Endless Road - Roguelike Card Game (by ZhangZhu(Hangzhou) Cultural and Creative) Endless Road ZhangZhu(Hangzhou) Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. A roguelike card game that’s simple yet incredibly complex: Use a variety of equipment and skill combos to defeat the vi… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsA roguelike card game that’s simple yet incredibly complex: Use a variety of equipment and skill combos to defeat the vile creatures lurking along the endless road. Each fork in the road will test your decision-making abilities on this twisted, immersive journey. Game Features Four roles, each with different active skills. Use dozens of equipment, jewelry, and gemstones to improve your stats and cards. Randomly generated levels. Heaps of game events and unlockables. Immersive graphics and music complement a twisted storyline. One step at a time All you know is what's at the next forking. Will you see it through to the end? 1. Four Classes Choose one of four character classes, each with their own fighting characteristics. Try out their unique talents and find special equipment that is tailored to each class. You may even switch between characters if you found a cool item that you’d like to see in action! 2.Tabletop Game Map There’s two styles and four layers of maps (with more to be added shortly), all in the style of tabletop role-playing games. Each time you enter a new map, the content, events, and combat objects are randomly generated. Exploring the map and fighting battles will drain your strength points. Don’t let them drop down to zero or you’ll soon experience negative effects, so always remember to eat and tend to your wounds. Restore your lost memory and let the sophisticated and twisted plot unfold by collecting the letters that were left behind. 3. Tons of Rewards You’ll come upon lots of hidden treasures along your journey, all with different powerful abilities. There’s some super-rare powerful legendary equipment, spells that restore your health, food, traps, camouflaging fragrances, hard cash, and so on. 4. Unforgiving Battle The core mechanism of the battle is simple to learn, yet hard to master: You’ll need to calculate and combine cards, spells, and talents to surpass the total points in your opponent’s hand. However, sometimes it’s wise to defend rather than attack, or set traps and develop a long-time strategy to out-smart the enemy. Your foes may have the power, but you have the brains! 5. Improve Your Skills Depending if you defeat a boss or be defeated, you will be taken to one of two types of interface: When you defeat a boss, you won’t be able to switch classes or modes, but you can buy equipment to replace the existing one. When you die after a battle, you can switch classes or modes but you will not be able to improve your skills. 6. Unlock Achievements There’s a lot of achievements to be unlocked and various game modes and difficulties that guarantee good late-stage challenges and a high replayability on top of it all. Future updates will further expand the gaming experience. Game Design Unlike most independent game studios, we do not want to express deep truths and profound thoughts through this game. Don’t get us wrong, it’s incredible that games can tell a story that can change your life. But when we design a game, the actual “playing” part is what comes first. We believe that the fun aspect of a game is the most important, so a fun and smooth game experience is our top priority. Everything else, from graphics and sounds to story line, will be subject to the core game mechanics. (P.S.: Actually, we’d still like to express some content: Maybe this game will teach you that there is no turning back on this endless road that we call life. Each turn you decide to take will make your journey a unique one. Sure, you’ll need some luck, but the key thing to success is to grasp it!) Information Seller:ZhangZhu(Hangzhou) Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. Genre:Card, Strategy Release:Dec 28, 2018 Updated:Jan 18, 2019 Version:1.04 Size:355.3 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal nyanpass Well-Known Member Dec 30, 2017 3,374 1,043 113 #2 nyanpass, Jan 5, 2019 * Endless Road - Roguelike Card Game A roguelike card game that’s simple yet incredibly complex : Use a variety of equipment and skill combos to defeat the vile creatures lurking along the endless road. Each fork in the road will test your decision-making abilities on this twisted, immersive journey. Game Features : - Four roles, each with different active skills. - Use dozens of equipment, jewelry, and gemstones to improve your stats and cards. - Randomly generated levels. - Heaps of game events and unlockables. - Immersive graphics and music complement a twisted storyline. One step at a time All you know is what's at the next forking. Will you see it through to the end? 1. Four Classes Choose one of four character classes, each with their own fighting characteristics. Try out their unique talents and find special equipment that is tailored to each class. You may even switch between characters if you found a cool item that you’d like to see in action! 2. Tabletop Game Map There’s two styles and four layers of maps (with more to be added shortly), all in the style of tabletop role-playing games. Each time you enter a new map, the content, events, and combat objects are randomly generated. Exploring the map and fighting battles will drain your strength points. Don’t let them drop down to zero or you’ll soon experience negative effects, so always remember to eat and tend to your wounds. Restore your lost memory and let the sophisticated and twisted plot unfold by collecting the letters that were left behind. 