Universal Echoes of Aeons (by Alchimia Studios & Crescent Moon Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Makara Nou, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. Rocksaint

    Rocksaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    How do you kill that giant fireball in Airdeth Desert 10? The small fireballs it shoots does insane damage and I keep dying there.

    Honestly, losing interest. The difficulty spike is quite discouraging to say the least.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  2. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Potions help — buy the mid-size ones. But also look at your weapon mix: sometimes shifting the order makes a big difference. Also, look for items with mana and hp regen. Have you assigned all your tech points? Have you equipped all unlocked abilities? Switching between Rin and Eldric can help, too.

    I’m about 4 hours in and haven’t found the difficulty spikes too bad. And I’m far from the most technical RPG player.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  3. Rocksaint

    Rocksaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Thanks. I don't think I bought bigger-sized potions. Apart from that, order of the weapons are kept based on damage. Haven't found any items with mana and hp regen, although just started assigning points to those techs. Assigned all the tech points before starting the fight. Seems like they're saved now. Yeah, tried playing around with all the abilities. They're a bit of a hit and miss. Tried switching between characters as well but it feels like I'm quite underpowered for the fight. 2-3 hits and dead. Even with drinking potions as soon as I can.

    Well I play a lot of RPGs (currently playing Final Fantasy VII Remake on PS4), but this game went from talk talk talk, learning the ropes to boom, try killing this.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  4. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    You can always grind :). Monsters come back when you leave an area.

    Currently playing (and enjoying) Trials of Mana, BTW.
    AlchimiaStudios and Rocksaint like this.
  5. Rocksaint

    Rocksaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Yeah, that's there. But I don't like grinding for the sake of grinding. Maybe if there were some other incentives to grind, that would encourage me.

    Ah, yeah. Saw its reviews. It seems to be quite a faithful remake. And I found the selection of party before even starting the story a new twist to the traditional RPG genre norms.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  6. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    #46 AlchimiaStudios, May 4, 2020
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
    Ahh, hate to hear that this is causing you to lose interest in the game! This is actually just a side mini boss that is non essential to finishing the desert section. We debated for awhile to leave him in there as we got no feedback about him during beta, but figured people would just skip him if they didn't want to fight him since he sits in a dead end. Now that we have more feedback we are going to update it in a patch with a sign outside his little lair that says to proceed with caution and this is not the exit.

    But if you do wish to take him on at that point in the game there is some specific things you can do to beat him, although it is still incredibly hard and not representative of difficulty in the rest of the game. The suggestions from @squarezero are great tips in general, but for this specific fight it is best to prioritize dodging the projectiles, either with pulling him to the top and then running down/teleport and let Rin chip away at him. Or with Rin the set up is to pull him to the back of his lair, drop a Gravita well, spam arrows and then out run the fire, rinse and repeat.

    Thank you for the feedback and hope this helps!
  7. Rocksaint

    Rocksaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Ah. Thanks a lot for the info. I wasn’t aware that it’s optional and not required to progress in the game. I tracked back to try to find an alternate route but couldn’t. Will try some more tomorrow.

    And thanks for the tips. I don’t mind a tough challenging fight once in a while (looking at you Pascal’s Wager and Bloodborne) but this one kinda took me by surprise and felt out of place. But still, I’ll give it a few more tries with the tips you and squarezero mentioned and see if I can beat it. :)
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  8. zeroex

    zeroex Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2014
    Thanks for the explanation! Is there a way to respec TP or are you locked into what you've spent? I thought both STR were the same (can't read) and maxed out both without specc'ing into the middle... Also is there a way to view all the abilities and what they do so we can plan ahead? Seems like you cant view the ones that you havent unlocked yet.
  9. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I should have noted that, too. I ended up defeating that boss after I’d completed the castle/sewers section, when I double back through the desert by mistake (I misread a piece of dialogue). I guess by that point I was already powerful enough to take the boss on (though it still killed me a couple of times).

