I've never ever heard that before and thought they were rather revolutionary. Especially seeing how there's not really any controls on the screen.
+1, best shooter controls I've ever seen. Not only do they rival Gameloft's FPS controls, they exceed them.
Ugh! Cant stop, such good games/prices....just added NBA Elite....not a huge basketball fan but man oh man, fun game!
I'd say so, the only thing that was disappointing is the roster not being as large as I wished for. But the game is a lot of fun to play, controls work good, easily one of the best iphone games that EA as put out so far. NBA Jam is fun as well, no one should miss out on either game.
Dead Space. Overall much better game and feels really crafted for iPhone. For me it still gives the best gaming experience on my iPhone. Just make sure to play it with headphones and in a dark place if possible as no one would enjoy The Exorcist or The Grudge in a broad daylight with people all around
I agree, NBA Jam > NFS:HP. In fact, NFS Undercover is still better than NFS HP despite HP having more game modes and better graphics. NFSU just feels more fun. Sims is alright but feels very limited and linear in what we can do.
I'm not either, but it's definitely worth it! I paid full price for it and I don't regret it. Now that it's at $0.99 it's an insta buy for any type of gamer.
really hope NBA jam HD is having sales also. Grabbed almost all ea sales this time. Fight night and Dead Space is my best purchase so far at 0.99 !