iPhone Games US$.99: ALL THEIR GAMES ARE US$.99 BUT Rock Band Reloaded Rock Band Mirror's Edge and those released today. iPad games US$.99: • SimCity™ Deluxe for iPad • Reckless Racing HD • Mirror's Edge™ for iPad • COMMAND & CONQUER™ RED ALERT™ for iPad • Need for Speed Shift for iPad • SCRABBLE for iPad • TETRIS® for iPad • BOGGLE for iPad • MADDEN NFL 11 by EA SPORTS™ for iPad • YAHTZEE™ HD • Pictureka! for iPad • SNOOD for iPad • Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit for iPad
Wow all those for .99 cents ? I cant believe it especially since sim city and nfs:hp just came out. Darn international sales
About the NZ , AU only sales, I dont remember EA doing such sales ever. It'll probably roll out like NZ releases and show up in yours store whenever NZ releases are supposed to show up (except maybe US, as EA does have different pricing strategies for the US and Intl versions). I really am hoping to see the sale in UK at 12 AM UK time. Fingers crossed
Ok, sale confirmed for all international stores http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/need-for-speed-hot-pursuit/id402604738?mt=8
I've just got word from EA via twitter that these sales will be in the US very soon! http://twitter.com/#!/EAMobile/status/15199328490496000
Awesome thanks! IS this the official icing on the cake for the best app store day ever ? Now only if i had an ipad to play these games ....
I've just got word from EA via twitter that these sales will be in the US very soon! http://twitter.com/#!/EAMobile/status/15199328490496000
Just out of curiousity, where is the '75' coming from? Is this just a partial list? Or are there 75 games that are going to be on sale? Not even sure EA has that many on the iOS.