Earbuds, Over-Ear Headsets Or Nothing?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by marlenedegrood, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. marlenedegrood

    marlenedegrood Well-Known Member

    Since I don't have an iPhone .... yet (5 weeks left of Sprint contract), to hear sound I need some sort of headphones. I've been buying iPods since the first one came out and probably 8 different kinds of sources for getting the sounds into my head but I have yet to find something that sounds good, doesn't have annoying tangled wires, and looks cool. So .... I play most of the games on my iPod Touch without sound. For listening to music in bed I use the Bose soft small over-ear headphones. Earbuds hurt my ears and the one's that don't hurt fall out. I'm tired of wasting between $50 and $100 on earbuds touted to fit perfect but I'm open for suggestions.

    Anyone else playing their games without sound because of the headphone hassle?
  2. pablo19

    pablo19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2008
    I use headsets that came with free earbuds and were a total or 12.99$ I'm happy with my purchase and the sound is pretty good, I don't have a sensitive ear so that might be why I don't notice those things you mention.

    BTW who's gonna be first and say this needs to go to the Lounge?...Really? nobody?
  3. stargazer513

    stargazer513 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    "this needs to go to the lounge" hhaha jk..i dont really care..

    but which earbud did buy thats only 13?? i wana that! mine current ones about to break..
  4. pablo19

    pablo19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2008
    -Radioshack! has them, but they upped the price to 19.99$.

    -You get +1 point for saying the lounge thing :p

    -For my shuffle I use JVC earbuds which I do not recommend at all. had them for a week and they started making weird crakling noises and the plastic started falling off. I still use them but....ZAAAAAAAP!!!!! electric shockO!!!!:eek:
  5. stargazer513

    stargazer513 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    LOL so it did end up getting moved haha

    ohh $20...thats still pretty cheap,thanks ill check it out! maybe i can do some negotiation with radioshack lmao
    yahh jvc sucks! i had their uhm cheap gummi ones and they sound bad..right now im using sennheiser cx3 or something..which i got off a friend mass selling it for 5 bucks :D but its breaking...
  6. tosui

    tosui Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    Toronto, Canada
    I'm a headphone snob, and I use many different pairs (depending on task/environment/etc.), but for an all-around not expensive but great sounding pair, this is the best deal I've seen yet: Sennheiser CX400

    This is, of course, if you actually care about good quality sound - not everyone does.
  7. stargazer513

    stargazer513 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    ohh yeah i think sennheiser is best at price and quality, is the cx400 much better than cx300? cause i use 300 right now and its kinda breaing..wonder if i should get another 300 or the 400 series
  8. s0mah

    s0mah Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    failing PHY tests
    little town of bethlehem
    Earbuds suck and make you look like 2003. I wouldnt use them just on principle.
  9. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    Apple In-Ear Headphones rock.
  10. Coldar

    Coldar Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2008
    Upstate NY/USA
    I've been using the Phillips ear buds and sound great, only $15 at Walmart and even have a little speaker in the middle (reversed).
    Now to my point: I hate them. They are great in every aspect but guess I have sensitive ears and its real bothersome. So when I get some extra cash going for the over the ear kind.
  11. marlenedegrood

    marlenedegrood Well-Known Member

    Thanks for moving this thread to the right forum .... my bad. I think I'll give the Sennheiser CX400's a try .... thanks for the link.

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