iPhone Dungeons of Chaos (By Volker Elzner)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    WARNING for 2.0.2

    Please note there is an issue with the current 2.0.2 version in the AppStore. it is recommended NOT to update your current version until 2.0.3 is out. Sorry for any inconvenience. :(:(

    2.0.2 seems to work fine under iOS8 but seems to crash on load screen under iOS7. But to be safe I would not recommend updating to 2.0.2 at all and wait for 2.0.3.
  2. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Issue resolved, update is here

    2.0.3 is here and should address the bug noted earlier. Any remaining issues please let me know.

    2.0.4 is now in review, which introduces lighting options to boost performance on some devices. The options also allows lighting to be fully switched off which means that there is no nighttime and need for a light spell. Not my preferred way to play the game but I think some find it too real and annoying to cast light every now and then, so this may be used as a convenience feature as well.

    And I am working on 2.0.5 and have already completed one big new feature for it: auto-heal tactic! I know many people have asked for this. I would still encourage you not to auto-fight through too many fights but I acknowledge that some fights are clear wins with a few heal spells cast, so should be auto-able.
  3. Ttorroro

    Ttorroro Member

    Jun 20, 2014
    Good classic exploration and many places to check out

    Hey volker

    Been heavily playing this edition and I'd just spent the past few hours grinding and 'farming' the ancient beholders for their insignia and more importantly spell books . Turns out they usually drop the same numbered spell book for the same spell. Pity i cant extensively fill out the spell book list for each spell this way :D

    This installment has more than twice the content of the first chapter it seemed.. I'm surprised you didnt charge a cent for this:confused::p:D. Now that guilds and class advancement are up, it really brings back the old feeling of 3DO might and magic rpg when u go looking for the grandmaster trainer for your specific classes. Why, i even manage to find the recluse monk living in a secluded hut who can train til the max for unarmed combat. More disappointment when i dont have an unarmed monk in party. The monk i have prefers his slingshots and have a fancy for katanas for which hes saving his points for hah. Its such a throw back to the old good ole rpgs i grew up with where levelling and powering up your classes in party was a goal in itself :D.

    I'm off to search for the reclusive Druids after finally hearing about there whereabouts from the elves. Once I can advance my druid to geomancers i got this feeling my party will finally begin to show their true prowess :D

    A suggestion: include a dungeon recall spell. Traipsing through the unknown may be fun first time round but running back the vast maps in your game could be a slight hindrance. Plus my archmage (to be ) will probably scoff at idea of legging it back when he could possibly(learn to) teleport the party back to dungeon entrance. Town portal spells could work similarly to great convenience and satisfaction when needing to head back to various towns or important location we have discovered.
  4. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    thanks for the feedback. A recall spell is something I am looking into. Will probably introduce it together with the archmage class (so teleporting in general). I just need to find a way to make it not too easy to shortcut too much. Archmage guild is not yet introduced and will come via either a smaller extension (like the shipwreck extension was added to Chapter1), or as part of the next step in the storyline (don't want to reveal too much but there will be a new start in the same general landscape...).

    If you are into farming and grinding, check out the old caretaker (and the scout) in the castle shelter, they know about the ancient tunnels underneath the castle...


  5. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    self-made portals

    I have decided on the following, which is both very powerful, but also unique and not too exploitable:

    A powerful spell with which you can SET a portal point, and one with which you can TELEPORT to that point. This means you can achieve an easy return to a point of your choice, be it a dungeon entrance or the castle shelter or your favourite shop. It will feel powerful because the choice is yours. At the same time, you cannot have dozens of them around and connect everything.

    I am currently debating the following configurations:
    a) one portal only for the party
    b) one portal per spell caster that knows the spell
    c) three portals for the party, selectable like savegame slots in a sense. People will most likely set one to the castle shelter, one in the valley, and keep one for dungeon entrances etc.

    is (c) too powerful?
  6. Rythan

    Rythan Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2014
    Any updates for iPhone version ?
  7. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Have been designing the UI frames but still a fair bit of decisions to be made as I just can't see the fight screens work without using full resolution (=impossible to touch accurately). And been sidetracked by the performance issues on the iPad version which are resolved as of yesterday.

    Will keep you posted!
  8. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    I have made a decision to move to Unity. This means design from scratch, but I am using Unity for my 2nd project at present and I love it. Will be much easier to create a cross-platform and device version. But it will take some time.

    I am in fact now focussing solely on my 2nd project first ("RPG City", which would appeal to people that like a bit of SimCity, Majesty, Fallout Shelter, etc.), which in turn will lift my Unity skills so I can then create Dungeons of Chaos as a cross platform remake ~early 2016.
  9. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    What will the remake in 2016 involve?

    Will it have actual animations for fighting and gear that shows up on the heroes?