3. Tons of Rewards You’ll come upon lots of hidden treasures along your journey, all with different powerful abilities. There’s some super-rare powerful legendary equipment, spells that restore your health, food, traps, camouflaging fragrances, hard cash, and so on. 4. Unforgiving Battle The core mechanism of the battle is simple to learn, yet hard to master: You’ll need to calculate and combine cards, spells, and talents to surpass the total points in your opponent’s hand. However, sometimes it’s wise to defend rather than attack, or set traps and develop a long-time strategy to out-smart the enemy. Your foes may have the power, but you have the brains! 5. Improve Your Skills Depending if you defeat a boss or be defeated, you will be taken to one of two types of interface: When you defeat a boss, you won’t be able to switch classes or modes, but you can buy equipment to replace the existing one. When you die after a battle, you can switch classes or modes but you will not be able to improve your skills. 6. Unlock Achievements There’s a lot of achievements to be unlocked and various game modes and difficulties that guarantee good late-stage challenges and a high replayability on top of it all. Future updates will further expand the gaming experience. * AppStore https://itunes.apple.com/app/endless-road/id1440364809 * GooglePlay https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zz.endlessroad nyanpass Well-Known Member Dec 30, 2017 3,374 1,043 113 #3 nyanpass, Jan 5, 2019 Last edited: Jan 5, 2019 This game supports English / Japanese / Chinese. Especially Japanese translation is very good and English translation is decent. In this game, translation quality is not a problem at all. The game seems to have a lot of fun. The base class is free, and the remaining classes can be purchased through IAP, depending on your preference. I will dig it a little more. This game can be somewhat rough, but it's actually a hidden gem-like game. Kiven Well-Known Member Dec 2, 2011 78 5 8 Male Frustrated Wrestler and Lifelong Gamer Philippines #4 Kiven, Jan 5, 2019 Downloading! nyanpass Well-Known Member Dec 30, 2017 3,374 1,043 113 #5 nyanpass, Jan 5, 2019 Here is the gameplay video for Endless Road. It is very nice! It's great to have good roguelike games from the new year. ctathemarius Well-Known Member May 11, 2018 185 53 28 #6 ctathemarius, Jan 5, 2019 It’s quite interesting. There are no ads in the free version. The mechanics are not somewhat intuitive. But there is plenty of potential. Thanks for the heads-up! anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #7 anthony78, Jan 5, 2019 Played a bit. Has slicker looking graphics and interfaces compared to Silent Abyss but it’s incredibly unintuitive and kind of a mess to figure out what is what even during the tutorial. Prefer the straightforward visual cards in other games like this. Deleted (and back to Silent Abyss). squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #8 squarezero, Jan 5, 2019 Really? I had no trouble following the tutorial and the whole package seems nicely polished. I like the dice role mechanic, too — makes it feel like a board game. Overall, I appreciate the more lighthearted tone. I like Silent Abyss, too, BTW. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #9 Gwarmaxx, Jan 5, 2019 what a pleasant surprise for the just started new year! both this and Silent Abyss are good rogue like card games, i'm enjoying them a lot! nyanpass Well-Known Member Dec 30, 2017 3,374 1,043 113 #10 nyanpass, Jan 6, 2019 If you are interested, check out the additional play videos. Endless Road : - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (by AppUnwrapper) Kiven Well-Known Member Dec 2, 2011 78 5 8 Male Frustrated Wrestler and Lifelong Gamer Philippines #11 Kiven, Jan 6, 2019 Updated impression: Can be quite fun, like the gameplay mechanics and what the dev was trying to do. Getting frustrated on the UI a bit, feeling that it could use a bit of rework on the presentation and layout of information... But, still have this and Silent Abyss on my playlist for the meantime. solarnya Well-Known Member Jul 22, 2015 907 287 63 Male Close to Tokyo, Japan #12 solarnya, Jan 7, 2019 Quite fun roguelike card game. I like the point many events occur in the journey! For free gamers, it's non stress. This game is a hidden gem!! Ijipop and nyanpass like this. Cuedon New Member Jan 11, 2019 1 1 1 #13 Cuedon, Jan 11, 2019 Pretty fun, with a non-hostile monetization system... I don't find the translation to be as bad as people make it out to be; the translations on the menus are enough to get the point across, if somewhat awkward, and the actual mechanical areas are fine, despite a few typos. The flavor text is kind of clunky and uncomfortable though. The mechanics are pretty simple once you get the hang of it... though, like my StS experiences, liable to cause losses due to missing a rather important detail in the passives or something equally akin to user error. I'm finding I actually don't like the boardgame-esque map; since the stage is a fixed length and your character strength is more-or-less directly tied to how much you get to do on the map, whether its menu options or using items, it means you want your rolls to be as low as possible. (And if that's not possible, a 6, whose bonus is worth about the same as a stop