Universal Dungeons of Chaos UNITY EDITION (by Volker Elzner)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VolkerE, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Damn I don't know who this dev is but he doesn't mess around when it comes to updates, I also really like roguelikes.... I might have to hop on and buy this game soon... 0.0
  2. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    and another update coming! Added a WEAPON SWAP skill for ranger upon popular request, and a FLAME ARROWS skill for archer to ensure he is not turning into a too-boring option now that ranger is buffed. ;)
  3. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    #163 Havelcek, Sep 23, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016
    I'm starting the game for the first time with the default party....casters are Druid, Mage and cleric. My rogue got killed by the strange rat, how do I get him rezzed?

    I found the out of combat spell casting screen but there are no spell descriptions so I'm just pressing buttons lol.

    Edit....Nevermind I found the NPC in the cave.
  4. somedumbgamer

    somedumbgamer Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2013
    Great news! Thanks for creating a terrific RPG...and thanks for continuing to enhance this gem with the constant updates!
  5. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    I love how my feedback was incorporated and I love all these updates. This game is incredible.
  6. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    I've just gotten through the orc story early in the game and I'm thoroughly hooked - takes me back to Ultima and Pools of Radiance. Thanks so much for making this Volker.
  7. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    thanks! Please spread the word ... :)
  8. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    #168 Havelcek, Sep 27, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    I'm in the ancient tower...I think this is the lich quest. I'm probably being am idiot but I'm stuck in this loop with the stairs going up and down and back into the same rooms....what am I missing?

    Edit....Nevermind, figured out the pattern
  9. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Glad to hear, it is a cursed tower and the stairs don't always do what they look like they do. A mental challenge. :D

    If you are stuck on stairs, or stuck in lich fight, there is a good WIKI article here: https://dungeonsofchaos.wordpress.com/wiki/
  10. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze


    quite a few new things coming through over next 24h hours, v1.9.10 is with Apple for review now:

    - added bloated zombies to swamp areas and damp cave
    - added frost zombies to icy cravasse and icy valley
    - added shadow pixies to the lava cave
    - added some treasure to lava cave
    - gave the knights a KNIGHTS GRIP skill which blocks an enemy at the expense of blocking himself. Simultaneous STUN, no resist. Daily skill.
    - assassin guild quest goal is now 50 mon type kills, not 40
    - STR now has a good impact on unarmed damage
    - STR no longer boosts damage of slings
    - STR can still boost stun chance of weapons, but max is +15% over base item chance
    - archer in cave now trains a bit of determination
    - fixed an issue for passive skill gains not causing skill increases
    - nerfed skill and spell gain in super long fights
    - initial fight warning (and xp bonus) no longer things too weak-ish about strong / high-level players
    - many smaller other fixes

    Any issues please let me know!
  11. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Is there talent trees in this game ? Or something similar ?
  12. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    There are about 40 skills in the game, and about 30 spells.

    You can train them via use or fast by investing talent points. Most are locked to a few classes, so clerics and priests use healing spells a lot, monks and Druids a little, mages don't for example.

    The skills and spells do not require another skill or spell as prerequisite, so there are no branches in that you can over time select to become the expert in 'ball of lightning' without having invested in 'lightning bolt' beforehand.
  13. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    I want to get this game but I feel like I'll play it once and never again, I tend to get more into single charecter roguelikes, I feel like team based adventures tend to get tedious for me to control everyone in combat and such, but I do see a lot of love poured into this game! =\
  14. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    I have supplemented the old-school elements of the game with an auto-fight system. You can set specific tactics for each player and have each individually on auto or manual. Have a look at this video. For easy fights, like in 2:00, you keep it on auto and just watch the party take down the enemies. Still able to intervene at any time if you wish. then at 6:00 he takes on a boss monster and keeps certain characters on auto: fighters to advance, melee and use buff skills; ranged fighter to attack enemies (or a specific marked one if you direct him to); some spellcasters use attack spells on auto; the healer is kept on manual so that every few turns the player can strategically intervene, use daily skills etc.

  15. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    ^ well then! Might have sold me right there ! Hah
  16. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    Just bought the game and it's great so far.

    Quite overwhelming though because of the numbers of skills, spells, and passives I have to consider. There are other things that I don't understand such as the pre-class skill and proficiency. Then again, I haven't looked through the manual thoroughly and I'll probably need to do that.

    And will have ranged normal attack as I progress through the game? They seem to be dependent on the spells and once their manas are depleted, they seem useless. Or, should I push them into the fray and make them fight alongside the melee attackers?
  17. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Yeah, +1. I've tried getting in to this and - on paper at least - it should appeal to me much more than it does. Not to say it's a bad game at all but I also prefer the single character or roguelike approach to RPG's. I've forced myself to persevere with similar games and it's paid off - this one is included in that - but quite often the micromanagement of multiple characters/skills/jobs etc becomes too laborious for me. Guess it depends on what floats your boat!
  18. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Each class does have their weakness, and a Mage running out of mana is surely a problem. Similarly, non magical classes have powerful daily skills which are limited in use charges. However with a mixed party on normal difficulty it should not feel like an obstacle to progress, it just makes the tactical fights interesting. Have you checked out the skill, spell and class descriptions on the WIKI section of the Wordpress blog? Just press the blue W in the app's main screen.
  19. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    #179 N2L, Nov 10, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
    Not yet. I'll look into it later because I have an exam tomorrow.

    Will the mages have ranged normal attacks later in the game, or are they dependent on spells for attacks?
  20. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    They do depend on spells however their mana as well as mana regeneration progresses so much that the simple ranged attack spells won't usually deplete your mana in a normal fight. Which is the advancement of magic users I wanted to portray. He challenge of only being able to cast lightning strike three times with your level 1 Druid only exists at the start.
    Over the progress of the game the challenges generally shift and it becomes much more important to make the right tactical choice (area effect spells, tactical positioning, player boost spells, resistances etc).

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