I believe that Skullduggery's going to end up being the next Pocket Gamer freebie, so I won't add it to the list if it's only going to last the 1 day Edit: Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition has just gone on sale here in NZ -- $14.99 -> $9.99
Any news on the first Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale? I have had my eye on them for awhile, but am hesitant to drop $20 on them with the backlog I already have. So far, the only one I know is going on sale is the only one exclusive to iPad.
I believe the reason only Baldur's Gate II went on sale is because the Android version released today, and it's price on the Play Store is $9.99 Yeah, it seemed to go back up in price today. Maybe I messed up and though it was free when it wasn't. Maybe it went up in price after I posted that. I don't know. Apologies for the confusion
Hoggy110: funny thing is, when you start playing the Flick Golf HD there's a popup window saying the Flick Soccer HD is free as well. Seems kinda strange considering it's not. Definitely not your fault.
Battle Monkey is on sale $2.99 > FREE I play this every so often https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battle-monkeys/id500093420?mt=8
Hoggy, the Space Expedition is on sale as well for 0,89€ (was 2,69€), at least it was yesterday when I was updating my wishlist.. hope it still is.
Trainz Simulator 2 $7.99 -> $.99 Talisman $6.99 -> $2.99 Colossatron $.99 -> FREE Drive on Moscow $9.99 -> $4.99 Battle of the Bulge $9.99 -> $4.99 Where's My Perry $2.99 -> $.99 Temple Run Oz $1.99 -> $.99 Phase 10 $1.99 -> $.99 Space Age $3.99 -> $1.99 Trainz Driver 2 $3.99 -> $.99 Apple Bob $2.99 -> $.99
Minigore 2: Zombies is now free! $1.99 > FREE https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minigore-2-zombies/id576939960?mt=8
RGB Express is currently free and a clever little puzzler. Owen's Oddysey is down to $1, may pick that up.
SqEnix just updated prices for their holiday season sales. FF & Chaos rings on sale now, FF VI is €6,99 here atm, better then last time. Also, aperently i and ii are dropped from the store?