Tilt to live: Gauntlet's Revenge dropped to 1.99 Do check the bundle if you bought other Tilt to Live games, i got it for free.
Just wanna drop by and say thanks for making and maintaining this thread, it's been a great help keeping track of everything that's going on while it's so busy
i've spent 40$ on games in this discounts,still got 7$ left, is the list finished or there will be another games rolling ou tonight...
Huerons - A challenging puzzle game (by Bulkypix and Infinite Eurekas) is on sale till Christmas available for only 0.99$ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/huerons/id807576033?mt=8 Also thanks for this list Helped me a lot to find great deals
I think the major sales have pretty much died down now, so that list should be a good indication of what's on sale. So...yeah. Thanks everyone for the massive support this list has, and happy holidays
Cheers. I bought (way too many) a lot of games by paying attention to your updates. Thanks for all the hard work and Merry ####ing Christmas!!!
I have the first 2 games and it won't let me buy the bundle. The button is just missing. Can't remember for sure if I paid for the first 2 though.
Autumn Dynasty Warriors is on sale for $3.99! The thread is entertaining and has a very pro-active and engaging developer who responds to the gaming community!
It's a great game but different than risk. it is RTS if I'm correct, you will produce different kinds of armies, conquer/destroy buildings, protect your buildings. Will hide in bushes so your men will be invisible so you can ambush etc. I enjoyed making different tactics.
Icycle: On Thin Ice by Chillingo went $0 https://appsto.re/us/eoOBP.i LEX by Simple Machine too https://appsto.re/us/HB5GY.i
Sky Tourist Blitz Trip is now 99c down from $4.99. Been waiting for a price drop but something's still holding me back.
2 games at 99c each is a steal for me so I might consider getting it. Would you recommend it personally?
I was talking about this one: Sky Tourist by Joyllers Software https://appsto.re/us/PawMM.i Didn't know there were three others. Just so you know all three Sky Tourist Blitz Trip games for a buck.
I was really disappointed with Sky Tourist Blitz Trip. It's the same levels as the first world of the original, but each is split into three shorter levels. I've never requested an iTunes refund yet, but it's the closest I've come. Blitz Trip 2 seems to have done the same with World 2. Do yourself a favour and buy the first one (it's great) but stay well clear of the other two.
Ah your recommendation came in a little bit too late for me but I'll prob take your advice and not buy the 3rd installment that apparently just came out.
If you enjoy the ones you've got, the third is probably not a bad bet, as the third world was good, but the re-releases are not great value if you've played the original and I prefer the longer levels.