  10. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    This game has been on my watchlist for a while. Is it fun? More importantly is it compatible and working on ios9? Is it a dungeon crawler, are there levels? Or is it permadeath? Are there upgrades and do you keep them when u die.
  11. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    2016 remake

    I am already 50% through the development in Unity hence I can either release it ~early January in a state similar to the iPad version, or I can enhance it and release it a bit later, for example I could add:

    - fight animations
    - traps and dangerous terrain
    - cursed items
    - longer story
    - tile animations in overland mode
    - item enhancements / blessings / enchanting

    My current thinking is I will do the first two of the above and then see how I go.

    Am very exciting to see it come together in Unity, re-writing it also made the code much cleaner which means easier to expand.

    Kind Regards,
  12. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dungeons of Chaos has a 4.9 star average rating (overall and on US store, though many countries it is not visible if <5 ratings were submitted) so that is all I can say myself as the developer as to whether it is fun. :)

    It does however replicate an old school RPG which may not be to the liking of younger players, so there is a free version to try it out, on the App Store called "Dungeons of Chaos LITE". You can do everything in there except level up. But note there is no IAP purchase so if you really like it you buy the full version and start over (given you haven't leveled up you would only be 0.5h into the 30h story though).

    The game does not focus on roguelike elements, but it does contain some. and being tile-based pixelart and turn-based moves and fights, it feels a lot like a roguelike plus storyline on top.

    The goal in the game's design was to appeal to gamers that liked Ultima 3,4,5 or Questron back in the 80's.

    There are many dungeons, and the game is quite un-linear in that you can complete it without ever looting (or even finding) the dragon's den, the old mines, the secret throne room in the minotaur's castle, the hidden stairs to the icy plains etc.

    Give it a try and let me know what you think! Any feedback can make it into the Unity-remake (will be released for all iOS and Android devices in a few months. the current game is iPad only).

    Kind Regards,
  13. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    I think if you could actually show the fireball travel from the caster and hit the enemy it would be cool.
    fighting animations and traps sound great.

    Are you talking about traps during the fighting or during the exploration?

  14. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Totally pissed off

    I am extremely angry and frustrated that I have only NOW discovered this game. I check TA several times a week and always look back but somehow missed this over a year ago. Downloading the full version as we speak and if it is as I anticipate... Well thank you Volker for providing me some stocking stuffers for the holiday season. It will make a great give to some of my old , retro gaming buddies.

    Cheers, and I will certainly leave a review
  15. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    Ok sold me. I'm buyng now
  16. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Yes, there will definitely be projectile animations in the fight, that was something clearly missing before and now much easier to do in Unity.

    Traps and dangerous terrain during exploration to start with:
    - traps need perception skill to detect while walking, then disarm trap skill applied to avoid damage.
    - dangerous terrain just means low level damage when stepping on it. For instance low level fire damage EACH step in the lava cave if you are too close to lava, but of course you can put on resist fire equipment or heal yourself once in a while. Haven't thought it fully through yet, because poison (over time) damage does not exist yet, and neither can you cast resist SPELLS in exploration. want to avoid making it too complicated.
    - had always played with the idea of the ability to summon obstacles (traps?) in fight mode. both the party and the mobs. But have to think through how that would make fights and AI more interesting as opposed to just complicated.
  17. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Can anyone give me a run down of what stats are most important for each class at character creation and what some of the max rollable stats are?

    Thank you
  18. VolkerE

    VolkerE Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    For fighters and barbarians, STRENGTH gives the most bang for your buck as it allows heavier equipment to be used early on.

    Rangers and archers rely heavily on DEXTERITY, and to a lesser extent the same is true for rogues and monks.

    Clerics and Mages do not really care a lot about how they start their lives, they are keen to expand their powers from there on investing in spells. As such, the best early gift you can make them is a high mana (35+) and maybe a FEAT like PROTEGE (higher and more rare starting spells) or a rare item.

    Druids are capable of a bit of combat so a mix of the above would apply to them depending on how you want to develop them.

    But hardly any constellation will be in the way of succeeding in the game. I have designed it so you can try out a lot of combinations and in parallel set the difficulty rating so that you have a decent challenge.

    For example: if you take a good mix of classes and follow the above, and you are also a RPG veteran, then you need a difficulty of HARD or more. You can try the SPARTA setting if you want a real challenge.

    People have asked me to expand the savegame slots from 3 to 9 (in place for a while now), because they tried many other party variants, like building combat monks with the DYNAMO or RIGHTEOUS feat, or mage-busters (warriors with the anti-node feat).

    I have not balanced all classes out so if you minmax you will probably find that ranged weapons are a bit overpowered once you obtain a decent one and give it to a ranger with 30+ boosted dexterity.

    The little easter egg in character creation is that there are rare abilities you can get that you cannot get otherwise in the game, which to me mirrors some of the old RPGs where creating your character is almost like a minigame in itself...
  19. walmartpolice

    walmartpolice Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2012
    Hey Volker!

    Just wondering how the remake is coming?
  20. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    I believe it is done and on the US App Store called Dungeons of Chaos UNITY EDITION.

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