Dragon Quest VII drops to $12.99 Seems ALL Final Fantasy titles (including FFT) are at $7.99 each. Chaos Rings trio also dropped. EDIT: added chaos rings trio.
The price changes usually appear around 8 PM PST. I'm conflicted whether to get Chaos Rings or Final Fantasy Tactics. Chaos Rings seems to be good but I don't want to get it and become underwhelmed by the animations/gameplay since its been a few years now.
I actually played it recently and it seems that they upped the resolution a little bit. It still looks dated but not terribly so.
Seems only DQ 8 ($12.99) and 2 ($2.99) have gone on sale. Not sure how much the previous prices on the other DQ titles are, so i cant tell if they are on sale or not. Wasnt DQ2 around $5?
Hey quick question, just bought Castle of Illusion, and it downloaded for free. I did not own it prior to this and I'm very sure of it. I'm confused.
Hey guys, I might get the marvel lego game. anybody have it, what do you guys think about that? Also, I heard somewhere that it doesn't support ios 8, does that mean the game doesn't work on it or the graphics aren't as good as they should be? Because if it doesn't work on ios 8, there is no need to buy it for me.
I haven't played it myself, but based on the 4 star TA review and the positive feedback in the game's TA thread (27 member ratings for an average of 4 1/2 stars), my guess is that 99 cents is a steal.
Got it in Day 1 and never regretted my purchase. It's easily one of the best rpg on the AppStore (of its genre).
I'd like to pick one game from the Bridge Constructor series, I'm not familiar with this genre even though it reminds me of World Of Goo with its mechanics. Can you recommend which one to grab first?
In the last few days I've picked up Oceanhorn, FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Shadow Sun, Bastion, Kiwanuka, Breach & Clear, Shardlands and Crazy Taxi. And that's just the games I've paid for. I've also picked up a ridiculous number of quality titles for nada. I fecking love IOS.