Universal Dungeons of Chaos UNITY EDITION (by Volker Elzner)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VolkerE, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Ok, finally - after several false starts - I think this has clicked with me! Spent a good couple of hours on it last night and I'm loving the loot and upgrading, very addictive. Not completely convinced by the battles yet but it's growing on me. Auto battle for low level fights really helps speed things along too. Will report back after more time spent.
  2. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    I've just skim read all 25 pages of comments in this thread and don't see any mention of iCloud saves or being able to export via email or some such method. Am I missing something or am I addressing the elephant in the room?!
  3. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Bump. Can anyone enlighten me about iCloud/save game exporting please? Is this on the way or has it been ruled out by Volker?
  4. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    for iOs I had put all my hopes into the Stanasset plugin from the Unity store, however after adding it into my project last month it does not work, getting 230 Mach-LinkO errors in XCode which means that my Unity file is somewhat corrupt (plugin folder reference duplicate I think). It is as scary as it sounds. So for now I can't resolve that without taking some huge risks (updating Unity which can break a lot of things, updating XCode which usually costs me my sanity, than hoping it works else send my entire Unity project to the plugin creator to see if they can figure out what is wrong).

    So unfortunately, no iCloud support yet. :(
  5. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Aww, shucks - that's a shame. # I guessed it was probably something technical preventing it from happening rather than lazy development/developer, considering how engaged you are and the number of updates you've released. Would be good to see in the future if possible but I understand the reasoning. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    That said, this didn't stop me from spending 3 hrs playing on my iPhone last night in bed - only managed to clear out 1 orc dungeon, the rest of the time was spent equipping/selling loot and levelling up my team - with the amount of options for upgrades/paths, it takes an awful lot of thinking through - and always with that gnawing feeling you're going to miss out on something by following one upgrade path over another!.....more magic lore?....better spells?....new spells?.....prefer 1-h over 2-h?.....ranged vs melee?.....seriously, too much choice! #
  6. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Replay value. ;)
  7. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Was up to 3:45am clearing out the last of the Orc hideouts. Wrecked this morning # but can't wait to get back in there! #
  8. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    As I said to many fans before, as long as no jobs or marriage is lost along the way, I love to hear that! ;)
  9. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    I am also often overwhelmed by the variety of choices.

    Maybe I must adjust my mindset and stop trying to achieve the "perfect" outcome.
  10. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    as long as you still enjoy playing... I definitely built in many paths and options in particular around party generation and progression.
  11. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    When do the shops reset? It says every couple days but it doesn't seem that often. I'm trying a Ranger - Ranger - Druid - Druid - Druid - Mage build and trying to farm shops for holy bows, it's been a least an in-game week (judged by skill resets) since the shops reset.
  12. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Each shop has a number, usually around ~100, which determines when ONE item is removed and replaced. A day lasts 280 ticks so a typical shop would replace 3 of its items per day. In addition, on each visit, a shop will replace 30-70% of the gap between max items it can hold and current item it holds before you enter.

    So in summary:
    - rest and/or come back several days later
    - buy him out of the cheap stuff if you can afford it, the empty slots will be filled if you just exit and re-enter immediately a few times
    - load/save scam if you must: rest a few days / buy out cheap stuff before as well if you want, then BEFORE you come back into the shop you save. then load until you like the replenishments. I would not recommend that though, load/save scamming is a bad habit and not fun overall.

    When you say holy bows, you mean ANY bow with undead bonus? If the case, I suggest talking to the owner of the bowtique (smuggler village) as he has a quests that yields a great vs undead bow.
  13. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    v1.9.250 now with Apple for review (~24h then it should be in store):

    - upon popular demand: a monk can now become an exorcist !
    - every item the diamond dragon drops now has a 5% chance of being geomancer crystals. because some people sold all 13 sets before noticing the pub quest.
    - Parnosz got reported in, now he can no longer charge 1 gold for supposedly ‘free’ ID’ing
    - magic lore skill and spell books owned now contribute to slight improvement in from-use spell proficiency gain
    - added one undead dragon guard to Zomok’s pets area. so the tough grind for a vengeance spawn is not required
    - made sure item highlights (red) in inventory screen work properly
    - fixed an issue where corrupted items can occur on shield changes
  14. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    new release

    v1.9.310 is now with Apple for review, and this is the last update before I work on chapter3!!


    - added an ERASE MAP KNOWLEDGE performance option, as this reduces savegame file size and computation memory drain. Could potentially help lower memory devices reduce crash occurrence
    - fixed an issue with baby floaters spawning n groups of trolls
    - fixed resist evil spell wording in fight log
    - Upon popular request: SPECTRAL DRAGONS! even nastier than golden dragon and diamond dragon.
    - POISON DART can now be chosen as auto attack spell. if not in range, the actor advances towards the enemies.

    And 1.9.260 brought, if you have not seen it:
    - modified the fight speed formulas for attacks and moves. found a few things I wanted to tweak AND found a genuine error where monster’s SLOW curse would actually speed you up. Guys can no longer get unlimitedly fast (which was never intended, but simply not tested > level ~60 or so).
    - class change will now trigger unsuitable equipment to be removed
    - for those finding themselves BEHIND Kratos’ corpse, there is now an emergency teleport out of the cave
    - no longer any accidental wizard insignia created that give berserker will skill+
  15. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    many new things!

