I got an extra Tetris, I think, if I do I will trade it for BF2 (I am getting an iPad mini, and Tetris is not HD, so I can't use. I also have LT to trade) EDIT: Nevermind, it's not HD..
If anyone wants some codes I will trade anything for wipeout iOS (because it is not available in uk) not in the deal but if you can gift it to me I will send my thanks and send all the codes you want.
i won Mirrors Edge, but i already have this game. Willing to give the code away. Anyone with extra codes too please PM.
Ok, this is on behalf of Kubaton and me. Was saving this for sink n swim, but he doesn't have a us account. And will open it to everyone not just senior members since it's from both of us. Tetris, US code 7L3F9736XJR6 Merry xmas! . Please post if taken
Is the site not loading for anyone else now? Edit:Never mind,it decided to work right after I posted that
This is one of the best giveaways I have seen in ages. Followed the steps and got the three games I wanted in about 10 mins BBC2, MEI and Tetris Do US customers get any different games from UK? Was wondering if anyone was interested in a trade. I will get 3 more codes tomorrow and post them here. Any requests for most wanted game?
Haha I guess I set that one up nicely Just won another Tetris code: HRMJ334AW4XY for US AppStore. Let me know if you take it
You're welcome dude. If you have multiple email addresses you can keep respinning until you get the game(s) you want if you set your browser as mentioned at the start of the thread. EA really messed up here unless they wanted to give something back to the people who bought NFS:MW at launch price
Well I've gotten a total of 0 games from them because I can't get their site to load. I push daily spin and like most EA properties, the results are nothing short of anticlimactic.