
Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by jptsetung, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. jptsetung

    jptsetung Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    @TheSwarre interesting info, I didn't know that the average playing time is 15 minutes on mobile but I'm not surprised.
    We don't need that money to make a living, I even considered releasing it for free at one time (because I was lazy to finish it), but that's not fair to anybody, the players and the devs as an unfinished game does not worth being played even if it's free.

    PS do I know you from somewhere, I think I know this name TheSwarre, but TA says it's your first post here.
  2. deadjam

    deadjam Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2010
    Digital Designer
    London, UK
    I'm with you all the way on this. I'll get the premium version so go ahead with the timers. You can refine it in beta anyway!
  3. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    How's it going?
  4. TheSwarre

    TheSwarre New Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Microminers, all those years ago, my name is in the credits. Completely forgot about the google+ group, so had to create an account here :D
  5. Sash-O

    Sash-O Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2015
    That's great news!��

    I'm looking forward to play your game after all this time!
  6. jptsetung

    jptsetung Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    It's progressing nicely. I've added almost everything around the game (leaderboards, achievements), in app purchase for full version, video ads, custom promo code system for beta testers.
    I'm testing the game on android (because the android workflow is so much easier in Unity than the iOS workflow), I played for 8 hours, and there's a problem with the business model (in 8 hours I saw the 10 minutes timers only 3 times). I'll try to fix it by making 2 more heroes premium (2 free heroes without timers, 5 premium heroes with timers). Some achievements are not working, and I want to add a function to share a screenshot on social networks.
    Maybe I'll want to add a couple of tips too, but not sure how yet. Some people prefer to learn these tips alone, some would like to be helped.
    I'll need to start recording gameplays too now to work on the trailer, well lot fo work ahead I guess, but there's no reason I would stop at this point now.

    OK thx yes I remember now :) I'll read your post there.

    Thx I'm curious too, let's see how the beta test goes.

    @All I hope you guys won't be disappointed because it's really a difficult game to play. It's fun like chess are fun if you see what I mean. It's very touchy, one error, and badaboom you fail. Well there's the infinite lives mode now, and I must admit I kind of like this mode too after testing it for a few hours, it's more casual. I've been watching the TAVERN GUARDIANS thread on upcoming games, and damn these guys know how to make fun games, it looks really cool, I'm looking forward to play it.
    But anyway all I can say is that any person who will manage to kill the evil king at dungeon 33 within 7 lives will have my big respects for ever :)

    @vectorarchitekt I read your messages on TAVERN GUARDIANS thread and I believe you'll find Dungerous too difficult for your taste. But anyway, thx for the support.
  7. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Don't worry I accept the challenge!
    I love chess. I'm no master but I'm decent.
  8. jptsetung

    jptsetung Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    Quick update. I decided to implement something difficult to do and time consuming, I call it the "explain me last turn". Basically, you make a move, and a couple of things happen you didn't expect at all, and eventually you die and feel it's unfair, you can't understand what happened and can't learn from your mistakes. With the "explain me last turn" you can replay the last turn and watch step by step with contextual popups explaining what's happening. Could work or not, but I have to try it and it will take a lot of time.
  9. jptsetung

    jptsetung Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    Explain last turn

    Phew, the "Explain last turn" feature was a nightmare to make, but it's coming along. Here is a preview, it doesn't look impressive, but might be very useful for those who really want to beat the game. It exposes the inner mechanics and algorithms of the game (especially for the npc AI). Still lot to test, but the harder part has been done.
    A glance at the "Explain last turn" feature
  10. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013

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