in the middle.) Has anybody unlocked Endless yet though? I think that may require purchasing at least one extra class. TicTac likes this. stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #14 stubbieoz, Jan 12, 2019 Last edited: Jan 13, 2019 It’s strange that a search in the app store comes up a blank for this game, at least in the Aussie app store. Only way for me to get it was to use the link posted here, as there is nothing on the net about it as well. My first gameplay impressions are wtf does it all mean? I have very little clue what to do. Going to try to redo the tutorial and see if that helps. If not, then there’s always Silent Abyss to go back to...... now theres a game that is easy for me to get into. EDIT; There is a aspect ratio problem with some of the information windows having the text cutoff which AppUnwrapper mentioned in his video. This appears to only affect the iPad version. I have contacted the developer and they have said they are going to fix the problem in the next patch. Oh, and I am starting to get the hang of things after a few replays. stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #15 stubbieoz, Jan 16, 2019 There has been an update to the game that fixes the problem with the cutoff text on iPads. I’m putting the heads up here because I got no notification from the App Store on my iPad that the game was updated. Must have something to do with the game still not showing up when you search for it in the App Store?? Even stranger is the fact I only knew there was a patch because my iPhone showed there was a patch for it, even though a search for the game in the App Store using my iPhone also comes up a blank. LordGek Well-Known Member Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Feb 19, 2009 12,282 141 63 Software QA Engineer Saratoga, CA, USA #16 LordGek, Jan 20, 2019 Hey Gang, Am I just being dense in not understanding the point of the Stalker ability that gives you the 70-80% of your die getting the minimum value? It would be great to hit your opponent with this, but unless I'm misreading things, it appears it targets the die's owner. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
* Endless Road - Roguelike Card Game A roguelike card game that’s simple yet incredibly complex : Use a variety of equipment and skill combos to defeat the vile creatures lurking along the endless road. Each fork in the road will test your decision-making abilities on this twisted, immersive journey. Game Features : - Four roles, each with different active skills. - Use dozens of equipment, jewelry, and gemstones to improve your stats and cards. - Randomly generated levels. - Heaps of game events and unlockables. - Immersive graphics and music complement a twisted storyline. One step at a time All you know is what's at the next forking. Will you see it through to the end? 1. Four Classes Choose one of four character classes, each with their own fighting characteristics. Try out their unique talents and find special equipment that is tailored to each class. You may even switch between characters if you found a cool item that you’d like to see in action! 2. Tabletop Game Map There’s two styles and four layers of maps (with more to be added shortly), all in the style of tabletop role-playing games. Each time you enter a new map, the content, events, and combat objects are randomly generated. Exploring the map and fighting battles will drain your strength points. Don’t let them drop down to zero or you’ll soon experience negative effects, so always remember to eat and tend to your wounds. Restore your lost memory and let the sophisticated and twisted plot unfold by collecting the letters that were left behind. 3. Tons of Rewards You’ll come upon lots of hidden treasures along your journey, all with different powerful abilities. There’s some super-rare powerful legendary equipment, spells that restore your health, food, traps, camouflaging fragrances, hard cash, and so on. 4. Unforgiving Battle The core mechanism of the battle is simple to learn, yet hard to master: You’ll need to calculate and combine cards, spells, and talents to surpass the total points in your opponent’s hand. However, sometimes it’s wise to defend rather than attack, or set traps and develop a long-time strategy to out-smart the enemy. Your foes may have the power, but you have the brains! 5. Improve Your Skills Depending if you defeat a boss or be defeated, you will be taken to one of two types of interface: When you defeat a boss, you won’t be able to switch classes or modes, but you can buy equipment to replace the existing one. When you die after a battle, you can switch classes or modes but you will not be able to improve your skills. 6. Unlock Achievements There’s a lot of achievements to be unlocked and various game modes and difficulties that guarantee good late-stage challenges and a high replayability on top of it all. Future updates will further expand the gaming experience. * AppStore https://itunes.apple.com/app/endless-road/id1440364809 * GooglePlay https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zz.endlessroad
This game supports English / Japanese / Chinese. Especially Japanese translation is very good and English translation is decent. In this game, translation quality is not a problem at all. The game seems to have a lot of fun. The base class is free, and the remaining classes can be purchased through IAP, depending on your preference. I will dig it a little more. This game can be somewhat rough, but it's actually a hidden gem-like game.
