Universal Dysmantle (by 10tons Ltd.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, May 18, 2022.

  1. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Is it better to play this on PC air iPhone?

    can you transfer progress?
  2. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Requested a refund, text is too small for iPhone 12
  3. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    +10hrs of endgame, and tbh I should now stop. Started out superb, completing all tombs and story elements to get an amazing bladed weapon.

    I’m now stuck with one main quest (the ark) which requires massive collections of resources to be deposited. Farming is incredibly tedious - but I’m just about there. Really, 2-4 hours of just running between fields planting shit.

    I’m screwed on the natural resources collection. If I’d been picking mushrooms consistently over the first 42 hours, I’d be in with a fighting chance. My material carrying slots were always too precious and devoted to essential resources tho, whilst fish and mushrooms appeared to be for recipes only. Which I didn’t really need. Beyond limited quantities.

    So I’ll be looking at hours - hours - of running around looking for mushrooms. And fishing. To get the - admittedly tempting - post game, game breaking blunt weapon.

    i should stop. I should have stopped four hours ago. Amazing title tho.
    Anotherkellydown and macplash like this.
  4. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @Quoad kinda similar situation here except I’m fine with mushrooms and fish, it’s the onion I lack. Like I have one. I can grow one plant which gives me enough seeds to grow just one another after harvest. It’s like a never ending circle. My only option is to find another onion somewhere, unfortunately for me I uncovered most of the map and destroyed most of the world already, so it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Dunno if I’m up for it. I got 100+ hours in game and I really regret I didn’t start farming before cooking all the recipes. I’d really love to get that final ultimate weapon, I’m just not sure I have the patience anymore. So, pretty important tip for those only starting and already keeping the endgame in mind: do some farming first. Cooking can wait. ;)
    houseofg and VirtualBoyFreak like this.
  5. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    #45 Ghostdog1, Jun 18, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    I was in the same situation - wanted to finish the ark and had absolutely no onions and potatoes. After searching every town i found nothing because i already looted and destroyed mostly everything everywhere. I was so frustrated. Because after spending about 100 hours i could not finish the last side quest.
    But then i tried a different approach - the wishing wells. While i grew on three fields other vegetables, i went again and again to some cheap wishing wells that refill after 30 mins. And after some time i got lucky enough to find in them potatoes and onions to plant exactly one of each. Because of the system that you always get about double the amount the seeds you planted it was the start for me to finally finish the game.
    It worked all out and i got the Special Weapon. Finished the game after 117 hours.

    I loved every minute of this game. And my biggest surprise was the cooking in the game. During the first 50 hours playing i never cooked anything because i thought it was just to regen health. But damn - what great game-design to attach every recipe permanent upgrades for your stats and skills. This also helps with collecting mushrooms and such stuff because there are recipes that double every pick-up.
  6. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @Ghostdog1 Right, the wishing wells. Even though it’s a long shot as well I have to admit it didn’t cross my mind. I might give it a try. Thanks!
  7. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    56 hours. Actually worth it in the end! Upgrading the power fist to max is now another project in and of itself. Less immediately impressive than the Khoresh!

    adamphetamine and macplash like this.
  8. slack8182

    slack8182 Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2017
    I know that iOS 16 beta is for developers and shouldn’t be used blah blah blah, but I wasn’t sure if the developer was aware that the game crashes on load up on 16 beta 2. It did the same on beta 1 but if I power restarted my phone and opened it immediately after it would work. Now on beta 2 it won’t load at all. Anyone else experience this? Dev are you aware of this?
  9. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    This looks awesome! I like what I see regarding the gameplay on youtube, also I like the comments that it’s supposed to be a real grind fest and the lenght people seems to get out of it. I’m pretty sure I can get hooked on this one.
  10. Brightsiderus

    Brightsiderus Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2017
    Nah. Dysmantle is not really about grinding. More of exploring. Grinding is more for side quest “Ark”. I have finished the game in 50+ hours, never had to grind heavily. Especially when I got some cool weapons that can destroy walls, constructions and etc
  11. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    I can live with that. The game seems to be very fun. Sad that I have a gazillion other games I really should play first tho. :D

    If i’m lucky, this one might just go on sale in the mean time. Then I definitly pick it up.
  12. Brightsiderus

    Brightsiderus Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2017
    Same with the amount, but honestly, when that game released, I couldn’t play anything else till I finished it
    naghihimutuc likes this.
  13. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    It looks pretty effin sweet. :cool:
  14. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    Took me a while, but oh boy was it worth it! Now the proper fun of complete destruction of the whole world begins!

  15. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Like Jared said in his HUGE UPDATE article, I’m almost afraid to start this back up for fear of losing so much time. But, I never finished it so I’ll be going back anyway. The update sounds incredibly substantial according to the article.

    Jared, this is probably my GotY. It’s at least in my top 3. Personally, I’ll be plunking down that $5 for the paid portion of the DLC immediately. Even if I don’t get right back to the game I want to support 10tons for their hard work.
    adin and macplash like this.
  16. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    Couldn’t agree more! It’s right next to Gunfire Reborn which is funny as both of these game were released the same week. But I’m definitely going back to spend some serious time dysmantling the world again. I think I’ll need to do some serious time management because currently with Monster Train and Skies of Chaos, it’s quite impossible to find enough time for so much gaming already. But I guess I’ll manage. Dysmantle’s definitely worth it.
  17. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Just bought the DLC. An amazing game
  18. Alex DeLargest

    Alex DeLargest Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    #58 Alex DeLargest, Nov 7, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022
    Guys, I know I typically complain if big games lack cloud save, but I was stuck in bed sick this weekend and bought this on a whim and now I’ve played for fifteen or more hours across two days and am level 23 and can’t stop playing! 10tons has really blunted the parts of open-world survival games that typically annoy me, while honing the gameplay loop to a razor edge. So much fun. Definitely a GOTY contender.

    Is it worth buying the expansion before post game? Are the two big “QoL” inventions accessible while playing the main game?

    EDIT: Just to say what I usually say when technical issues or the raw size of the save (like here) or something is preventing the implementation of cloud save, please at least make the save available for manual backup through iOS Files and/or macOS Finder.
    adin likes this.
  19. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    It’s half the price currently. For the first time on discount. If you were on a fence because of the price, now’s the time to grab it!
  20. mastery51

    mastery51 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2009
    Good news on 10Tons Discord. Hope everything goes smoothly for them.
    adin, Alex DeLargest and decript like this.

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