But it's really not that much expensive, and as I said, you still get all the PS+ features anyway. A game (didn't they say at least one new game every month?) and online play for 5$ a months not that bad. I have been expecting payed online for the PS4 for years now. It's really not a huge surprise. With all the servers they need to support now, you should't expect them to do it for free.
The Order:1886, Infamous, Drive Club, The Dark Sorcerer, Final Fantasy XIV and XV, Kingdom Hearts III, Mad Max, Used Games, Not Always Online, Cloud Service for PS3 Games...I need cash for both Wii U and PS4 now
If you look through promotions, I'd bet you'd be able to find some on sale every once in a while too. That's actually a good idea, until I lose the little card with the codes on it.
True. Snag a few months here and there. Seriously four to six years is good enough. Then an addtional few until the console starts to be ushered out by the next gen. Sides, mostly going to go battlefront three online. Hopin battlefront three keeps split screen.
So is anyone disappointed with the fact that many people are saying PS 'won the show' just because they don't have drm or online checks? Seems sad that that's considered a 'feature' rather than something that should just be expected. Plus hasn't Wii U had all that plus backwards compatibility (and somewhat 'out dated' tech)? That seems like something that should need to be advertised and the fact that it needs to be is somewhat sad for the industry.
The Wii U is missing an account system and many major third-party games. Like you posted, the tech is subpar compared to the new next-gen consoles. It's simply not an attractive option right now.
Well the PS4 also beats the WiiU. I'll elaborate later. Or maybe someone else will. They won beacause they gave MS a beating. They won because of the hype they raised. They won this by announcing a price of $399. Nintendo really needs to be amazing here to blast the PS4's confrence out of the water.
My point is, why should DRM and online checks have to be advertised? It's just sad for the gaming industry when that is one of the biggest selling points. We shouldn't have to worry about that. It should be expected, not advertised. If Wii U is as bad as people say, if the Wii U can do it, shouldn't the all great and powerful Xbox One be able to do it? In my opinion, Nintendo could easily (edit: maybe easily isn't the right word...) beat the Xbone. Probably not the PS4, unless as Saan said, they do some crazy stuff, and just amaze people.
DRM and online checks where shots at MS. Nintendo can beat MS. But they can't beat Sony. Better third parties. Better tech. More games- On release. Sony beats the WiiU here.
I don't really care about 3rd party on my Wii U. I've just come to expect mainly first party games on Nintendo platforms. I always plan to get at least one other system besides Nintendo. I'm getting s PS4 for sure to compliment my Wii U, I might eventually get an Xbone, but not near launch, that's for sure.
My last gen gaming was split between Wii and PS3. Wii for Nintendo's first party stuff and PS3 for everything else. This gen is going to to be the same... my Wii U is for Nintendo first party content, and I'm pre-ordering a PS4 first chance I get for everything else. Microsoft's conference was, to be fair, better than I thought it'd be, but I genuinely feel that Sony's was just much stronger. Plus, Sony generally have the better exclusives. Really looking forward to what Nintendo has to show now. Excited to see the new Mario 3D game and really looking forward to seeing Wind Waker HD in motion, but most of all I'm absolutely pumped to finally see what Retro Studios have been working on... please show it Nintendo!
It had to be advertised because the point of these events is to prove you have the better product. Microsoft's seemingly endless list of restrictions has been the biggest gaming news story in years, and Sony needed to walk in and end the fight with a total knockout. Which they did with aplomb. I haven't seen a beatdown that brutal since... I haven't seen a beatdown that brutal before. They made MS and the Xbox One look like a total joke. Edit: I like the part about PS4 being region-free. Edit edit: And I like this part: https://twitter.com/yosp/status/344364530333274112
The biggest bombshell outside of the "brutal beatdown" for me was the next big steps towards FTP in console gaming. The model for the Killer Instinct remake is free download with one character with additional characters as IAPs. Very interesting *strokes place where awesome beard should be http://m.au.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/killer-instinct-is-a-fun-free-to-play-xbox-one-launch-game **sorry on phone so can't link
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