Universal Echoes of Aeons (by Alchimia Studios & Crescent Moon Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Makara Nou, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    LMAO, this absolutely made my day.

    Also, apologies to those scrolling on a phone. Bwahahahahahaha! :p
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  2. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    @metalcasket Seriously thank you so much for taking the time to write this badass review, It's amazing seeing our project be interpreted and memories being made through this medium. We also enjoyed that your review almost had as much dialogue as the game itself! Hahaha kidding obviously, but we really are going to print it out and put it on our walls.

    It was the first thing we read today and really made our days. It's tough working on a project for so long and then finally releasing it into the unknown. We are glad to see generally positive views on the game so far and hope that everyone that plays it can get something from it that stays with them. :D
    macplash, ste86uk and metalcasket like this.
  3. quangvietnguyen

    quangvietnguyen Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    You've just sold this game for me
    metalcasket and AlchimiaStudios like this.
  4. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    It was an absolute pleasure. :) It's hard not to gush about games when you can tell developers have put their hearts and souls into them.

    Also, add a few references here and there and I'm sure my review was just about the same length as my master's thesis. :p I kid, but the idea of that literal wall of text in your homes/offices terrifies me! :eek:
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  5. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    #25 Lull4by, Apr 30, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
    Here is an useful tip before you enter the "Westwood Forest", you can bypass it actually.

    Instead, searching the "Cosmo Cavern" and the "Caldari East Gate" first, then you can get "$1000" and a item called "Rock", which increase your character's Int+3, Str+1 and Stm+2.

    Update: Add a short video.
    stubbieoz and AlchimiaStudios like this.
  6. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Thanks, time for a restart :rolleyes:

    Yeah, I ended up putting The Greater Good on hold, and giving this a “quick check out” and now I’m hooked.

    I knew it. :confused:
    metalcasket likes this.
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @stubbieoz it must be good if that’s happened! Looking forward to checking this out, so many great games lately.
  8. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Not exactly what I meant though. Thats good to keep your progress but I have another concern.

    If you delete (or unload as you suggested) a game to make room for another, and the game is removed from the AppStore you are then unable to reinstall it again. Your method above even points that out in the description in the settings.

    However these days I do make a copy of the game .ipa using the program iMazing.
    I am just hoping that if a game gets removed from the AppStore I can still install the .ipa file back onto my iPad, because if it is gone from the AppStore then it simply no longer exists.

    I think from memory iOS 9 totally buggered up the ability to use iTunes to backup .ipa files?

    So until a game that I have backed up with iMazing is removed from the AppStore I simply don’t know if iMazing will be able to reinstall it.
  9. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
  10. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #30 Gwarmaxx, May 1, 2020
    Last edited: May 1, 2020
    yeah, i’ve already used those pc programs like iMazing through all this years, but for the ipa files i preferred downloading them through an old iTunes version on pc until last year, then it wasn’t possible anymore.

    anyway, download each purchased game on your device to extract the ipa on pc through iMazing is totally crazy, also because if you weekly got a lot of games, how do you find the space to install them? so the next week you delete the previous ones to install the new entries just to backup them?????
    pure craziness!

    not to say that for each app you install, you are filling the OS reg with a lot of trash residual files, which in the long run end up compromising its functioning.

    anyway, there are two modes for pulling, those games that remain in your purchase list, and those that are completely removed. in my post i referred to the first ones, but also in case of those games totally removed from the store, i don’t know how it works in case you still have the game on the home screen ready to be redownloaded, maybe you can still download it, or maybe not, i never experienced that, i just know in that case you never find the app anymore if you have deleted it, but if you have it still on the iOS on standby?

    have you ever experienced that?
  11. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #31 stubbieoz, May 1, 2020
    Last edited: May 1, 2020
    I have 280gig of .ipa backup files on a 1TB hard drive stored on my pc. I have enough room.

    A lot of those .ipa files are from when iTunes was keeping all the .ipa files in your library. As you said that of coarse has all been discontinued with the latest iTunes.
    So I have only been using iMazing for a couple of months. I have probably bought a couple of dozen iOS games in that time and it was easy to download those .ipa files as iMazing still accesses your iOS account and library.
    It takes me about 10 minutes a day to use iMazing to update any games that have been patched.

    I use Eusing Free Registry Cleaner once a month and that utility cleans any dead registry entries.

    Call me Crazy? Probably, but I’m an old bugger and no longer working so crazy is to be expected.

    From here on in if I need to remove any game for space I will only unload it like you suggested, rather than a total delete.
    In the future if a game gets removed from the AppStore and I have unloaded it, I will hopefully remember to message you and let you know if it still downloads the game from the AppStore.

    Oh, and just to get back on topic so I hopefully don’t get smacked by a moderator this game took up 2.98gig on my iPad Pro. :D
  12. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    Haha, so awesome! Oh it's happening, for sure... I'll update with pictures once I can get to a printer haha! But thank you for detecting the level of heart and soul went into this!

    P.S. What was your Master thesis about? :cool:
    metalcasket likes this.
  13. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Haha, it was about facilitating second language acquisition through social media.

    Now if only this pandemic had happened a year and a bit ago, I would’ve been able to collect the richest data ever. :p
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  14. zeroex

    zeroex Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2014
    Anyone have tips on builds? Where best to allocate TP? I'm not sure why left column gives +1 STR while right gives +2...
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  15. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    Hey @zeroex What I think you are referring to is the Left Tech Tree Box is +1 STM (Nature's Stamina) which is stamina, which roughly translates into 10HP per rank, while the Right column is +2 STR (Aeonic Strength) which is strength, which factors into how hard your melee damage hits.


    I guess it comes down to how you like to build out your characters. I personally like to go all into lowering the cost of teleport or feather foot so that I can be highly mobile and doge enemy spells, and then go to STR. But going all into str or spliting STR and Stamina makes you a pretty hefty damage dealer or tank respectively!

    One last thing, you will not be locked into a specific column as it is actually each row that unlocks once you have spent 10 TP in that Tiers Row. You could also make a manual save file, spec, try it out and then revert to that save if you don't like it's performance!

    Whatever way you go, I don't think you can go wrong!

    Hope this helps!

    Alchimia Studios
  16. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    @AlchimiaStudios Just curious that is there any plan/chance for controller support? thanks!
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  17. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    @Lull4by We would have loved to launch with MiFi controller support, but unfortunately our engine does not support MiFi on iOS yet. They lost the engineer years ago that was implementing it. BUT, they just recently, like two weeks ago said that they started it back up again and it is almost working on a beta build of the engine. Which means hopefully in a few months we will have support on iOS.

    As a side note, we have a Mac OS version that has controller support and it plays amazing! We had to stop work on the Mac OS version due to mojave bugs with the engine, but a Mac OS version will come at some point in the future as well!

    Thank you for the support!
    Lull4by and Makara Nou like this.
  18. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    So I take it if you say about saving and reverting the save if you don’t like your choice in the tech tree that there’s no way to reset your allocation and pick again?
    AlchimiaStudios likes this.
  19. AlchimiaStudios

    AlchimiaStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Game Studio
    Unfortunately as of now there is no way to reset or reallocate, but we will look into this as an option in a future update! Thank you for the suggestion!
    ste86uk likes this.
  20. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Most games seem to give you options to change some let you do it freely whenever, some only at certain places and others charge you a fee to do so. Then of course stupid freemium games have their own way.

    But generally in a premium RPG I would expect it to be there.
    bx59 and AlchimiaStudios like this.

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