's just that there are tons of new enemies that we need to understand their attack and movement patterns yet. Really like the new "zombie" type robots
Me too, I was like whaaaat when I first encountered them. So then is the burner weapon the acid effect? Or is it Spoiler fire like the sand worm boss
Forgot to mention that the burner type weapons can hit enemies in cover which is a pretty good advantage for it.
I am finding that last nights shopping cart load of digital goodness has not left me with a single disappointment! Of the 8 games I bought last night, not a single one has let me down including this one! What a great game and such a step up from the first!
Gorgeous game, from first impressions. Great improvements over the first, mostly. But some quibbles, as always: 1) Why does Amalia look so different from the first game? 2) Speedload: that white bar is way too small. For me it is really only sheer luck to hit it, so I stopped bothering right in the first mission. 3) Too much stuff going on: Sometimes there is just too much to do, especially when e.g. those small thingies you need to tap away(? Guess so, only thing I found I can do with them) show up en masse, stage 3 or 4 I think that was. 4) The constantly respawning enemies are a nice idea, but get stale very fast. Epoch is difficult enough as it is. Was throwing in even more stuff really neccessary? 5) The "punchout" you can sometimes do is a nice addition. But together with all the other things (see 2-4), it just adds more to pay attention to. Overall, really great game. Only feels way more stressful than the first, and I am only at mission 5. Would have preferred the less frantic pace of Epoch1.
1. I guess she aged. And now has shorter hair. 2. I've always been ok with the white and gray. That, and each weapon has a different white and gray bar setup. It isnt necessary to bother with it, but getting a small damage boost when hitting white in addition to an instant full reload is a good incentive in doing so. This said, some weapon types still reload instantly even when reloading while standing up. 3. You can duck into cover then tap those drones. This is what made the first a little monotonous. Now with all this variety, it's a lot more dynamic. 4. Having them spawn in more regular intervals is better than the first's "per wave" system. It still kinda is, but there is more freedom in the spawn rate this time around. 5. It seems like OHKO Dive Attacks occur more times if you have reloaded on whites (not sure about this though). The best thing about these, is that you can have a different target (like a boss for example) and then you can pick the little enemies out with the OHKO attack. I agree things get a lot more hectic in EPOCH.2, but i see it as making it more dynamic than the first's sort-of monotonous tempo. To balance things out, EPOCH is a lot more durable in part2 to give some breathing room with all that's going on. Also, there's lots of Slows, Barriers, Heals, Life Steals and Decoys to give some more extra time to sink in what's going on in the action. Not sure what drones do, as i havent bought one to test out yet.
Great game, loving the homing attacks. I wish the zombie robots come less frequently, as it feels like they're in almost every boss wave to some capacity. Really loving the homing weapons and the burner, though I can't figure out exactly what they've upgraded in them for the second tier and beyond. I miss those info screens that explain all the upgrades. I was pleasantly surprised that the weapon damage bonus per level scales with the gun, so for example the sniper gets an extra 10 damage whereas the standard chaingun might get only 1 extra damage per hit. This will keep harder-hitting guns relevant in the endgame. I'm not really liking the sniper. Just seems like it's more difficult to use than it's really worth, especially when the action gets really hectic. Tiny clip size + being vulnerable for a second or so each time you fire + abysmal reload speed makes the game a lot harder than it needs to be. There might be some situations that are easier with the sniper, especially if I use a barrier booster in conjunction with it, but for now it doesn't seem to be useful.