Universal Endless Drive - Infinite driving RPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by FrozenPepper, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Hi all,
    happy to be back on TouchArcade to share our latest project : Endless Drive (open to name suggestions :) )
    Born out of the pure passion for driving, Endless Drive tries to convey that unique sensation of freedom and "peace of mind" that a nice drive in your car can grant.

    First gameplay preview video​

    The game is based on a custom procedural terrain and road creation engine which allows for infinite truly procedural roads (not pre-made road blocks one after the other) across different biomes.
    Varying traffic will adapt to night/day cycle and road types, while some light RPG elements let players develop their characters during their possibly endless trips. Intersections will allow players to change road type (ex: highway, dirt road, tight mountain road, country road etc), while service stations function as “gameplay hubs” where players can restore their stats, pick quests, improve or switch vehicles etc.
    Game features a fairly advanced car physics simulation, with each vehicle unique in dynamics and game play possibilities. It's up to the player to choose if he is going to chauffeur an important mafia boss on a luxurious super car or drive a pickup on country roads to ferry tomato collectors to their work places.

    Game is tied to "real world" time, with certain activities "locking" your character until completed. After a serious crash, your character will have to wait some hours for his car to be fixed, if he's arrested he will have to serve jail time, he will have to sleep, and other similar time based "locks".
    This serves us the main purpose of giving a "weight" to certain events (a crash, an arrest) and encourage careful driving, while allowing a single character to never reach a "Game Over" condition, so that if it fits a player play style, after varying wait times, you can always continue to progress with a specific character.
    This would obviously cause annoying "dead times" for the player, but the possibility to either create a new character or switch to another one should allow for always available "insta-drive" gameplay.

    Another crucial aspect to our view of driving for this game, is music, so users will be able to create playlists from their music libraries or listen to streaming web radios thanks to the builting player.

    Now the "controversial" part.....
    Endless Drive will be free with in-apps, and while players will be able to pay to skip wait times, all gameplay is studied around not having to. Each character will even receive a small daily wage so that very casual players will be able to pay for gas and repairs without the need to worry about quests but "just drive".
    Vehicles will be available for purchase either with in-game money or via direct in-app purchase. The in-app purchase option allows for the vehicle to be available for free for all of a player characters, while if bought with "character earned" in game money, the vehicle will be available only to that specific character.

    We are still finalising some aspects of gameplay so can’t yet get into many more details, but more than open to any kind of suggestions, question and feedback.


    *both preview video and screenshot are from early development with iPhone 6 settings (average). Realtime shadow resolution, textures, anti aliasing and view distance adapt to device.
  2. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    This looks great!!
  3. eugenemcardle

    eugenemcardle Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2013
    Retired, Math/Science Teacher, Air Force Electron
    Redcliffe Queensland Australia
    Will there be an option for driving on the LHS of the road as in the U.K. And Australia, and others
  4. jdawg101

    jdawg101 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    Just imagine if this had multiplayer and I don't mean GTAV crazy drivers always c rasping multiplayer, but I mean just invite your friends into your game to play together multiplayer. It would be kinda funny seeing a bunch of reckless drivers causing a chain crash.
  5. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Great thanks ! We are still working on it, it will look even better :)

    This is a great question. Honestly, we hadn't thought about it, and might be not very easy to integrate in current traffic engine. We are defintely going to explore the possibility, great thanks for bringing it up.

    We have discussed a lot about multiplayer, races, co-op and other cool modes, but no realtime multiplayer will be available with first version of the game. We hope to be able to integrate it along the road, but can't yet commit to it.
    This said, the game will use online servers to give some kind of persistance and user influence to the game world, but can't yet say much more about such cabailities as we aren't yet sure of which will make it in launch version of Endless Drive.
  6. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    #6 FrozenPepper, Sep 4, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
    Bumping thread to let you know that after a long pause, project is back on track, hope to have something new to share soon...

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