    There have been many new things added over the last weeks! Here just the main ones:

    - new DECOY skill, for rogues and assassins. creates a passive detraction for mobs to focus on. lasts until destroyed. number of daily uses and decoy health depends on skill level. pre-existing parties get a starting proficiency for any rogue or assassin on next load, but need to wait for daily skill reset to use.
    - added a properly potent RESTORATION spell, basically a MAJOR HEAL that heals a lot and deals with conditions like poison. Also nerved down the higher tiers of the normal HEAL spell. you want high end healing? consider a priest. HEAL now heals an amount based on spell level, not much relation to target’s max health. so useful in early stages not the end boss fights. RESTORATION heals 20-25% of health and minimum 400-600 so useful in all stages. existing priests get start proficiency on next load, all future priests get on guild change.
    - MANA OVERCLOCK daily skill for mages. with ~double time cost and ~3-5 times mana cost, can cast a damage fight spell at higher damage output (3 times+)
    - MILITARY TRAINING passive skill for fighter, knight, warrior. increases physical melee damage 1% per proficiency point
    - MAGIC LORE now increases spell damage 1% per proficiency, and also mana funnel damage.
    - new auto attack behaviour controller: do not use cooldown skills that are NOT in the quick action bar of that player
    - nature ally skill at super high levels (9+) can now result in a WYRM ally appearing
    - nature ally is now a bit easier to advance
    - summon dragon can at super high levels now cause an undead dragon ally to appear
    - ‘tight-arse’ achievement. if you start a new party in this version and complete the game without purchasing any items, you get a +10% loot value achievement. does not work/apply to savegames in place before 1.9.590
    - made the lich better at noticing players that are sneaking
    - expanded the river city arena challenges, and made them all a notch harder. but now together they have a birth feat achievement: DISPLACED.
    - fixed some minor issues with arena reward (the B.B.B.Bow) and arena movement and spells of mobs (lava)
    - player feats impacting health or mana now more correctly impacts level gains as well
    - experience gained by any player in a single combat is now capped at what it takes him/her to gain 2 levels
    - the crazy prisoner in the outlaw camp now states player deaths count, for those chasing the latest crazy achievement
    - arena fighting! in the chapter 1 the starter cave has some basic fight practice offered by Wortas, and the river city in chapter 2 offers a fight arena once you re-establish the pub.
    - skills and spells improve normally during arena fights, unless the aran challenge has been completed previously
    - new achievements: zero death count up to chasm fight win (end of regular game), and <10 deaths. they both trigger new rare birth feats as well that you can use once the achievement is completed. One grants 35-50% shop price discounts for the party, per popular fan request.
    - map notes! you can note make a note in the minima view, and colour code it and annotate it, and then zoom back to it later. good for missed doors or mob spawners you want to come back to.
    - levers! USE function can set levers which alters maps, so will eventually be used to make puzzles and open doors/gates.
    - more stats shown in character creation summary/end screen
    - preparations for extra long device screens

    And chapter 3 storyline expansion (free update for current app owners) is coming along, ETA late May / early June.
  16. Meathead013

    Meathead013 New Member

    Jul 9, 2017
    help for lost wanderer

    hate to put this here but i cant find anyplace else. just looking for help how to find a particular thing in the game, a guy somebody wants captured, etc. usually theres a formum packed with dumb questions like that. somebody pls point me to where that is. thx
  17. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    This is the Daklos chain of quests. or sometimes called the 'tunnels' quests.

    It starts with the old man in the north east of the castle caves. he tells you about the tunnels he won't let you in. But that Bertelis is allowed.

    Talk to Bertelis in the main hall and ask about TUNNELS. he says free his uncle then he gets you access.

    Uncle is in the outlaw camp, and the boss demands two things: that you find a way so that he goes peacefully (find him a new pub), and get the boss some geomancer crystals.

    Hope that helps!
  18. Druhim

    Druhim New Member

    Jul 29, 2017
    Thanks so much for this info. I was having a really hard time finding any bows that do damage to spectres! Love this game, keep up the great work. Looking forward to chapter 3. :D
  19. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    If all goes well I will release chapter 3 next week ! :cool:

    Beta testers have to crunch through a lot that I will still throw at them the next few days, but it is almost finished!
  20. Rikkles

    Rikkles Member

    Aug 7, 2017
    #260 Rikkles, Aug 7, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
    Some comments

    Hello, loving the game so far. Here are some comments, constructive I hope:

    1. The flame quest is unnecessarily back-and-forthy for first timers
    2. There's only one really effective very high level offensive spell
    3. If possible, make the area spell Ball of Lightning selectable as an auto-spell
    4. Make it possible to mix and match adventurers from different save games (an "adventurer's inn" perhaps?)
    5. The random boss dragon jumping is overly random. I suggest allowing boxing in, for more tactical positioning
    6. Force is overly effective compared to other types of physical damage. I suggest beefing the others

    Please note that I am discussing this mostly from the perspective of very high level dragon battles. In general the normal flow of the game allows for many tactics since there is no player cap. At some point any tactic works given a high enough player level. It's only at gold/diamond/spectral that it starts to matter.
    And yes, farming spectral is relatively easy given some simple tactics. ;). Gold sucks though.

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