It's "departure from the mold" not "departure from the mould" - it's mild as in a ceramic mold not the green stuff that grows on walls
Are you going to be bringing in push notifications? It would help immensely in this type of multiplayer game.
I prefer it by far, I mean the option for both is actually the best but if I had to chose one it would be asynch. Been playing the new hero academy 2 which has changed from async to live and I really don't like the change.
I'm seriously considering purchasing this game. It looks sweet. But I'd like to know more about the game so that I don't waste my time. Is it like Starcraft where you essentially start from scratch at the beginning of every battle. Or is it more like Clash Royale where you spend time leveling up your units to make them stronger. So the longer you play, the stronger you get. I like the RPGish progression of units, where you collect resources to level up your troops outside of battle.
Yea feels very refined - enjoying it as well. It's not too different from the tried and true formulas of the previous' but that's a good thing! The subtle humor is nice too, as always.
Anyone tried multiplayer yet? It's still a bit sparse being only a day old but I'm hoping our new focus on keeping things moving (literally, like sacking the supply line stuff) should make for faster games than our previous outings. Would love some feedback either here or on our forum, thanks.
Have played all in the series so far. Buddy and I played the ELWG beta multiplayer. Enjoyed it a lot. We are always looking for asynchronous multiplayer strategy games and this fits the bill nicely. We missed fog of war and getting turn ready notifications.
Not yet, it's been a while so I'm playing campaign to refresh my memory and get some practice In first.
Getting some weird audio glitches almost like distortion in explosions and loud events like copters landing guys. On IPad Air.
So what is planned for the Friends tab for online play? Any plans for turn notifications for the asynchronous multiplayer mode?
Judging from the rubicon forums, the push notifications have to synced across all platforms, so you can switch between devices at will. Insta-bought on steam and iOS, am glad this made it out the door - GLWG was what originally got me into TBS games Hope its a financial success for you guys!