Android Emoji Scavenger Hunt - Find objects with your camera before time runs out!

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by BuildLoop, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. BuildLoop

    BuildLoop Member

    Oct 5, 2020

    Locate the emoji we show you in the real world with your phone’s camera.
    Artificial Intelligence will guess what is on the screen!

    Each round will get faster and harder, find all the objects before time runs out!

    Purchase more emojis to scavenger hunt for endless fun!

    Play Store Link

    Here is what people are saying about Emoji Scavenger Hunt:

    "This app allows users to interact with AI and machine learning tech on a 1st hand level. Great application and a fun game!" - /u/SilverWarHippos

    "Super Cool!" - /u/wes-hamster

    "Great Concept " - Mr Khan

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