Universal ELOH (by Broken Rules)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Brightsiderus, Oct 10, 2018.

  1. yankeeblue000

    yankeeblue000 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
  2. solarnya

    solarnya Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2015
    Close to Tokyo, Japan
    Seems there are several versions of ELOH game.
    I actually bought this game, but this "buy now" button didn't work on Japanese AppStore.
    I found it by searching on the store but it's another version of ELOH different from my version.
    Do I need to pay for it again?
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I see this is on sale for 99p I’ll have to check out a video of gameplay as those trailers don’t really give me an idea of how it works exactly. But from the comments here it seems worth it for its price regardless.
  4. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    It's a puzzle game that consists of making a path for sound/beats, by placing totems that make these beats bounce in angles. Each totem makes a different sound everytime a beat bounces off of them, so eventually you get a rhythmic composition that lasts until enough beats have reached the goal.

    There are no rmusic/rhythm mechanics involved, just a bunch of puzzles (around 80, if I recall correctly what someone said) that produce "music". It's nice, but it kinda grew old fast for me and quit it sooner than I had expected (~30 puzzles in).
    ste86uk likes this.
  5. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @sebgo i watched a gameplay clip and it looks alright as a puzzle game, not sure how long it’ll keep my attention but for its price I can’t complain so I picked it up and I’ll give it a spin.
    sebgo likes this.
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Well for 99p I’m happy with this game so far, seems like a nice little puzzle game. Pretty easy so far without much change in the mechanics but we shall see how that goes.
    sebgo likes this.

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