Dust: An Elysian Tail by Humble Hearts LLC https://appsto.re/us/UvQ28.i And it's shockingly compatible with my ancient device :-D
Words are really failing me at how beautiful this game looks on my device. I am playing on an iPhone 6 Plus. The controls so far are better than using an Xbox controller. This is literally the best virtual control game that I have ever played. Seriously, dev, you nailed this!
Instabought, third time buying this game (got it for pc and xbox for discount back in the days) Ill try it later tonight and give my impressions if that can help some.
I can't tell if mine's bugged or it's supposed to be purple and slow motion in the beginning? It's stuck on that purple screen. Will try restarting, but this is worrisome. Edit: I restarted the app and so far played without a hitch. I was nervous about the controls, but so far I've been able to manage on Normal mode. So if anyone encounters the above glitch, just reboot the app. Edit 2: Here's some proper iPhone 6S gameplay footage, no bugs. A couple of things took me a bit to figure out, like the chests and the bomb fruit. I'm a bit dense. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
As grumpy as I am about buying premium games on iOS lately (looking at YOU, Capcom), I'm buying this one right now. Didn't even realize this was coming out for iOS and was jealous when I saw it come out for PS4 last year (I have PS3 and Vita).
Dust: An Elysian Tail Humble Hearts LLC "This is one of the best games I've played on iOS this year." 5/5 - Touch Arcade The award-winning, multi-million selliā¦ TouchArcade Rating: $5.99 Buy Now Watch Media Details"This is one of the best games I've played on iOS this year." 5/5 - Touch Arcade The award-winning, multi-million selling adventure finally hits the App Store, lovingly crafted for iOS by creator Dean Dodrill! "Dust pretty much has it all." 5/5 - Giant Bomb "... Fabulously executed." 9/10 - EGM "... A beautiful, well-written, and entirely fun action-RPG." 9/10 - Digital Trends Immerse yourself in a gorgeous hand-painted world on a search for your true identity. As the mysterious warrior, Dust, your action-packed journey will take you from peaceful glades to snowy mountaintops and beyond. At your disposal is the mythical Blade of Ahrah, capable of turning its wielder into an unstoppable force of nature, and the blade's diminutive guardian, Fidget. Battle dozens of enemies at once with an easy-to-learn, difficult-to-master combat system, take on a variety of quests from friendly villagers, discover ancient secrets and powerful upgrades hidden throughout the massive, open world, and uncover the story of an ancient civilization on the brink of extinction as you fight to uncover your own past. Key Features *A traditionally-animated action-adventure tale *An expansive world filled with unique characters, quests, and secrets *Action-packed nonlinear platforming rewards exploration and experimentation *Fully voiced cast and a deep, rewarding storyline *Highly customizable input methods for maximum control *Full MFi extended gamepad support (dual-thumbstick models) *Four difficulty settings for players of all skill levels *Available in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese *Award-winning musical score by HyperDuck SoundWorks Devices with 1GB RAM are highly recommended for an optimal experience. These include: *iPhone 5 or greater *iPad 3rd Gen or greater *iPad mini 2 or greater *iPod touch 6th Gen or greater Devices with 512MB RAM are now compatible. This includes the first iPad mini and comparable devices. Please ensure that your device meets these requirements before purchasing. Information Seller:Humble Hearts LLC Genre:Action, Role Playing Release:Oct 07, 2015 Updated:Nov 16, 2017 Version:1.7 Size:917.2 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (71) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel asaw2 Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2013 188 9 18 South korea #12 asaw2, Oct 8, 2015 How many install size? metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #13 metalcasket, Oct 8, 2015 This is the most accurate post on the entire forum right now. Dust makes me so proud to be an iOS user who has had to endure reading "touchscreen controls are crap"-like messages since 2009. Like jsrco said, literally, these are the best touchscreen controls you will find on iOS. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #14 metalcasket, Oct 8, 2015 A measly 733 MB for all the content and dialogue in the game. Brrobotix Well-Known Member Oct 24, 2011 1,524 0 0 Under your bed #15 Brrobotix, Oct 8, 2015 Oooooooo I'm so excited! Studying for another couple hours tonight, but the struggle is real since I'm using my iPad to go through notes and I keep seeing the dust icon on my homescreen. The only thing I was kinda worried about was the controls, and now I'm not. Instabuy for everyone! LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,286 1 38 #16 LordShad0wz, Oct 8, 2015 Oh mash the button! Mash the buuutttoonnn!! I friggin loled for real. This game is fantastic. Seriously. This is a must own. Billy smes3817 Well-Known Member Oct 15, 2009 1,122 10 38 Massachusetts, USA #17 smes3817, Oct 8, 2015 I've heard of this on PC but don't know too much about it. Platformer RPG I assume? Is it like a Metroidvania? Any details you can share to describe it more? Tulki Well-Known Member Oct 27, 2014 150 1 18 #18 Tulki, Oct 8, 2015 Does this have iCloud support? I know it's a pretty big game... Milotorou Well-Known Member Mar 19, 2015 556 46 28 #19 Milotorou, Oct 8, 2015 Kind of a metroidvania yes, with a gameplay closer to action games (with a combo system and all) the gameplay is truly good and tight, hard to believe all of this was made by one guy alone tbh. LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,286 1 38 #20 LordShad0wz, Oct 8, 2015 Yes! Total cloud support! Billy (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 21 1 ← 2 3 4 5 6 → 21 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
This is the most accurate post on the entire forum right now. Dust makes me so proud to be an iOS user who has had to endure reading "touchscreen controls are crap"-like messages since 2009. Like jsrco said, literally, these are the best touchscreen controls you will find on iOS.
Oooooooo I'm so excited! Studying for another couple hours tonight, but the struggle is real since I'm using my iPad to go through notes and I keep seeing the dust icon on my homescreen. The only thing I was kinda worried about was the controls, and now I'm not. Instabuy for everyone!
Oh mash the button! Mash the buuutttoonnn!! I friggin loled for real. This game is fantastic. Seriously. This is a must own. Billy
I've heard of this on PC but don't know too much about it. Platformer RPG I assume? Is it like a Metroidvania? Any details you can share to describe it more?
Kind of a metroidvania yes, with a gameplay closer to action games (with a combo system and all) the gameplay is truly good and tight, hard to believe all of this was made by one guy alone tbh.