I'm waiting for XCOM too but I think we will have to wait until after Christmas for the first sale. Too early for a price drop methinks.
According to IGN, XCOM (along with other 2K offerings) will have its price dropped tomorrow. I'm finding this year's lockdown a bit strange: I was fully expecting the sales we had going last Friday, suppposedly the last day before that week-long "drought", to be the only ones we'd have this year, but more and more have been popping up. Not that I mind it, mind you (I'm personally hoping for some price drops on the Sonic the Hedgehog ports, as well as some of Telltale's Season Passes!
Here is the link to the story that you referred to. XCOM for $7, Bioshock for $5, among others: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/12/22/xcom-civ-rev-2-and-more-on-sale-on-ios?abthid=5498ae39189b08a560000032
Finally what I have been waiting for. But I don't think telltale ever put a sale on season passes. Did they?
As somebody who owns XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and has Enemy Within wish listed: How, exactly, does Enemy Within stand as a game relative to Enemy Unknown? From what I understand, Enemy Within is DLC for Enemy Unknown on PC, but on iOS it is a separate release entirely. Is there any overlap between the content of the two games, and if so, how much? Like, if Enemy Unknown has 10 hours of gameplay, and Enemy Within has 12, is 10 of that 12 Enemy Unknown's content, or is it 12 hours of completely new gameplay? Obviously, if the latter, an Enemy Unknown player would get a lot less for their dollar to buy Enemy Within, and it wouldn't make sense to have both on your phone, but I see no mention of saves transferring over or anything. Add onto this the fact that I can't even *find* Enemy Unknown on the App Store, and I'm starting to feel cheated by the fact that I apparently have to double-dip if I want the complete game.
It's not that EU adds time to the game necessarily, though in a sense it does. What it does is expand gameplay, giving you a new additional enemy, new techs, ways of modifying your troops, etc. It's truly am expansion of the original game. If yoy want more details, then I'd suggest reading any of reviews of the PC or console versions. Frankly, for me, it's such an improvement on the original that I can't go back to it.
somehow i kinda feel like cheated by 2k im okay with buyin the EW and double dip the thing is i dont have the latest hardware to run it so i delay to buy it luckily i save the IPA of EU on my harddrive... before they remove EU... so no new discount? this is the final list?
Freebie alert Office Story $2.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/office-story/id717265204?mt=8 Joe Dever's Lone Wolf 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/joe-devers-lone-wolf/id670180785?mt=8 99 Challenges! 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/99-challenges!/id850950759?mt=8 Demolition Master HD $1.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/demolition-master-hd-project/id364641216?mt=8 Baams Away 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/baams-away!/id580211703?mt=8 aspects TD 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aspects-td/id709521918?mt=8 Nightmare from the deep $4.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nightmares-from-deep-sirens/id695109705?mt=8 Nightmare from the deep HD $6.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nightmares-from-deep-sirens/id695111082?mt=8 Mystery on telescope hill 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mystery-on-telescope-hill/id821210514?mt=8 Flight Fight 2 $4.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flight-fight-2/id721033525?mt=8 Flight Fight 2 HD $4.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flight-fight-2-hd/id730239095?mt=8 Game About Flight 2 - 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/game-about-flight-2/id781142905?mt=8 Pep dragon vs evil $1.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pep-dragon-vs-evil-zombie/id376580891?mt=8 snow brawlin xtreme 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/snow-brawlin-xtreme/id734174261?mt=8 chooche $2.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/chooche-birds-road-smash!/id438876426?mt=8 Frontier Heroes $2.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/frontier-heroes-planet-h-game/id893673936?mt=8 Goat Rampage 99 cents > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/goat-rampage/id834285437?mt=8 Brain Guzzler $2.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/brain-guzzler/id880307784?mt=8 Fat Chicken $4.99 > free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fat-chicken/id892897915?mt=8
A lot of people say yes, but I don't agree. If you've already experienced this on a console there's no reason to pick this up. I dislike the graphics and controls. It's a definite downgrade.
$3 left and I can't buy a new gift card 'til next year, what do I get? Democracy 3 ($2.99) Surgeon Simulator ($0.99) Goat Simulator ($0.99)
I got Goat Simulator and loved it. To be honest I don't know how long the novelty of it would last, though. Depends on you.
Stealth by Nicolas LAITTI is now 99 cents. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stealth/id898620883?mt=8 4-star review by TA? Any good?
I have all three and would easily pick Democracy 3. They're all more toys then games, but Democracy 3 has the most replay value and is the only one worth replaying in my opinion.