    In general, I’ve done little to no grinding.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  10. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    I’m utterly addicted to Ara Fell, got Fatefull Lore and the greater good waiting for me and yet I’m still considering buying this.... so much time and so many games!
    AlchimiaStudios and ste86uk like this.
  11. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
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    NSW Australia
    #51 stubbieoz, May 5, 2020
    Last edited: May 5, 2020
    Dear oh dear, you just reminded me about Ara Fell.

    To self...
    “Oh for crying out loud come on.
    I have enough unplayed and unfinished games atm.
    I really don’t need to buy any more.
    No sir, no more games”.

    orangecan and AlchimiaStudios like this.
  12. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    You are welcome! As of right now you can not respec, but possibly in a future update we will add that option. Since there is no dependency from row to row planning is not too big of deal, but I can see the want for some to have access to that.

    I am going to post the entire spec tree here for those that wish to see it for that purpose, as I am sure it will be out there soon enough anyway, maybe one day EoA will have it's own wiki!

    Solarclipse and stubbieoz like this.
  13. Rocksaint

    Rocksaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Finally got him! The pulling him into the corner with Eldric and spamming slow + arrows with Rin from far away while dodging finally worked! Sadly didn't get much in return apart from the satisfaction of finally besting him. Also found a way out of the desert and into the forest.

    @AlchimiaStudios @squarezero Thanks a lot for all the help guys. I can peacefully continue my quest now. :)
    AlchimiaStudios and squarezero like this.
  14. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    Woohoo! Awesome! Glad you got him down! Super tough fight, if you can take him at that level/gear then you're good to go! I honestly died 5 times while recording those videos earlier trying to remember the strategy with low level gear... Hope you enjoy the rest of the quest!

    Haha.. yeah his reward is underwhelming... but it's the satisfaction of beating him that counts right? haha.. We always meant to put something better, but we just forgot, and then the game had to be released and here we are! Hope to update his loot tables some day!
    Rocksaint likes this.
  15. solarnya

    solarnya Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2015
    Close to Tokyo, Japan
    #55 solarnya, May 6, 2020
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    Just pressed the buy button!
    Hope if it's good.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  16. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    #56 Solarclipse, May 8, 2020
    Last edited: May 8, 2020
    This is a beautiful game, thank you AlchimiaStudios!

    I too have gotten confused about which port to go to twice now. First, like squarezero, going all the way through the desert before realizing it was the wrong port, but being confused because I never saw the port around the castle—a guard was blocking off, and there isn't a sign or dialogue about the port being there. I was lucky to stumble on it.

    But now I am stuck looking for the Lucian port. It's not same port I used before, because the captain isn't there by her boat? No clues in Gentry (sp) the nearby village. But I can't find a port in the capitol city either. And its a lot bigger, so harder to stumble on...also, no access to the ocean in the world map, so that's confusing...

    I'd wager more than Squarezero and myself have had trouble with this, but maybe a little more detail in the quest notes would help people like us out without needing much overhaul? Otherwise, anyone have a clue? I'm stuck :(

    Also, if there is a way back into the castle dungeon, that'd be cool because I beat the boss without fully exploring it, probably missed some treasure.

    Buggy things
    I updated this morning to 1.1.2, but I'm still getting a lot of crashing when pausing or transitioning/loading a new area. I am just now updating my ipad air from 1.3.1 to 1.4.1, I don't know if that will help. I tried closing some other apps, maybe I'll try turning it off and on and see if it helps...
    •After the rescue, if you go back to the morning star? pub in the city and are using Eldric to talk to the barkeep, they talk about waiting for the princess and the game freezes. The noblewoman responds tot he princess differently, but the others don't. (poor Cinna).
    •if you have Eldric alone and go through certain areas in Lucian, like around Rin's mother's grave, you get a repeat of her messages when she was leaving, though she isn't in the party.
    •Exploit for the giant fireball miniboss in the desert, if you stand to the left of it a bit and cast spells, it won't initiate any attack but just sit there and take it.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  17. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I can see that intelligence boosts damage, does it effect your mana pool too? there's no numbers for the mana total or costs, just the mana regen items.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  18. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    #58 AlchimiaStudios, May 8, 2020
    Last edited: May 8, 2020
    Sorry to hear it's been crashing. So far we've only had one other reported crash since launch but can't seem to reproduce it and weren't given good info about it. I'm curious to know which generation of iPad Air you have been running it on. The game only runs on iPad Air 2 and up due to the 2GB RAM that the game needs to run, as well as the iPad Air 2 is the oldest device we support.

