iPad Dungeon Solitaire (Developer's Official Thread)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Saucepolicy, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. nonexist

    nonexist Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    I had some problems unlocking the mini-expansion, but I made it work, I use my iphone clock in to am/pm mode, so I swith to 24h and the code worked at last.

    by the way I dont care about the big losing time, I have 1 win, 13 losses 0 draws. Had a different score the first day but I erased and re installed trying to make the code to work.
  2. Dagger2_pt

    Dagger2_pt Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    I liked this about. it's a good card game for those who love TCG.

    What i was thinking is if the DLC are worthing to spend off? €0.79 for only a couple of 7 cards sets and few items cards. Can someone tell if it's worthing to have?
  3. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    FYI, so far, my win ratio overall is 27.2%. From what I've read, that's pretty decent. Doesn't make me feel any better about my main gripes.

    Make ALL Armory cards usable!

    Gold should be usable for something, like powerups!
  4. Dagger2_pt

    Dagger2_pt Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009

    Ya!! I agree.
    But i believe the xp system should be integrated to unlock more cards (item cards, traps cards, etc..) And the gold could be used to buy new heroes and monsters. Every at random.
  5. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Right. So far, the expansions are worthless since they DECREASE the odds you will win. There's no way I'm going to spend money on something that gives me LESS satisfaction.

    One method that might work for the publishers is that you can level up for $0.99 AND a set amount of Gold to increase Hero stats or achieve a better mix of the cards. More level ups would require more Gold.

    Arguably, I might be interested.
  6. quartex

    quartex Member

    Sep 16, 2008
    I think you're missing the point

    You guys are expecting a game where treasure is used to buy more powerful equipment. That makes sense in an RPG. But this isn't an RPG. Treasure is used in this game to get a higher score (and to make the monsters more challenging), and that's the only reason why you'd play treasure cards.

    In many games earning treasure helps make this game easier. In this game you are given treasure cards and trying to get the treasure makes the game harder, but that's how you get a higher score. The entire game is about getting a high score, not unlocking new cards, buying equipment, buying heroes, etc.

    I think it was designed to be a solitaire game with a dungeon/fantasy theme. adding new mechanics like letting you buy equipment or access all the cards in your armory would make it more like an RPG and less like a game of solitaire.
  7. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Right. I get it. My preference is for what I described and Ill bet a lot of others feel the same way. The whole game has an RPG feel since it is Dungeons and Monsters, so why not implement that aspect? And since the high score aspect is so dependent upon luck, who even cares?
  8. DreamPod

    DreamPod Active Member

    May 1, 2009
    I downloaded them *because* of that - after a while of playing and learning the strategies, it's not too hard to get a nice high score with the default cards or potions. But try getting a high score on the Dragontomb leaderboard! That's a nice challenge: there's only 3 scores above 100,000 on Dragontomb, compared to 5 scores on No Expansions with two over a million, and a whopping 28 on Lost Potions with 6 over a million.
  9. Vernimator

    Vernimator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2009
    3D Artist, Mobile App Developer
    Charlotte Area, NC
    I am number 2 on Shambling Dead. Does that count for something... :D

    This is a very deep and fun game as is. I love the "Solitaire" twist to it. This is NOT an "RPG" in the sense of the phrase and should not be played like one..

    KUDO's to the Dev's on this one.
  10. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    Playing as the monsters would be a fairly straightforward addition at least as far as the art is concerned, but the stats would have to be rebalanced. The monsters are generally more powerful than the heroes on purpose, as the strategy lies in equipping your heroes or laying traps in order to defeat them. Turning the tables would make for a very easy game.

    A story campaign is intriguing and an idea that'll we'll revisit once there is more content in the pipeline.

    However, playing against the AI would require the same significant redesign as adding a multiplayer component. Both ideas are more likely to show up in a sequel where it could be incorporated into the core design.

    I have to respectfully disagree. Monsters and dungeons alone do not make a role playing game, or Magic: The Gathering would be a role playing game too.

    It appears that Dungeon Solitaire is not going to win you over, but the experience is more-or-less what it was designed to be. It is not perfect by any means, but it is not an RPG. I'm sincerely sorry that the game has been so disappointing for you and I believe you can simply request a refund through the AppStore.

  11. Dagger2_pt

    Dagger2_pt Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    I understand very well what you are talking about RPG and Solitaire.

    But in my opinion, the game could have a little changes by making a Level System to make the game a bit more challenging. Since this game is solitaire base, doesn't mean that you can't implement a little RPG or TCG bits. The game appears to have more room to improvement.

    Like you are saying that the Objective of a Solitaire game is to get the highscore (Gold System). Why not implement a level inside on that Gold System.
    Per example: Level 1 (1 - 10000 Gold), Level 2 (10001-30000 Gold).
    The first set of levels could increase new incoming Monsters, few new equipment. Other levels could have new heroes, strong monsters, some treasures. You get the idea...

