It's a third-person shooter/tower defense game in the vein of Dungeon Defenders, Orcs Must Die, Sanctum, and Ratchet & Clank: FFA.
Personally, of the games announced at the Xbox press conference, I am most looking forward to Ryse: Son of Rome. Call of Duty: Roman edition.. yes please. (I know that sounds derisive to some people, but I mean that in a good way. multiplayer late antiquity sieges and battles, yes please!) If I had one complaint... what the flying fadoodle is a trebuchet doing in Ancient Rome?!? Those didn't show up in Europe until centuries later.... I also like the Smartglass integration with a lot of the games announced. Honestly, I love the smartglass app (even if it could use message notifications and support for voice messaging [or at least the ability to HEAR voice messages]). I wish Apple had taken a few cues from Smartglass when designing the new Gamecenter app...
FIFA14 is coming to Xbox 1, PS4, PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, 3DS, PSP, Wii, and even PS2. I get the feeling that something is missing though...