    As for the Falling Star Inn, there is dialogue written for Cinna, however it looks like that portion wasn't implemented correctly. We'll take a second look at the keeps interaction too, we weren't aware of that bug until today so thanks for reporting it!

    Yeah the Lusec port is a little confusing because you never go there before you are told you are supposed to go there. It is located to the north of the Main plaza of Lusec where the sky is seen through the trees. I'll see what we can do about clarity of direction when heading to ports. Later in the game, it becomes a little more clear where the ports are for everything. While we do want you to explore, doubling back can be a pain, we'll see what we can do.

    Mana is a fixed pool. I believe there is some information about that in a book somewhere in the world, but I'll have to double check. We considered showing mana as a numerical value but ultimately decided against it due to the fixed pool. It might be a good time to revisit that, as well as showing the hidden mana cost values for the abilities themselves.

    We appreciate the feedback and will look at implementing some of these changes in a future patch!
  19. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    #59 Solarclipse, May 8, 2020
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
    Thank you for the quick response! It's an ipad air 2, the 6th generation. That explains the long (4-6 seconds) loading time between areas. Knowing its at the limits for the game helps, I'll run memory/disk usage clear app before playing, or if I'm in long sessions like today take breaks and clear it. That should help.

    I'm off to find that port :) oh, yeah...its kind of hidden. I can see how I missed it, but I'm also (>ლ). It'd help if Matilda's ship wasn't by the original port by Gentry anymore. When you see it there, it makes you wonder where if you need to find the captain for dice and drinks or something.

    One other thing I've been wondering about weapons and combos. I've stuck with only having 2 weapons on Eldric, for example, because it seems better to cycle through the most powerful ones rather than add 3 more that are significantly weaker. And the odd thing is I can't seem to unequip a slot. If I equip another sword, now I have to have 3, I can't select a sword and an empty spot in my inventory, or otherwise unequip it. Am I misunderstanding how the combo system works and actually losing out on inflicting damage? This is a pretty novel idea which has potential but not quite understanding how it works, and not being able to unequip these has me hesitant.
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  20. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    #60 AlchimiaStudios, May 10, 2020
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
    Sorry for the late reply, been a long last few weeks and been hard to get back to all the replies.

    As for the boat, yeah it is a bit confusing but we took this from DQ XI, regardless of where you teleport in that game the boat is always available at the closest dock. We will look at refining the journal text to make it a bit easier, but the design of this game is meant to be a bit more old school where you didn't have maps or clear directions sometimes.

    A lot of the systems we have in the game came down to us just having to finishing the game because the 8+ year dev cycle was just to long. We tried our best to get a lot in, but some of the systems just had to be what they are.

    Now in regards to combos specifically, yea you can't un-equip as the thought was to just lock you into 5 combos and also the visual flair of the attacks themselves. Also if you are utilizing teleports you can do some pretty cool set ups by planning your attacks around your teleports. Yes it is true that if you are Min-maxing for pure DPS then it is slightly better to just use 2 weapons of the highest damage. We were going to add stats to the blades as well so that you have more incentive to maintain a full set, but we didn't have time to implement this when it came down to it. It is something we are thinking about for a future update or for when the game gets ported to other platforms. In reality it is possible to become OP regardless of a trying to minmax 2 swords so we really didn't think to much of it.

    Either way thank you for playing the game and for the feedback. Hope you enjoy the rest of it!

    Have a good one!

    Alchimia Studios
    Solarclipse likes this.

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