    I love this game, but i think in longevity terms, can be very repetive since you know all the cards. If those ideas could be implemented, that could the gameplay, so that us players need to think new strategies to survive more levels.
  12. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Again, the game does not have to be like an RPG for me to enjoy it. My main gripes are:

    1) The win/loss ratio issue. I get the solitaire thing. Fine. But you're a publisher and ostensibly, are targeting the widest possible audience. So you have the choice between presenting a game like Demon solitaire, which is notoriously very difficult, or Klondike, which can be won often enough for players to come back over and over again. Seems you picked the former. I don't get it from a business point of view (shrug).

    2) Design wise, I think the game suffers for a couple of reasons that would be easy to re-program and/or implement, like making ALL cards from the Armory available. I played a game earlier that had at least 10, maybe even 12, cards stacked in the Armory only because there were NO places to put them. Huh? What's the point of designing a game with items than can be used - wait, sorry, they can't be used. Sorry. Too bad.

    3) My win ratio is up to 35% so I'm doing something right. I would guess I'm understanding what to do tactically. Meanwhile, there are still way too many games where all you do is draw, draw, draw and you are helpless and stand by until the Castle is overrun, scoring ZERO gold. Ummm, NOT FUN. There is a way to address that issue and ensure a fairer draw.

    Like I said before, for me anyway the expansions are worthless since they DECREASE my odds and subseqently my satisfaction. No way I'm going to spend money on them. I cannot fathom why you would not put together am expansion to INCREASE those odds. Do you really think you would sell less of them?

    I will probably up my rating to 2 stars. It's better than I initially thought, since I have been able to boost my win ratio by planning, but I just see this getting very old very quickly. Compared to something like Orions, it's not remotely close in terms of entertainment value. I've had Orions since it came out and still play it.
  13. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    One dragontomb score is mine - and yes, it is right, Dragontomb raises game's difficulty.
    That is in the description when you buy the card set.
  14. Deadpoolite

    Deadpoolite Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2010
    I like the game, but I agree with others that it may be based a bit too much on luck. You are very limited in what you can do with cards, which can quickly end a game if you draw the wrong cards. There needs to be more choices for what you can do with the cards. more choices will add some much needed strategy to the game. I have some suggestions, be warned in advance that it's a fairly lengthy read.

    If you add a Campaign mode, collected gold should be used to permanently strengthen or weaken the stats of cards, and add tie effects. These stat-altered cards can only be used in campaign mode, so that leaderboards aren't affected. In Campaign mode, losses should not earn the players any gold, and draws should only gain players half the gold that they scored. This would make winning feel more special than drawing or losing, and make it harder to upgrade your heroes/equipment/treasure/traps or downgrade monsters/traps if you aren't winning battles. players have the option to both upgrade and downgrade all cards in the game, effectively allowing them to set the difficulty of the deck they'll be using. Hardcore players can make stronger enemies, which will increase the amount of gold they'll receive from beating those enemies. casual players can weaken enemies to make the game easier, but they'll also decrease the amount of gold they'll get from defeating them.

    Campaign mode should also have some stages with preset cards, like a stage with a princess card already placed on the field that you have to rescue. If the princess survives the battle, a princess card will be added to your deck and she'll reward you with gold. It could work the other way as well, where you need to defeat a preset ice dragon card before winning the battle. Failure to do so would allow the dragon to lay eggs, and the dragon card would be added to your deck. There could also be a draw limit on a quest like that, for example you must defeat the ice dragon within 20 draws or his eggs will hatch.

    Campaign mode shouldn't be linear, players should always have several different quests to take on. And the monsters and heroes available in these quests should change some over time, with special quests that unlock or get rid of cards. how you performed in one quest should determine what other quests pop up. Let's say you failed to stop the ice dragon from laying eggs, but you still wanted to get rid of the ice dragon, a quest could appear later on where you take on a deck that's filled with multiple ice dragons. if you win then the ice dragon card gets removed from your deck. Or if you successfully rescued the princess, you could take on a quest that would allow you to unlock a powerful knight card.

    Players should be able to add hero cards on top of other hero cards, monster cards on top of other monster cards, and traps on top of other traps. The card's will combine their numbers and produce a stronger card. The cards don't have to change appearance, although I wouldn't mind if there were a couple of generic "group" cards created that get formed when players place cards on top of each other. A magic heroes/monsters group card(magic stat higher than physical stat), A fighting heroes/monsters group card(physical stat higher than magic stat), a balanced heroes/monsters group card(equal magic and physical stats). Why would we want the ability to do this? There are many benefits.

    1.It would help serve as a sort of discard pile for monsters, which helps protect your castle from getting destroyed. But since it strengthens the monster cards it also makes it more difficult to win the game. It would also give players more options on where to place down monsters. sometimes you don't want to place a monster in a certain spot, either because it's too strong, or it has a tie effect that would be disadvantageous to you. having another option on where to place that card would add some much needed strategy to the game. Do you want to place a card down in an empty spot that you're trying to save for a different monster, or will you fuse that monster card with another card, creating a stronger monster that could possibly wind up costing you the game later on down the road? If players don't want to fuse monsters and have no spots left open to place the monster, they can drag the monster to their castle, causing damage to your castle.

