Universal Dungeons of Chaos UNITY EDITION (by Volker Elzner)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VolkerE, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Very sorry to hear that. :(

    Was there a crash during saving?

    I am almost finished implementing a backup function that will use a separate file location. The PlayerPrefs file Unity directs to seems to be causing issues when there are crashes. Has been top of my list to get this remediated.
  2. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    yeah, it crashed... anyway, i'm on iOS 7 so luckily had a backup of the savegane file from a week ago that i've just replaced.
  3. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    glad to hear. my backup function is a few days away yet.
  4. Nareau

    Nareau New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
    Bug with Priest and Heal?

    I just promoted both my Cleric and my Monk to Priest status. However, it doesn't appear to register when they cast Heal in combat (for the purposes of advancing the skill). They do advance when it's cast outside of combat. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

    Here are screenshots from within a combat where HEAVE casts Heal, but isn't listed as using any spells in the Fight Statistics

    It appears to affect both of my priests.
  5. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    The fight stats only count aggressive
    Spells. Your heal should still advance over time. But I will double check.
  6. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Taken on a lot of fan feedback on features I could add, and also thinking through how I would go about expanding the game content in general, and have concluded the best approach is a kickstarter campaign. Have a look, I would be delighted if fans support the growth of this title:


    Also, just submitted 1.3.50 to the Google Store and later tonight to Apple. It brings:

    - BACKUP and RESTORE to mitigate rare file corruption issues
    - auto tactic ‘heal’ now works just with healing aura, more auto fight spell choice
    - elder dragons can now appeal to ZOMOK the dragon god for vengeance...
    - fixed an issue with levelling up dead characters, and item highlights, shop replenishment, target clicks, advancement over class cap.
    - daily uses left now displayed
    - better loot (value) for sparta+ difficulty
    - first changes to castle tunnels (more to come)
  7. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    backup !

    Will soon launch v1.4 to the App store.

    Please make sure you are on 1.3.50 and use the BACKUP function for your precious savegame. we had some isolated issues with a 1.3.60 version on Android (which 1.4 fixed), but you never know. Best to have backups.

    Will also push this out over the facebook group. Any issues please let me know!
  8. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    If anyone has had issues with corrupted 'dagger' items (no text and preventing mass sale or ID), this is now fixed in v1.4.75 which just came out. If any other issues remain with these items please let me know!
  9. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Good God, I love this game to bits. I've been playing for days now.

    Great job on the world building. I've found some really neat little places that are so much more than just caves filled with baddies. I love how just as I was starting to think the game was too easy I stumbled onto the dragon youngling. :)

    The tactical nature of combat is great too. I basically won that encounter with tactics despite only being like level 6 or 7.

    This game is must own!
  10. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Thanks! Appreciate the feedback! May I ask do you find the UI ok, and have you played these type of RPGs in the 80s/90s? Still trying to get a feel whether younger gamers can like it, too. Definitely marketing it more for the seasoned gamer with fond memories... :)
  11. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    I feel like the UI is perfectly fine from a functionality perspective. I've never had any problems figuring out how to do something with it, and I'm pretty sensitive to that sort of thing, as you could tell if you read my posts in the Lost Portal thread.

    As for my background, I played later Might & Magics and Ultima's on both PC and the SNES, along with various other now old school CRPG's. Honestly I don't love this game because it makes me feel nostalgic, like i'm playing those older titles. I feel like this game is a very satisfying open world tactics-driven party-based dungeon-crawler RPG in its own right.

    The optional little dungeons I've seen so far are interesting and relevant to my progress in the main quest. The tactical nature of battles means this isn't just a game of my stats versus some NPC enemy's stats - like I said, I basically took that dragon youngling apart, I believe, using superior tactics (tight formation, strategic use of buffs/heals, general party dynamics, etc) rather than brute force after grinding ants or something like that, although I guess I could have done that. I do appreciate the auto-battle feature so I can do other things while my AI driven party cleans up trash mobs. You might want to consider different speeds for this, as the faster auto-battle can resolve the two puny wolves I encounter just east of the starting mountain area, the better.

