Universal Dungeons of Chaos UNITY EDITION (by Volker Elzner)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VolkerE, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    Thanks for explaining that. I guess I have this particular trope in my mind in which mages have staffs that can shoot out fireballs or the like.

    Haha yeah, the mages would deplete their mana quickly and from that, I concur that I am spoiled and dislike the constant need to rest after every fight to replenish the mana (the rest itself is already generous because it is free). Your rationale on making it feel like progressing, as in the transformation from a constantly tired mage to a wizard who can cast anything and only time and the enemies he face determine what is casted, does make sense to me; that's exactly why I enjoy game like yours.

    I'll play more and see what's in store as my party get stronger.
  2. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    v1.9.70 is out! Some long-term wish list items addressed:

    - in indoor maps, the 'till sunrise' rest option is now not just blacked out, but replaced with a 'till skill reset' option
    - NATURE ALLY skill. starting proficiency ~15 or so for rangers and 3 for druids. retrospectively applied if you load a previous savegame. also applied to geomancers retrospectively. not to other advanced classes cause I can't tell if you were a ranger in your previous life. The skill can:
    1. do nothing (50% chance at level 1, 33% chance at level 2, 20% at level 3, 0% chance at 4+)
    2. summon one or several wolves, more wolves at higher level.
    3. at really high level chance to summon a mightier nature ally
    The skill is not your usual skill where you find trainers for easily, so you get it at birth, and train it via use. A hard to find trainer does exist though.
    - TREE HUGGER feat. Non-ranger/druids get the nature ally skill, or ranger/druid get a boost, but in turn you cannot wear shoes or jewelry.
    - 6 more savegame slots, so now 15.
  3. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015

    I can't capitalise on the new updates yet because I'm still learning the ropes. But, rejoice at the new things I can do in the future.
  4. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    if you have a ranger or druid, the new update will auto-add the NATURE ALLY skill to them on next load. So you just need to add it to your quickaction button allocation. enjoy!
  5. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    That's great!

    I have a question: can I use spells or skills that are not in the quickaction slots?
  6. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    generally speaking no. Only exception is if it is a skill or spell that is assigned as your auto action, and you switch it on/off. I use that with my METEOR spell mage. It is his auto spell and I switch it on if I want him to cast a few, but usually have him off (and everyone else on) to monitor how the fight is going.
  7. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    #187 N2L, Nov 18, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
    Thanks for answering.

    I finally have time to try the game out again. I am very early in the game but for the life of me, I can't complete all the quests. The game is brutal.

    The undead tomb: the wizard is difficult to kill and my priests don't have any useful skills against the undead.

    The angry tree: I was swamped by the wolves.

    The orcs: Haven't been there yet. I'll probably die again.

    I am not that experienced with the game but I've read the manual. Still, I am lost on how to progress further. Any advice?

    Edit: The orcs lairs was quite easy and helped to give my characters fodder for experience. Hopefully, they are stronger now to fight the trees and the undeads. I am digging the way my characters become better at their skills and spells from use; that truly makes sense.

    Edit: Yeay! My party cleared both the undead wizard and the tree. Next up is killing the lich.
  8. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    Does proficiency improve the spells or is it only the level of the spells that does that?
  9. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    #189 N2L, Nov 19, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
    Woah! The lich battle is tough.

    I think I can kill him if he is alone but the spectres kept bugging me. The spectres are tough to kill and it is difficult to reach the lich.

    My party is level 8. Is that too early? Where can I grind?

    Edit: I finally won with the help of a sling with 100% vs undead.
  10. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    glad it worked out! the game has a few non-linear elements where you can explore and get into trouble, but nothing is set to be over-difficult. Only the lich fight is a real challenge that is designed to require some serious tactical thinking.
  11. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    level. which goes up every 10 proficiency increments.
  12. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    glad I only check this every few hours, else I would have given you unnecessary help! :D
  13. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    Haha that's fortunate.

    It took a lot of failures to help improve my plays.

    My rangers attack style was the strong shot which misses all the time and I switched that quick.

    The game is huge and I felt very overwhelmed. Is there any resources out there that I can refer to if I want to know the places I might have missed, quests, and grinding spots?

    Am I meant to go back to the starter island or once I move on, there is not much reason to return there except to meet Partnosz for magic lore?
  14. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    The game has its non-linear elements. You may want to come back to the island to defeat a WYRM (deep under the tomb) or find all the druid monuments once you are able to activate them.

    Good resources are:
    - the wordpress blog (press the W in the app main screen), has a WIKI section with spell, skill, class, feat help etc. And a 'bucket list' of things to do once you have done the main story.
    - the facebook page, you can ask me and fans any question there.
    - this forum post. If you ask me anything I can point you in the right direction
    - the playthrough videos from Evan Campbell (also a button in the main app screen)

    There is not a lot of fixed docu out there in terms of grinding spots, so best to experiment yourself! ;)
  15. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    Sweet! Thank so for the response.

    Had a blast fighting the fire acolyte and finally managed to kill him after returning to the first island and trained there. Found the warm too but they are still out of my league.

    I'll aim for the advanced classes first.
  16. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    great, sounds like you are enjoying it. :)

    And if you finish the game by Christmas, maybe this is out by then:


    Basically playing the bad guys in a more arcade (less story) approach. You can read about the concept HERE(link).
  17. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    Yep, tremendously enjoying it. It is a bit disappointing that the achievements can't be applied retroactively but on the bright side, more reasons to replay the game once I've completed the game.

    I finally defeated the mature dragon and upgraded my fighter to a knight. Clearing the Minotaur place was easier and I killed the Overlord without realising that he is an optional boss :D

    I can't wait for your new game! I wish it was today lol.
  18. Ancientmoon

    Ancientmoon Active Member

    Nov 18, 2016
    New game looks promising! I always think that fighting against evil story is a cliche in
    rpg. I love to play dark side so I'm looking
    forward to play agents of death!
  19. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    I am implementing some retrospective checks today, probably just for the boss kill items though a that you cannot otherwise revisit and trigger with an old party.
  20. N2L

    N2L Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015

    Works like a charm.

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