I don't believe that. Backflip is way more generous in giving out premium currency for tasks than many other developers are out there. I get the same gem chest as well, and I've been playing since before May 12th.
I too agree that Backflip is very generous. I wouldn't even have started playing this game if it wasn't by Backflip. To my mind they are a great company in that they tend to do things Win/Win -- win for their profits/shareholders, and win for the players. That said, to allow people to get unlimited free gems doesn't make good business sense. It's not a win for them. I will still donate to this company, and I'm sure others here will as well. But probably most people won't. That's why I have been rushing to amass gems quickly -- in case they remove this ability. Is there anyone here who started playing Dwarven Den after May 12th who has the gem chest on level 1?
Because of how Free-but-IAP games work in general, and with no other experience with Backflip, pardon me for remaining skeptical! Mind checking your game version? As previously mentioned I have After I back that up I'll update to 1.2.2 and see if that *restores* the chest.
Great! Just out of curiosity, did you happen to take an unharvested photo of that chest area before updating? You posted a photo earlier today but it was after harvesting (i.e. it was empty) so one couldn't see where any of your chests had been. Were the two gold chests in the same place as mine, but no regular chest at all across from the gold chest at the top?
Same as yours, 1.22. I've also had the chest appear in 1.2.11 before, but only twice before it went away. And it's not a big deal. A good deal of people I know have the same deal with IAP impression on games. I guess it's normal. Hell, I get the same deal and I get reaaaaaaaaaally paranoid about how IAP would work in some game.
Level 1 Well, I've been playing level one before the update. So I'm not sure where it went wrong with your version. But glad that it work for you now. Who else got the mighty lava hammer?? I've been forging all the time, but I only got the mighty jade hammer.
Except for the fact that I'd already confirmed with you by describing it. I guess some people just don't believe unless they see with their own eyes. Here you go.
Is there any way that posters (or mod?) could delete (or replace) the name of the guild from previous posts? I'm afraid we'll go the way of the other guilds that got overcrowded as number of freeloaders increased (this topic comes on the first page of google search after all).
It's not that, smithandjohnson. It's just helpful to have photos. In my situation that I posted about a day or two ago, I'm not getting three stars to show for level 80 and I really thought that others here had previously got them. Way back ChE Nick said he finished all the levels with all stars. However when I just went back and checked his photo on page 12, his home screen didn't show the stars for level 80 either. His posting the photo made it clearer that the three stars showing for level 80 had never been available. In your case, I think it's evidence that gem chests do seem come and go with different game versions. Something for us to watch out for.
Today the company posted the following on their Dwarven Den Facebook page: "We're working hard to bring more levels right now, it should be very soon! Watch out though, these levels are going to be a doozy! "