Universal Ember (by 505 Games (US), Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Repulsa, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    Yeah, I'd probably use that too.
  2. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    I've been waiting and hoping for a patch that would increase the size of the text so I could play it on my 6S. That was really the only thing keeping me from buying it. Has anyone tried it out? Is the text a lot easier to read? Thanks!
  3. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    I have iphone 6 and yes it is much much better with the update. Some good and some negative:

    1) The main screen has some weird 12 inverted in color squares ... (small bug I guess)
    2) Text is not everywhere bigger (in map or in quests or in equipment info is not). Please see in my mediafire's shared folder. I hope developers will update it this soon.
    3) If I am not mistaken, I think (I am not sure) that you cannot do too much unzoom as before but it's ok as it is and maybe I am wrong

    1) Items ingame, items in inventory, dialogue are better with the bigger text size and the game is more playable than before.

    Overall, if you mind the text that is not big everywhere, it's good. I recommend it.
    Consider also that this game is huge in file size - uncompressed is 2,6gb !
  4. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009

    That's good enough for me! :D Thanks SO much for posting up!
  5. blebhertz

    blebhertz Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Is the Dpad plan for this game? i just started playing, but would wait for the Dpad implementation
  6. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    I think that a dpad implementation would be a nice addon but not an essential one. Like an alternative option to have another method of moving with a virtual touch stick. Moreover in battle would be somehow frustrating because you use the touch screen for spells or for attacking an enemy and you draw lines. If you have also a dpad in the screen could cause some unwanted results. This is a rpg and not an action adventure like Dust or shooter like implosion where you move and attack and have most of the right side of the screen mainly for attacking and the left side for walking. Moving like as it is, is that you tap somewhere in the area and the character goes in this spot. Simple as that.
  7. Claud

    Claud Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    New York
    Question: a wooden wand, in damage type, says Range. Shouldn't it say Magic? Isn't this weapon affected by Intellect and not Dexterity?

    Thanks for the help.
  8. SufferinPup

    SufferinPup Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    Oh thanks, this looks like a text bug. The words "Range" and "Magic" for that particular field are reversed. Can't believe nobody noticed that! But yes, wands use Int and ranged weapons use Dex.
  9. Claud

    Claud Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    New York

    Thanks for the reply. Only just purchased it, glad I could help. :)
  10. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Getting a bit over this at the moment. I really hate games that leave you running around with no clue, no hints about a very specific quest you are supposed to do. Right now I'm only at the early quest of having to retrieve the right lantern for Fia but I just cannot progress. Fia told me to go and get a lantern so I did. I brought it back to Fia, click on Fia and get no text in the text box. So I went back to the location of the lanterns and there's none there and I can't even put the one that I took back in its place. I can't drop it out of my inventory. So I take it I have the wrong pattern (as about 5 were offered), but no way of trying again right now. This is super frustrating. A really specific quest and I don't know if this is a bug or I'm just missing the most pedantic thing so that I can just get on with it. Will wait for a response for a bit, as hopefully I'm just missing something that's blaringly obvious.
  11. SufferinPup

    SufferinPup Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    This sounds like you may have hit a really strange bug actually, there should never be no text in the box. Do you have a save before you started the quest? Hopefully loading that one will fix things.

    What should happen is if you get the wrong lantern she makes a little joke then all the lanterns reappear, allowing you to choose again.
  12. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Thanks for confirming. Screenshot below. I have a save right after I took the first lantern so literally seconds before, so that isn't worth much as it just produces the same blank text box each reload. And then my save before that is like 45 minutes before. I know, I know, we should always keep some running save slots close together but even on iPhone 6+ the word text in the save slots is so small I don't want to punish my eyes reading it each save so I just press any slot. That's one text group the update certainly didn't cover, and it's one part you read the most actually. I'm really only saving so I can reload fights to try again, and not because I think I might get wedged into a bug corner. 45 minutes isn't much to replay normally, but in this case, honestly at 2.5 hours in, im not taken enough by the game to play my way back again, and who knows if I'll correct it in doing so. And then who knows after that when I'll get my next game breaking bug. Just how many people REALLY have played this through trouble free I wonder? All the while playing this I've just been wanting to fire up Baldur's gate, so I guess I'll skip the rest of this and go to that now.

  13. SufferinPup

    SufferinPup Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    One thing you can do, and really anyone that has strange errors, is if you have iCloud enabled delete the game and redownload it. Sometimes files get messed up on download or corrupted for whatever reason, and a fresh download could solve it. As long as iCloud is enabled then you can load your old saves no problem.
  14. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Thanks for that. That's a great idea, but unfortunately I wasn't using iCloud for this.
  15. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    I thought I might write a small review here while its fresh in my mind, and please remember this is only for the first 2.5 hours of the game, so these things are a little superficial but I can see them being applicable to the entire game.

