Regarding then150 chickens, there is another mission that is for I think 200 or 250. You need to get the epic research for holding the chicken button. Also, releasing the chickens is directly related to soul eggs. If you go to the prestige screen there is a little white bar, and when it fills you get another prestige soul eggYou can see the impact of chicken runs. When you get chicken run bonuses up to 10x or 12x, you can't be tapping that out. I know that the runs aren't the only measure for getting more soul eggs, but I'm pretty sure ya the fastest.
I had more trouble clearing the 150 chickens quest than the 175. I had good enough stats to clear 175 challenge instantly, not so much with the 150 when it was offered. My current one requires a massive sum of chickens: "Average habitat holds 300k chickens." I've had 300k total before, but essentially need 1.2 million to clear it. Seems dumb to not buy other habitats.
The "get x amount of chickens on screen" quests are actually really, really easy. If you have only one hen house the chickens crowd around the door and wait their turn to get in. Assuming your hatchery has an upgrade or two (so it refills as you're tapping), just tap with three fingers for like 30 seconds and you should be good. Make sure you push the little blue icon that stretches out the red button so you can easily push it with three fingers and you'll be done pretty quickly.
Indalico that mission is actually quite easy you just need to be on the fourth or fifth farm and you don't actually need the chickens you just need coups that are big. Some over 300,000 and a few close to 200,000.
You can also pay two golden eggs for unlimited chickens for 30 seconds. I don't really pay attention to missions (I should) and I was going crazy tappin the big red button for giggles with 8 fingers and I see a mission accomplished prompt for 175 chickens at once. I'm on level 1 prestige and 4 medium coops.
For that one its just the building, not the number of chickens...although that comes after! Here's a cool tipbefore you sell your farm, wait for an ad with money bonus. When you sell your farm the ad will still be there....and you'll start with massive cash speed up things. I'm not sure how often the video ads come up, but if they can be saved for a while, as long as you don't leave the app.
I like how occasionally a chicken will get confused, walk around, and only then go into the coop Would be cool to see other silly animations. I always enjoy that stuff, from my earliest video gaming days, e.g. Commander Keen idle animations. I also wonder if there's any advantage to pursuing additional regular non-epic upgrades before upgrading one's egg? Is there any point to fully upgrading a lower level farm before selling off?
Love this game and holding the button makes it less obvious when I'm playing it! I wish you could collapse the Tiers for research so you wouldn't have to scroll to find your next upgrade. I went through two farms before realizing there were other Tiers.
This game is ridiculously polished. I love the way the chickens flock/run around. And the news headlines!
Wizardling the bonus is to your piggy bank and invisible meter that fills for soul eggs. The more upgrades you do per farm the more golden eggs you get in your piggy bank. The more money your farm makes the more the invisible meter ticks toward more soul eggs for prestige. My rule of thumb is don't upgrade your egg until upgrades in the menu take more than 15 min to get.
The soul egg meter isn't invisible, actually. You can see it as a little bar underneath the "prestige and collect." If you hold down or tap the chickens to come out you can actually see the white bar move. Depending on how many chickens you let out from the hatchery. I get about one soul egg each full release, but that's on the last farm or two. I've also maxed out my coops and then you can't do chicken runs any more, but you still get soul eggs, about one an hour in the silos (fully charged at 80% efficiency) So there are a couple ways to earn soul eggs, but the chicken runs are the most efficient. I don't know how tapping compares to holding down in that regard though. My hold down puts out 20 Ch/s. Getting one coop at a time is a good way to get your bonus to last longerbut it seems like if you are releasing them fast enough and have your hatchery upgraded, you get the same effect anyway. Also, having one coop that has lots of space, the chickens will favor it and you get the same effect. And besides, for every coop that is full, you lose 25% of your population growth, Which is a big loss!
I know that bar is there but nothing you do gives you an actual measurable amount on it. So you can see it and it moves but it's hard to measure what fills it is what i meant.
Like an earlier poster said, this game has a ridiculous amount of polish. The art is great, and the chicken behaviors are fun. And I know it doesn't get mentioned much in game reviews, but don't underestimate the power of a good menu--especially in a clicker/idle game, where you spend the majority of your time in menus. Egg, Inc. has wonderful menus and overall UX. They're cleanly designed, responsive and logical. I also love that even when you're in a menu, you can still see your total cash, chickens, income and golden eggs--and can even continue to hatch chickens while you're in the menu. It's a small touch, but a great quality of life feature in a clicker. Another plus is the game is pretty generous with free gifts, some of which are connected to ad plays and others which are totally free. Their economy is well designed, with a prestige system and egg upgrade (almost a mini-prestige, as somebody called it) that truly makes you feel more powerful with each run. Long story short, this is one of the best clicker/idle games I've played in a long time. I'd love to see them add an additional layer of depth in a future update, but it's pretty dang good as is.
You know you're rightit only makes a big difference when your farm is getting close to maxed out. I've got a farm worth 34 octillion right now and when I do a chicken run it is really easy to see the prestige meter go up. Last time I prestige do I had an ad up just before. When I cashed it out on the first farm, edible eggs, it was 1.7 octillion dollars. I upgraded an insane amount for that and earned like 900 soul eggs.
It seems like the game grinds to a halt at the quantum egg. As soon as I'm there, all research jumps in cost (and falls in effectiveness?), so I'm able to maybe get a couple research points every few minutes. I finally tried to prestige, and it did the same thing at that egg. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing, or if I've just done something in the wrong order. The game is very generous with golden eggs and other bonuses, but the pacing feels off where I'm currently at.
What do I have to upgrade for the mission Pricey Eggs I have a mission where I have to lay eggs worth $300.000. How do I do that? Upgrading obviously but upgrade what?
I finally sold my quantum farm today. It's really slow but I thought it'd be worth dragging that out longer. Farm value needs to be 80 sextillion to get the next egg.