Here is the gameplay video for Endless Road. It is very nice! It's great to have good roguelike games from the new year.
It’s quite interesting. There are no ads in the free version. The mechanics are not somewhat intuitive. But there is plenty of potential. Thanks for the heads-up!
Played a bit. Has slicker looking graphics and interfaces compared to Silent Abyss but it’s incredibly unintuitive and kind of a mess to figure out what is what even during the tutorial. Prefer the straightforward visual cards in other games like this. Deleted (and back to Silent Abyss).
Really? I had no trouble following the tutorial and the whole package seems nicely polished. I like the dice role mechanic, too — makes it feel like a board game. Overall, I appreciate the more lighthearted tone. I like Silent Abyss, too, BTW.
what a pleasant surprise for the just started new year! both this and Silent Abyss are good rogue like card games, i'm enjoying them a lot!
If you are interested, check out the additional play videos. Endless Road : - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (by AppUnwrapper)
Updated impression: Can be quite fun, like the gameplay mechanics and what the dev was trying to do. Getting frustrated on the UI a bit, feeling that it could use a bit of rework on the presentation and layout of information... But, still have this and Silent Abyss on my playlist for the meantime.
Quite fun roguelike card game. I like the point many events occur in the journey! For free gamers, it's non stress. This game is a hidden gem!!
Pretty fun, with a non-hostile monetization system... I don't find the translation to be as bad as people make it out to be; the translations on the menus are enough to get the point across, if somewhat awkward, and the actual mechanical areas are fine, despite a few typos. The flavor text is kind of clunky and uncomfortable though. The mechanics are pretty simple once you get the hang of it... though, like my StS experiences, liable to cause losses due to missing a rather important detail in the passives or something equally akin to user error. I'm finding I actually don't like the boardgame-esque map; since the stage is a fixed length and your character strength is more-or-less directly tied to how much you get to do on the map, whether its menu options or using items, it means you want your rolls to be as low as possible. (And if that's not possible, a 6, whose bonus is worth about the same as a stop in the middle.) Has anybody unlocked Endless yet though? I think that may require purchasing at least one extra class.
It’s strange that a search in the app store comes up a blank for this game, at least in the Aussie app store. Only way for me to get it was to use the link posted here, as there is nothing on the net about it as well. My first gameplay impressions are wtf does it all mean? I have very little clue what to do. Going to try to redo the tutorial and see if that helps. If not, then there’s always Silent Abyss to go back to...... now theres a game that is easy for me to get into. EDIT; There is a aspect ratio problem with some of the information windows having the text cutoff which AppUnwrapper mentioned in his video. This appears to only affect the iPad version. I have contacted the developer and they have said they are going to fix the problem in the next patch. Oh, and I am starting to get the hang of things after a few replays.
There has been an update to the game that fixes the problem with the cutoff text on iPads. I’m putting the heads up here because I got no notification from the App Store on my iPad that the game was updated. Must have something to do with the game still not showing up when you search for it in the App Store?? Even stranger is the fact I only knew there was a patch because my iPhone showed there was a patch for it, even though a search for the game in the App Store using my iPhone also comes up a blank.
Hey Gang, Am I just being dense in not understanding the point of the Stalker ability that gives you the 70-80% of your die getting the minimum value? It would be great to hit your opponent with this, but unless I'm misreading things, it appears it targets the die's owner.