    I will first say that iOS is better from having this game on the platform, that is for sure. It's an attempt at a rather grand RPG benchmark set by Baldur's gate, and this game speaks tributes to BG throughout. However, even with the short time I had, it is no BG, and frankly, I'm not sure I'd reach for this would I ever want to delve into a new RPG with an itching for a BG type. It's definitely an alternate to consider, and it's definitely got its own personality, but there's just several design choices that I was at odds with already within my 2.5 hours. And they are:

    1) the choice to sleep after every battle is imperative. Why wouldn't you fully heal up and mana up after every battle if you could? Which means why am I cooking steak and fish to make healing food? I can just sleep. And running away from a fight with a giant swordsman to go sleep at his door step after I just nearly lost the battle is ridiculous. He chases me like half a screens length before returning to his spawn point, and at which point I can immediately sleep on my bedroll to fully gain my health/mana and have another try. This design choice sort of leads me to think there was a balance issue with the whole PvE and health status of the players characters. The only near solution being a bed to heal the player up. A bed you can lay on like half a screen away from the enemy.

    2) why can I only use 1 health potion in battle? Or is there a cool down on them? If so, please show that. Again, this relates to point 1. Was there some kind of balance issue that couldn't be sorted? I can consume one minor health potion during battle but not eat a steak for healing? Why? How arbitrary.

    3) The game doesn't let you pan any further than your immediate characters location. I would have preferred a fog of war cast over unexplored areas, with a fully panable camera area. Unfortunately the way it is, it feels stiff and rigid. I constant wanted to scroll just a little further back or forwards but alas I'll have to move my characters to have a peek. Though I understand the fog of war thing might have been difficult to implement and reward vs cost of implementation might not have been favourable. No idea, just guessing maybe this was the case.

    4) In battle I am constantly spamming my weapons special attacks. This is because I know I can restore my mana fully be sleeping after the battle. Why risk dieing by not spamming my special attacks. Also given the close call of all my major fights so far, it seems spamming the special attack was expected. Which brings me to: why do I have to spam it, and why can't I just put it on auto if that's what I'm going to do anyway? Fighting PvE really just involves me dragging from the top of the screen down to my enemy over and over and over again. Why don't these abilities become auto use? Again, relates to 1 and 2. I just feel like there's a balance issue. I haven't gone far enough so maybe there are better abilities later that come with cool down times to make them feel more special?

    5) Character highlights. The environment settings are quite dark, and so are the characters which means they often blend right in. Of course all you have to do is send them somewhere and you'll see them again, but a faint character highlight circle like how BG does it wouldn't go astray.

    6) This might be a phone thing, but enemy health bars are way too small and blend into the environment too much. It's too hard to tell if you're bringing an enemy health bar down with one sort of weapon vs another for instance. I know the damage is given in the weapon stats, but the weapons special ability damage is not given, so if you're like me, and try and gather this information from watching the enemy health bar, you will struggle to see the enemy take the damage, particularly on iPhone.

    Visuals are really good, albeit quite saturated and it's not so easy to tell creatures from their environment. Though BG and most top down RPGs suffer this so it's understandable. It wouldn't hurt however to give characters a bit more colour, like a red vest instead of black like every thing else they're wearing and the environment they're in.

    Sound seems to do its job. I'm not a big sound guy so didn't notice anything wrong here.

    Story. There seems to be one, but at 2.5 hours I obviously can't conclude. It seemed to be building traction on the lightbringer vs darkbringer with the whole ember phenomena as well. It seemed like it was going somewhere, though I found myself skim reading the dialogue as dialogue choices at that stage didn't seem to have any effect on my game (yet?).

    The game plays ok on iPhone 6+. That's if you really want to get through it on that device. I just wouldn't want to go any smaller. iPad is really the device of choice for this one.

    That's about the end of my review and my time with Ember. It's a decent game from what I experienced albeit with some questionable design choices as I've noted. If you can play along with those, and are looking for a BG-like game, albeit much lighter, I'd say this might be worth a look.

    Ps, I'm genuinely surprised that the review that TA did didn't really touch on any of the main concern points I wrote down. I thought they were blaringly obvious but anyway.
  16. SufferinPup

    SufferinPup Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    Great review, and many good points. The thing about sleeping is, if you sleep after every battle you lose the XP Boost, so you'll level up slower (and have access to the best gear later) than someone that sleeps less often.

    Health potions have a 30 second or so cooldown, so for simple fights you might only get to use one, but for boss battles you'll have plenty of chances to use more. Combat gets a lot more complicated with 3 party members each having 3 abilities, too, that is why there is no auto-cast. We thought about adding an AI into the game for your party members to use their abilities but it made the combat too simple, you ended up just watching instead of playing.

    Also, you can enable iCloud from the settings and it will upload your saves, if you have iCloud set up on your device.
  17. Admiralbison

    Admiralbison Active Member

    Oct 31, 2016
    Any news on MFI support?

    It's painful having this beautiful game on a clean glossy 12.9" screen with a gamevice controller and having to smudge and obscure parts of the screen with my thumbs.

    I will attach a screenshot to illustrate.
  18. Wytegurls4lyfe

    Wytegurls4lyfe Active Member

    Jul 23, 2016
    Very good RPG. Developers, please add a hold screen feature for moving. Constantly tapping the screen is annoying.
  19. Bumpygames

    Bumpygames Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2016
    i hope that the price will go a little lower than usaual 12$ and that the Game size is lower, we who are having 16GB devices running this kibd of games with 2/4 GB of space is a challenge.
  20. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Anyone having issues with this where you just get stuck on the screen that says it is downloading the save from iCloud?

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