Universal Dungeon Quest (by Shiny Box Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    Its funny that when you said secondary I first thought of shooting the wand...thats how little I use the primary, the secondary is basically the primary.
  2. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    #722 Shiny Box LLC, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
    Yeah, I can totally see that! Storm is a great skill to use for area coverage. I use the primary skill as a super rapid fire DoT weapon. Using prismatic on that want with the mage bracer secondary skill empowers the wand shots of the same element. Since the mana cost is very small and there is a chance for extra attack (with homing properties) it is a great range combo.
  3. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Okay. I have a couple things that are really killing me... No complaints. Just some annoyances that I think can be worked on.

    I finally bought a hound because I was tired of running out of my way to go pick up gold. Now that I have the hound I feel like I am still going out of my way to pick up gold. Within my screen I can see several piles of gold but if I'm not right next to it he won't go after it. His radius is way too small. I feel like I'm still doing all the work. On top of that he just picks up gold piles too slow. He picks up individual piles one at a time. It's usually faster for me just to walk over to the piles and pick them up myself. Also, consider making the hound break boxes for you. That would be kind of cool. The same thing also applies to the Imp. It seems like the Imp probably has the same radius that the hound has. It's too small.

    Next, I think the hired character AI needs to be improved a little bit. I've been playing a lot lately with a hired wizard and have noticed a few things. The hired character never uses potions. I doubt you guys programmed this in there but I think you should consider it. If I have a potion available and their mana or health gets below a certain point I think they should be able to use it. Also, the AI isn't very smart at maneuvering around attacks. I can't count how many times my wizard died on the sand boss because he would walk right into the electric wind storms. I understand that he's essentially just following me, but I'm dodging the stuff just fine and he's walking right into them. It's really annoying.

    Also, there's a weird bug on the sand boss that happens pretty much everytime I play it. There are always several health orbs in the center of the map that can not be picked up. Also, if you walk towards the edges of the map the sand worm will get stuck and pause in place until you walk up to it. It's kind of weird. I can send a video if you'd like.
  4. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    So, further to a prior discussion I was having with someone, you DO get charged for identifying items. I noticed that there was a cost confirmation when selecting ID ALL and then actually checked my gold after ID'ing a single item. I guess this makes sense (otherwise why have to ID at all), but I'm not sure I get the overall point of it. I have a feeling it is worth it to ID since that leads to higher pricing when selling, but didn't try to figure out the cost of an ID.
  5. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    I'm too lazy to do math. But if it is always beneficial to ID it makes 0 sense from a design perspective.
  6. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Oh... I didn't realize this. I only thought it cost money when you did ID All. Since the gold isn't shown on the item screen I don't think I would have ever noticed.

    I just tested 6 low level Rares and in all 6 tests I lost about a 100 gold.

    Next I tested 4 or 5 epics and in all cases I gained about 1500 gold.

    Then I tested a couple higher level Rares and it was much better than the first 6 I tested. I profited 500 gold or so.

    So I think it just depends. Lower level stuff that's not really worth much probably isn't worth IDing at all.
  7. CptMurdock

    CptMurdock Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012

    Got lucky on extra bolt chance roll. This little fella is pretty helpful right now for me. Re-rolling stats for legendary items is crazy expensive though...
  8. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    I've encountered health globes that I couldn't pick up in several boss fights. I didn't think much about it at the time since I didn't need them, and assumed maybe it was intentional. It makes more sense that it's a bug though.
  9. chaos_envoys

    chaos_envoys Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Medical Doctor
    Pokke Village, Indonesia
    Can't wait for the multiplayer!! I hope shiny announces what they're planning for the multi!! I'm really looking foward for trading items or hiring my friend's unit ;) i hope they're planning that too!!
  10. Yeah totally a bug, and will be fixed in the next smaller patch, hopefully soon.

    Questions for you guys:
    1) If we implemented a system where you could trade between people you know ( or find in a forum ) and a system where you could hire your friends, would that be a decent replacement for full on peer-to-peer multiplayer co-op?
    2) If we had a system where you could hire your friends, what sort of rewards would you expect both players to receive?
    3) If we had a trading system, is there any sort of item you wouldn't want trade-able ( Like Gold )?
  11. CptMurdock

    CptMurdock Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    1) I am personally enjoying this game quite a bit as a solo style. Co-op would be awesome but I would hate to deal with the scramble for item drops (wizards would get hosed being a ranged class).

    2) Hiring friends would be great. The AI of hired characters need to be improved but if luck/gold % stack it would be a great reward. Would also like it if hired friends received some sort of boosts that your own hired heroes don't get. I think the reward of using friends players would be enough. I am not sure the person who had his/her hero hired would need a reward but it would be alright to get a % of gold or something as long as the hired character is within "x" amount of levels of the character hiring them. Maybe there should be an xp penalty of the friend hired is way overpowered as to keep everybody from using the same "friend".

