Universal Dungeon Quest (by Shiny Box Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Yes you will have to buy a slot for her I mean you are getting her for free I believe so if you dont want to pay for the work they are doing then delete one of your level 99 guys and start the rogue when she is available... I mean really? Or just buy the extra slot like the rest of us to try and support these guys.
  2. Boobi

    Boobi Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Earning money
    BC, Canada
    Cant wait for the rogue
  3. kdavis220

    kdavis220 Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    That's not a problem and believe me I've spent quite a bit in support for the team on this. Just asking to see if I should go ahead and buy the slot now (to experiment with a different Wizard setup) or wait until she comes out.
  4. GoleX

    GoleX Member

    May 10, 2012
    Hey all, our 1.1.1 patch just went live. It fixes the iOS 6 Game Center crash, fixes the score reporting on a few leaderboards and some additional fixes related to affixes and maps.

    If you have any issues, post them here or email us at [email protected]
  5. DarkLo

    DarkLo Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    What enemy power level do you guys play on? The game is WAY too easy so far. I'm wondering what a good balance is.
  6. chaos_envoys

    chaos_envoys Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Medical Doctor
    Pokke Village, Indonesia
    Enemy power 8.. Try the new maps floor 200+ for a challange..
  7. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Its still not working right for me. I have like 11 legends but its only showing me as having 2 and thats only because I found those 2 after the last update I am thinking.
  8. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    Ok! Taking a note on our end to address for the next patch. Are you seeing the same value in game as you are with the game center app? That value never increases, or are you not seeing ANY value on your side for the number of legendary items collected?
  9. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Ok so in Game Center legends found is 2, in game leaderboards legends found is 2, then if I look at in game legendex it showz I found 11 which is correct. Also highest floor and such isnt right, its showing 0 but I am on like floor 43 enemy power 5. I dont know whats going on.
  10. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    #910 ChaosProdigy, May 29, 2014
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
    Hey guys, I'm lvl 28 on Warrior and Wizzard and need some advice.

    Right now my warrior is using axe and horn so i can run speed and whirlwind, doing mostly MP5 around lvl 28. Any advice on good wizzard and warrior builds? What item stats and skills should i try to prioritize?

    If anyone can link to a reply that consists of a guide /// listed all skills and what they do /// good skill combos and itemizations i would really appreciate.

    Also, any advice on how and where is a efficient way to grind for better items?

    To developers: i spent $15 to support you and my biggest complaint right now is the map being too close to center of screen even with option to be to the side. Also the pet that eats low items and gives rare+ any chance i can have his item go straight to my inventory or in the least have the pet animation for dropping item work while pet is following me? Often pet drops item off screen. Also sometimes opening chest close to a wall the item flies off into wall and i can't get it... Same with pet dropping item, very big bug imo. Any plans for pvp or true co op? What do we do once we beat all lvls at MP9, what is the end game? I would love to invade a friends game and kill them or have hard dungeons that require 2-4+ player co op.
  11. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    Thanks very much for the support! Here are some answers to some of your questions:

    1) Check out the forums we have set up on our site for some nice character guides. Shiny Box Forum

    2) We also update our Blog weekly with upcoming news and patch notes.

    3) The imp dropping items out of the world is an issue we have made much better, although it still does happen. We will make sure to work on this issue more on our end to see if we can get a robust solution.

    4) Map feedback: Thanks for that! We have some other ideas for map customization but we have not gotten around to implementing those yet. We will keep your feedback in mind!

    5) Our next really big release is the Third character class: The Rogue. We are getting close to finishing her up and are releasing new content and info about her weekly.

    6) Co-Op is a HUGE feature on everyone's wish list and is something we are very aware of! We have also had people ask for item trading mechanics (no auction house.....) and other means of cooperative play. While we don't have a solution right now we can discuss know that we are working on adding as many features and content to our game as possible!
  12. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    When I am playing Warrior and Hire my Wizzard, the wizzard MP always shows as 0. Is this a visual bug?