    2. It would allow players to continue drawing cards after they've drawn their sixth hero, which would allow them to earn more gold. it also gives more options to place down hero cards, and also give a needed strength boost to the heroes. it may be too much of a strength boost so to balance it out group hero cards should not be able to equip items. However, if a solo hero card already has equipment on then the equipments bonuses would be added to the group card. trap cards and potion effects would also apply. If players don't want to fuse their sixth hero they can drag the hero to their castle to win the battle.

    3. you can't discard traps, so it would help serve as a discard pile for traps, which could be either beneficial or detrimental, depending on which spot the trap cards have to be placed on. You do get gold for extra traps now, but I think that being able to increase the strength of traps is better than getting gold for them, since it adds more strategy to the game and it can be a double-edged sword for players. You can still get gold for them if there's no room for placing down any more traps(all spots filled by heroes/monsters) .

    There should be new tie effects. I'd like to see some weakening and strengthening tie effect, where cards have their stats lowered/raised after a tie. for example, a fire ball tie effect could lower the enemies magic stat by 2 points. a shield tie effect could raise the card's physical stat by +1. A "switch" tie effect could have cards swap stats with each other. In the campaign mode these tie effects can be purchased with gold and added to cards. Make sure some of them are really expensive and/or you can only purchase a small quantity of certain effects, because they would make the game too easy if you didn't. someone could buy the death effect and equip it to all the heroes, making all ties into wins for them.
  15. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    All interesting ideas, most of which would probably be impossible to implement in the current version (programming wise). However, your points do highlight ideas that might have been included from the get go. Thanks for that.

    Re programming, what I suggested previously with having the cards in the Armory fan out so you can use any of the cards there, would be a pretty easy change. There are so many times when cards stack up in the Armory and wind up useless.

    Also, let me stress again, having to place a trap for my guys because there are no other places for it is just crazy.

    Thanks, Deadpoolite. I appreciate the time spent on your analysis!
  16. Rivozzz

    Rivozzz Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    I sent to saucepolicy aloot of ideas on the old thread and in a private message... Did you like any? Or you want me to send you or just simply post here...??!
  17. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    I think it's best to post in the forum where others probably would like the opportunity to comment.

    Thanks, Rivozzz, would love to see 'em!
  18. Deadpoolite

    Deadpoolite Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2010
    Thank you for reading it. I agree that most of my ideas probably couldn't get implemented into the game. Simpler solutions like accessing all items in the armoury would make more sense to try and add.

    I'd also like to be able to equip heroes that were just drawn but not yet placed on the field with items. Several times I have had a nice item sitting on the top of the armoury that would have allowed me to beat or tie a monster had I been able to equip it to the hero I had just drawn from the deck.

    As for trap cards, I sort of like that they are double edged swords, but I do agree that it is frustrating when you have no option but to place the traps on your side of the field. It highlights the main problem with the game. There's a lack of strategic options available to players. A simple solution would be to allow players to discard traps for a certain amount of gold. if you don't have enough gold then you can't discard the trap. each trap would have different discard costs.
  19. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    I think that's a key point; the lack of strategic (tactical) options. And your suggestion about being able to discard traps for a cost also sounds like a tweak that could be implemented without too much trouble, but then again, that's just a guess.
  20. Rivozzz

    Rivozzz Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Hi...thanks for the wooo game so addocting
    since u made a new post i m afraid you didnt read my suggestions so i posted here as a message
    its just my thaughts ...add any stuff if you likes
    This game is great fun small game... But it has aloooooot of potiential yo be an extra ordinary game..here are suggestions...
    first there has to be different modes..campaign , fast play, multiplayer mode, hardcore mood,advanced mood !!
    the advanced mood let u choose between different types of games which has been unlocked during the campaign mood
    the types of plays of play that should be present in the past 4 moods as i said before is as follows

    ordinary play
    easy : 5 raws for heros vs 5 raws of monsters
    intermidate: 7 raws heros vs 7 raws monsters
    hard : 10 raws heros vs 10 raws monsters( we be very puzzling andmay be
    done by scroling at edge
    harcore:15 vs 15
    extreme : 7 heros vs 10 monsters
    insane : 5 heros vs 10 or 7 monsters

    reverted play
    u play as monsters not heros in the same 5 types i mentioned before

    ....... You can change the number of enemies per level required to destroy yr castle


    campaign mood:
    a few levels in easy mood ( beat easy 3times to open intermediate)which then opens intermediate till all are open
    once u play as heros in 5 levels of diificulty then as monsters

    Compaign extra mood
    you play aganist computer in all the campaign mood levels

    advanced mood
    after u unlock all campaigns , you can choose any level to play individually

    fast play mood
    which is standered 5 vs 5 ..open to be played from day one

    multiplayer mood
    where people go play vs each other...one hero and other monster

    of course the game need more cards to be at least less repititive
    i bought all expansions..but its enjoyable as it is a small really really really fuN. Game..but to be a big game...it should have at least 150 to 200 cards
    make it dlc for whatever..i recommend 1$ per 20 or 25 cards ...or make tge original price higher
    hope you best of luck...i reeeeeeeeally enjoy that game...it has a very good potiential to ace the appstore...hope i see in entering top charts

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