    3) Trading would be cool and all but not really necessary in my opinion. Maybe trading warrior gear for wizard gear and vice versa but there should be limitations on it in my opinion. Maybe both items must be of the same rarity with +/- a set amount of levels or something. I don't think trading would be overly beneficial currently though.
  12. ruggedland

    ruggedland Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Full coop is always better as nothing beats playing with real players (I'd gladly play my Wizard with anyone's Warrior). But that will require raising difficulty level a lot (or make it scale with player levels) and offer better reward for higher difficulty. Being able to trade surplus items is a great idea. I'd say anything but gold can be traded, including pets, and doesn't need to be like kind either (say I can trade my Revenge helm for a Frozen Fate axe).

    JWONGHF Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    #733 JWONGHF, Apr 26, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    1) it is not a replacement . I will say it is just an additional feature from full multiplayer mode

    Eg. When a player launches the game , it has multiple play mode. 1 is single player mode, one is hire a friend play mode. Another one will be a full fledged multiplayer mode.

    The reason why this has to be implemented is because

    - sociability
    - a choice to play with your friends characters while they are away or not online players are around for u to play with
    - an easier feature to implement than the full coop play mode.

    I know the level of difficulty to implement a multiplayer function as I am a game developer myself. So I believe that hiring friend mode is a good short term solution and is much easier to implement ( able to last at least a good year before the real time multiplayer mode kicks in )

    2) I will say, every monster/bosses killed will grant some "points" . These points are needed to get vanity items which cannot be bought using gold or cash. Other than that, only through hiring friends, one will be able to get legend pet.

    Some point to note - only in main boss raids then we are able to hire friends. We do not need to hire friends in the current levels we have now, but we need some boss raids which has difficulty high enough for us to hire friends to clear .

    If able to , please let us hire at least 2 friends for the high difficulty boss raids .

    3) for some reason, I don't like the idea of trading . This game makes grinding As a goal. Once trading is in, players get what they want and they get bored easily.

    If it is in, I will suggest that legend cannot be traded. Only epics and below is tradable.

    Other than that, I will like to add on some feature which you guys might. Considering adding

    - more vanity items ( I seriously don't mind putting in lots of cash in vanity items as I want to personalize my characters as much as possible )
    - implementation of 4 modes
    First - current tower fighting mode
    Second - endless mode ( can be implemented with current tower fighting mode if the element of the levels are totally randomized and difficulty increases as the player get higher up the levels )
    Third - boss raid mode
    Fourth - "fake" pvp arena mode ( I mean player using their own character and fight AI of other players' character. Seriously I wanna know how my character will fare fighting other players' characters )

    I hope my opinion is helpful.

    Thanks shiny box and team for producing such a wonderful game , love it!
  14. Papa Deuce

    Papa Deuce Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2013
    Love this game, especially now that I have a wizard. Pure bad luck though, as it took me 25 levels to find an amulet of any kind. Much as I do love this game, I can see it killing my mini battery. Between iOS 7 and this game, my battery life is down to about 6.5 hours from a full charge..... Maybe even less.

    That is ok as long as it lasts til 2015, when I can get a new iPad... LoL.

    No coop of any kind needed for me.
  15. chaos_envoys

    chaos_envoys Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Medical Doctor
    Pokke Village, Indonesia
    #735 chaos_envoys, Apr 26, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    1. Trading and hiring will replace a full on peer-to-peer for me.. I like those more than a full on peer-to-peer because I want to manage the toons myself..

    2. Higher leveled toon requires more gold per hire.. Like level 80 toon requires 8000 gold to hire, and hired toon should receive gold and loot (let us choose 2-3 loot that is found, or just give us the rarest 2-3 loot found randomly). Exp is optional..

    3. I'd like to be able to trade gold and loot, and loot can be traded with gold (buying loot). And any legends and epic is untradable.. Just rare and below that is tradable.. Just like what JWONGHF said, but epic is still too strong to be tradable.. Rare is reasonable enough..

    On a side note, trading could abuse server save, like trading my legends and just reload an older save.. Maybe require us to save to server each trade session?

    Anyways, just found this two crazy loot!!!


  16. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    I have a question about hiring someone. Does the hired hero's luck have any effect on drops or is just the luck of the main hero?
  17. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    Ok simply put, this is the best diablo type game on the App Store. This game captures the loot hunt and progression itch perfectly with amazing itemization. Fantastic game.

    So on the wiz, how many dif skills are there? There's barrage/storm, comet/meteor and the blast/twister. What are people's favs?
  18. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    Also there is the Sword which is a pierce bolt for primary skill and a spinning energy ball as a secondary attack!
  19. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    My favorite by far is blast/twister. You can't really beat the twister for crowd control. I also like to use the tome as my secondary weapon to help distract and to use for quick health when needed. I keep trying other combinations and I keep coming back to this setup.

    I found Ashakic Records sometime last week and it's been pretty awesome. I can summon 8 spirits at once! I don't really get the affix about "+2 extra skulls." Is this a typo? Shouldn't it say +2 extra spirits?
  20. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012

    Attached Files:

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