    Any plans for any form of PvP?
    Any plans to allow us to hire our friends?
  13. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    This is probably related the equipment your wizard has on. If you tap their image of your wizard in the upper right hand corner it will open up your hireling inventory. Check out the equipment that your wizard is wearing, specifically legendary items. One of those should have the effect "Blood Mage". This will merge your mana and hp into one large pool. If you remove that item your MP/HP will return to normal!

    PvP is one of the most requested features that we get for DQ. While we cannot say "100% yes" at this point we hope to allow players to interact with other players in a future patch!
  14. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    #914 ChaosProdigy, May 30, 2014
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
    I would love to see a feature where if u activate a new "super enemy shrine" you spawn a same level enemy player character who is controlled by AI and we can see stats how our hero did while we were offline and have a leaderboards too ;)

    The other suggestion I have is for the IAP to scale on your level. For example I didn't mind paying for 300,000 gold when i was lvl 1-20 but as i enter lvl 40+ and gold income gets so much faster I feel it is not worth buying gold anymore especially as all prices sky rocket and there could be more gold sinks in game. Right now most gold is spent on Enchanting in end game but a lvl 100 player can make 300,000 gold for example in 1 hour while a lvl 10 character can make 300,000 in 10 hours. You see where the gold bought by IAP needs to scale so it offers the same benefit vs time saved regardless on level? For an even easier example why spend $0.99 for 100,000 gold at lvl 100? You can make 100,000 gold in minutes...

    The other suggestion for IAP is a new premium currency you can use to enchant 1 specific stat of an item into anything you want. I "could" waste 10 hours rolling and rerolling an item, uploading save file if roll what i want and and downloading save file any time i get wrong stat... (which i feel is a form of cheating not to mention a ridiculous waste of time), or i could chose to save my tome and pony up $x for say 10 gems/diamonds/etc and pay 5 of the premium currency to change one stat instantly. I would pay more to save my time because 10 hours of my time is more valuable to me than a few $. Also allow a steep conversion of gold into premium currency so IAP is still optional and only saves time.
  15. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    The spawning of a super player is a cool idea ;). Also thanks for your input on the IAP's it is always great insight to see what an actual player in the wild would pay for vs what would intrude on the game play or "break" game balance!
  16. Blog Excerpt

    Welcome back to our Rogue sneak peak series! As you know, our classes have three possible talent categories that their gear can drop as. The following is preview of one of those talent categories, the Ranger.


    The Ranger talents primarily improve the Rogue's ability to use her Bow/Arrow and Trap skills. As you might be able to tell, we have a couple of new visual features for the Rogue's gearsets. We've added animating cloaks to some of chest pieces that add a lot to the Rogue's look and feel. For some weapons we've added matching accessories like Bow's Quiver.


    We're making great progress on the development of the Rogue, with her Skills nearly being completed. This week we hope to have her talents completed, and once all Skills and Talents are done, we'll be ready for testing! If you're interested in helping us test and balance these Skills and Talents once they are ready, please let us know at [email protected]!
  17. MajorCheevo

    MajorCheevo Member

    May 22, 2014
    Already purchased my third slot . Been waiting for the rouge and my Game Center Cheevo's.
  18. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    #918 ChaosProdigy, Jun 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    My concern about new class:

    Will it have skills and builds that allow it to clear maps quickly?
    For example Wizzard can move and AOE kill fast with Teleport
    warrior can move and kill fast with Whirlwind+Sprint

    What about the new class? I would like more challenging maps and enemies, and MORE ENEMIES ON SCREEN also more enemy types and abilities, i think most i saw on same screen was 15 at a time and they all died instantly...
  19. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    Have you tried some of the challenge maps? I have seen a TON of enemies in screen shots that some of the players have posted. Upwards of floor 120 things get crazy......
  20. Yup! The rogue will have AoE and movement abilities that will allow her to clear Map quickly if you set her up properly.

    We're about at the Max of how many enemies we can fit on screen for Dungeons, however it looks like a lot of players would love an endless wave / horde mode Challenge Map type... :)

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