    The only other suggestion I can think of would be to implement an "undo" button for the last player action in battle. I'm playing on my phone and I lost count of the number of times I've tapped the screen to fire off an arrow at an enemy from afar only to end up taking one step forward towards that enemy instead. Either that, or adjust the tap zones for each tile somehow.

    Again, I'm really glad I listened to the folks who left the small pile of glowing reviews on your game's iOS page instead of shying away from it because of the primitive looking graphics. The UI does look bad in screenshots, but it's much tighter and cleaner on your screen when the game's actually running before your eyes.

    Keep working on it. I'll more than likely join your next Kickstarter and buy any future titles you put out, Volker. :)
  12. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze


    For the UNDO button: that is beyond my skills, the code would have to track a lot of things. After you have a misplaced click there could be a dozen monster or auto player actions and it would have to revert to complete state prior to last manual action. Also slight concerns about people exploiting this (or better said: feel tempted to exploit it). So I have to pass on that one.

    Regarding fight speed, here is a speed setting in the options menu. But you would have to set it before the fight commences. Do you mean an in-fight change option?
  13. Collin

    Collin Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Art Director
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I played the Ultima games up to VII back in the day, and I'm really enjoying this so far; got it late last night and am only level 2.

    I could be wrong, but I would swear in those old games that it was possible to equip a character with a sword, shield and bow or sling, and it would let them automatically attack from a distance with the bow or sling, and then switch to the close combat weapons when an enemy was next to the character. In fact, that was a way to neutralize an enemy archer; get next to him and force him to switch to a sword.
  14. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    #154 IOSgamer1980, Sep 10, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2016
    I'm not sure how the coding would work, but couldn't you just set a rule where undo was an option if the turn after the last previous action was manual and it wouldn't be an option if the next action was toggled AI?

    It would probably be easier to just fidget with the touch zones per tile. LOL

    And yeah I mean an in-fight speed toggle that I could just toggle to fastest before setting my party to fully AI controlled to kill those wolves/rats/etc while I pour myself a cup of coffee IRL. :)

    That's a great idea. I've got a bow that my fighter could use laying around right now that I'd slot in for something like this. It would certainly make for a broader range of strategies as my characters could be more flexible.
  15. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    yeah, also AD&D series by SSI had a system to swap weapons(range/melee/magic)during battles, as the original AD&D rules.

    It would also be nice to see walls or columns to cover characters flanks and/or back, all could become more strategic.
  16. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Yes there were definitely games that did that. I have not made my code flexible enough to do that (and I don't want to allow general equipment changes during combat). A ranger-specific skill to swap to secondary weapon is in my to do list. But needs a fair few code changes to do properly. But it is coming eventually.
  17. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Now that is well within my abilities. :)

    Will include that in v1.7 which is probably coming this weekend.
  18. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Now live as v1.7.10 update! ;)
  19. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    I finally got to play some of Dungeons of Chaos. These are my thoughts so far.

    I really like this game a lot! I love how you can learn new abilities from mentors found throughout the land. The game takes a realistic approach to developing new skills. The more you use a technique or spell ,the stronger it gets. If you want to learn the shield bash skill, someone will teach It to you for a price. Complete a quest for a Mage and he will impart his knowledge on to you. Come back with enough money and he will make the spell stronger. Once you level up ,you get a few points to increase stats or to learn new skills. Hmmmm, do I learn that Identify spell or put more points towards that combined party skill that helps you find hidden areas?

    For those that Don't want to fight the easy turn based fight, an auto fight feature can be used. I do use this from time to time , but prefer to make my own choices. Just don't forget to camp to regain health and mana after a tough fight or you may be in for a rude awakening. After a battle ,you may be rewarded with weapons , armour etc. It's always fun to look for that next item to boost the team members. With a little searching, I even found a great weapon against the undead.

    I have only scratched the surface of this game but, this is going to stay on my IPad for a long time.

  20. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoy it.

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