Universal Dungeoneers Academy (by Fun Spray Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    I agree with the last post. Just a thought maybe a repair all button.
  2. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    99cents is not near enough for this game. This game makes you want better equip so bad you just keep going.
  3. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    There is no strategy in the game other thanget the best gear lots of health potion and go kickass. Yet I can't stop playing.
  4. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    thank you guys for your opinions on this game. already bought it and playing non-stop.

    P.S. my class is wizard!
  5. CodeFu

    CodeFu Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    There is an update for iOS, Google and Amazon.

    First major fix was to add the Disable Tutorials button to the tutorial popup. You can always fully enable them again from Settings if you need.

    The lineages were also fixed. Elf had no adjustments and Halfling was same as Dwarf. All three were tuned a bit to make them different for matching with the vocations (classes).

    Overall difficulty raised a bit. A recent combat fix seems to have made the game too easy, as some have posted. This will mostly be noticeable each time you level, so you may need equipment earlier. As part of this, the non-magic dagger no longer has a speed bonus and Ranger Leather has one less defense because it is lighter than leather to give you a +1 aim bonus.

    Made a fix causing monsters to stop attacking occasionally, but there seems to be one still left.

    Finally, the non-magic staff is now in the weapon list. The basic +1/+2/+3 versions of weapons also display separate values for base damage and critical hit damage. These were combined since they were both normal damage, but it made these look more powerful than weapons with different critical damage like fire or frost.
  6. CodeFu

    CodeFu Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    We have many updates planned, which we hope to push out on as regular a basis as we can. We are missing quests and some form of crafting, so the game remains at the low holiday price for now.

    The difficulty increase that just went out will make things more interesting. You will likely need to buy things at each level. You can just scrape by the Academy with the equipment you find now.

    I have personally found it interesting to learn how to use the web/net/root skills in place of shield/toughen.

    Please keep providing feedback. We are definitely watching to see where improvements can be made and what people would like to see.
  7. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    How about repair all button. Thanks for game on on my second go thru going with wizard this time not allowing myself to buy anything but potions.
  8. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    Does using fighters gear give wizard minus attributes? Does it hurt him any way like using chainmail armor or long sword. It doesn't seem like it does.
  9. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    So far Iam a level 6 wizard and have not bought any gear except potions and I usually only use one or two a dungeon, but yet I keep playing. I like how the characters show there gear the mini map is excellent.
  10. CodeFu

    CodeFu Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    There are negatives and positives. More metal objects have negative (-) Magic which affects Wizards, but metal armor could have higher negatives to make them more noticeable. Heavy armor or weaponry and large helms have (-) Aim which affects Rangers. Not much affect Fighters unless you are using wands or bows which need Magic or Aim. But then Fighters must be tanks for close combat.

    As changes are made, more tuning will be done. The difficulty increase helped, but the new 4 skill/scroll system seems to be favoring the player more.

    We are in the middle of another decent sized update, so no date planned yet. I am sure Repair All will be part of it :D
  11. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Does the minus value of Traits on weapons affect your character or the enemy?
  12. CodeFu

    CodeFu Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    All the "Base" and "Attack" traits affect your character.

    Under "Critical", anything shown under "Ongoing" will affect the enemy when you get a critical hit. Special weapons will show a particle effect with a critical hit, and if it has ongoing effect you should see the particles continue on the monster for the turn length.
  13. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    I don't want to seem mean, I like your game Iam on my second run thru. I have decided none of that stuff matters. Iam level seven wizard I have bought no gear I have 27000 dollars. I just use the gear I find. I have 20 health potions I've never gone below 16. I just go From room to room holding attack button until I have cleared the dungeon. It's great to finally win at a game. Oh by the way the hardest enemy to kill is the slimed if they get close to you even as a fighter.but you just stand there to you kill it.
  14. oldman23

    oldman23 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
    One way to make it harder is to make health potions more expensive. It would make you grind more. I also think you could do any dungeon with 3 potion especially if I buy good gear. It's also very hard to back out of a fight.
  15. CodeFu

    CodeFu Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    It isn't mean :)

    As we have been playing more and more, we also find it is much easier than expected. Previously you only had maybe 6 uses of a spell or skill in a dungeon. You also had just two skill buttons and a scroll button, making it time consuming to use them all. Now you can use spells and skills as many times as you want with just a 4 turn cool down for many, and more of them are available and even auto-usable. Combined this makes it much easier to kill monsters.

    We are already looking at tuning the cool downs, and the monsters just plain need more and more hit points and higher damage with increasing levels. The monsters are definitely not dishing out close to the damage they should. They can't really do the same damage as you since there are so many, but they certainly need to do more damage.

    Please be patient everyone. It appears the game certainly plays better in v2 format and we are happy more people are enjoying it, but we are in progress with outdoor encounters and quests. This will probably be at least a month or so to get working and start testing for release. There is also a speed update which will have monsters moving and attacking simultaneously (still turn based where you take an action then all monsters simultaneously take actions). The game will play faster, especially where more than one monster is active. We are also looking into a difficulty setting per character that you can use to make your life as hard as you wish :cool:

    Beta Tester?

    If you wish to possibly be in a Beta Test when these features are close, please go to the web site and email us. We will need direct contact info to get you signed up in Hockey App. We obviously have to deal with Apple's device count restrictions, so we cannot guarantee everyone a test spot.
  16. Walletboy

    Walletboy Active Member

    Aug 24, 2016
    Updated Maps Preview

    Preview of the Map view for the forthcoming Dungeoneers Academy. Lots of color and a hint at the new Quest and Missions within the game.

    Attached Files:

  17. Walletboy

    Walletboy Active Member

    Aug 24, 2016
    New Travel Encounters

    Preview of the Swamp map during an encounter while traveling through a region map. The new Dungeoneers Academy update will have 4 terrain types with random encounters.

    Attached Files:

  18. Walletboy

    Walletboy Active Member

    Aug 24, 2016
    #58 Walletboy, Aug 27, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
    New Quest System

    The new Dungeoneers Academy update includes a Quest tree that bring the player though the game as they battle against the Horde. As quests are completed the player is rewarded with needed experience and treasure.

    Attached Files:

  19. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Looks amazing I signed up for the beta :)
  20. Walletboy

    Walletboy Active Member

    Aug 24, 2016
    #60 Walletboy, Aug 28, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
    New Quest List Screen

    Track your active quest progress in this easy to use list in the forthcoming Dungeoneers Academy update. Select an individual quest entry from the list to learn what you need to do complete it and see its rewards.

    Attached Files:

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