Electronic Arts Independence Day Sale!

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by goiMot, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. wilflare

    wilflare Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2011
    Hot Pursuit HD, Shift HD or Asphalt 6 HD - I can't decide
    Reckless Driving HD any good?
  2. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    This is from the iPod games experiences, and not the HD versions, but I suppose you can use this help.

    If you can only pick one, I'd pick Asphalt 6 HD. However, all of them are .99 and Hot Pursuit, Asphalt 6, and Reckless Driving are all worth it. For Shift, do yourself a favor and avoid it even though it's .99. Hell, even if the game was free, you shouldn't download it. Shift is that bad.

    And if you only have .99 to spare right now, the reason I said Asphalt is that while Gameloft has sales often, they don't put many of their more successful games on sale, and thus the probability of Asphalt going on sale later won't be as high as the EA games. In addition, Asphalt 6 is a pretty decent racer, and while I'm not a guy who likes arcade racer, I can safely say that it is one of the best arcade racers in the App Store, and many people tend to agree on this.
  3. wilflare

    wilflare Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2011
    thanks for the kind review.
    been getting conflicting reports on them

    hope i won't end up getting all. someone's gonna frown on the splurge

    I have Death Rally now, just wondering if Reckless Driving is worth that 0.99 since both are similar

    Was thinking of the following too
    Red Alert VS StarFront?
    NOVA 2 vs BC2?
    Settlers VS Sim City
  4. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    If you have Death Rally already, you can skip on Reckless Racing, and you leave yourself with either Hot Pursuit or Asphalt 6. Again, personally I'd go with Asphalt 6.

    As for your choices:
    Starfront: Never played Starfront personally, but I've heard many great reviews. I have played Red Alert though, and didn't really enjoy it. However, the overwhelming positive reviews for Starfront should be enough for you to download it. Beware though, Starfront has a massive 1.1 GB size.

    NOVA 2: When it comes to FPS games on the iOS, Gameloft is king. No further explanation needed.

    I'm not sure about Settlers/Sim City, so hopefully someone else can pitch in their opinion.
  5. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    Area 51
    Should I get Transformers 3? I'm on the fence about it because I heard it crashes a lot...
  6. dnk

    dnk Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2010
    Best realistic racer: Real Racing 2
    Best arcade racer: NFS Undercover (still more fun than Shift / Hot Pursuit for some reasons), then Hot Pursuit and Asphalt 6
    Best overthetop racer: Horror Racing then Death Rally

    Rather than Reckless Racing (not driving:p) you'd better get Cubed Rally Racer.
  7. wilflare

    wilflare Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2011
    shall skip Reckless Racing then.

    got Hot Pursuit HD and Asphalt 6 HD
    couldn't find Underground.
  8. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member


    For some friends of mine and me personally Asphalt 6 is the best iOS game overall. We are playing bluetooth multiplayer on iPads almost every day.

    Can't await Asphalt 7.
  9. wilflare

    wilflare Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2011
    is Shift really that bad?
  10. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    If it were free, it still wouldn't be worth it. EA would have to pay you in order to make the download worth it.
  11. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    Get Hot Pursuit.
  12. crex

    crex Doctor of Game of the Week-ology

    Oct 18, 2010
    Everywhere and Nowhere
    Undercover > Hot Pursuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shift

    So, yes.
  13. wilflare

    wilflare Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2011
    alright just got Asphalt 6 HD and Hot Pursuit HD :D

    but just wondering, what about it that is so bad?
    the google reviews are like praising it to the stars
  14. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    Need for Speed Shift? Try it on iPad 2 (better don't): Asphalt 6 simply eats it in almost all aspects. It plays in another league.
  15. spidey

    spidey Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2010
    #75 spidey, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
    Interesting opinions here... While death rally is an awesome game... I like Reckless Racing equally as much. THere's more of "driving" to be done in reckless racing, where as in Death Rally is more about action. And Reckless Racing is all the more fantastic on iPad. For 99 cents... HD... i highly recommend it.
  16. Raptor25

    Raptor25 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2008
    The physics in Hot Pursuit bother me.. you can have a max speed head on collision and you just steamroll the other guy. When you ram into a racer to end the level their car goes about 1 foot and stop. All collisions are generally meh.

    Granted, I cant name a racer off the top of my head with burnout style physics... but none the less it makes it feel second rate to me, oh well. Still pretty good though.
  17. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    I *almost bought Shift due to the price... Can someone explain why it's bad? I mean, the press reviews are overwhelmingly positive :confused:.
  18. freemini

    freemini Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2010
    Stavanger, Norway
    I didn't like the frame rate and sense of speed. Just doesn't feel and look like you're going fast. Not to mention that it took 7 months for it to get retina support -_-
  19. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    Because it isn't a game. It's a game designed to help toddlers listen to directions. Why do I say this? The game gives you a god damn line to follow to win. The line even changes colors to tell you when to speed up or slow down.

    If the game was updated to include a feature to remove this line, there's still a billion other complaints about the game. Sense of speed is totally nonexistent. Drifting sucks. Controls aren't great. Numerous bugs/glitches.

    Just get Real Racing 2. Real Racing 2 is hands down the best racing sim in the App Store. Even if it might be $6 more expensive right now, $6 VERY WELL spent far exceeds wasting $1 on a game that is so bad it that it wouldn't even be worth it if it was free.
  20. SSquared

    SSquared Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Software Developer
    Pacific Northwest
    I have not played Red Alert, but reviews tend to be rather negative. I do play StarFront and I really like it. The interface is really nice on the iPad, but also plays quite well on the iPod/iPhone. The game is what I expect from an RTS. Three factions, buildings, research, upgrades, etc. Overall I have been impressed. Though the default AI is a tad easy. I did read in some thread of someone who does like RA more than SF:C.

    Settlers vs. Sim City is a tough one. I have both for my iPod and iPad, but have not really spent enough time on either game to give a good opinion. They are very different kinds of games, though. Settlers is about managing resources and building an empire. You tell your people what to build and do. Sim City is about planning and building your city. Sim City has an intricate level of management and keeping tabs on things. There have been some complaints about bugs in Sim City, but I have not played enough to hit them. Personally, I prefer G5 Entertainment's "Virtual City HD." For me, it is the perfect blend of city building and management, with a lot of the finer details removed, just right for an iPad.

    Overall though, for 99 cents, you can't really go wrong. Except the way I read reviews for Red Alert, I won't even buy it for 99 cents.

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