Universal Dungeon Quest (by Shiny Box Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Where do you get most of your legendaries? Are they boss drops? Imp drops? Or are they just randomly anywhere in the game?
  2. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    I'd be fine with it...if I'd ever equipped one. But half of them are for warriors, and the other half have no redeeming traits, so I just stash them and ignore them.
  3. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    #623 Shiny Box LLC, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    @paxal I will check that our on our end. Can you tell me which controller you are using with your iPad?
  4. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    It gives you a 100% luck boost for 1000 kills and removes ads. It does not guarantee legendary drops.
  5. paxal

    paxal Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    Thanks, I use sony's dual shock 3 controller, a tweak called Controller for All makes my ds3 gamepad like a mfi controller :)
  6. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    #626 Cilo, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    I would scroll through the Legendex and see which fit your build. I think I found about 2-3 that go well with my spells so have been looking out for those, and for the rest of my gear I just either apply enchants, reroll stats, or apply elements. There's a way to ensure a preferable enchant is applied, however I won't state it here. I tend to prioritize crit chance, attack speed, hp/mp/leech, and all resist. Crit damage is an added bonus, but if I have a choice between the last secondary being either of those 5 I will take the others before crit damage. I've been lucky and have a good stack of these stats on gear, and have been able to enchant a missing one without spending on IAP gold. I would suggest grinding out your enchant gold, unless you're very very impatient.

    Reduced CD is also a beast of a stat to get however I've noticed there's a low chance of gear dropping with it already applied, as well as a low chance of it being applied through enchants, so if you get it consider yourself lucky.
  7. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    I've already looked through the entire Legendex. And yes, there are a few pieces I'm looking forward to, but I've got many floors to go. I'm only level 53 right now so maxing out gear isn't really a priority, I just feel like the legendaries aren't jaw-dropingly-legendary, like they should be.
  8. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    They were never that way in WoW either.
  9. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    Never played WoW. What other games do wrong should not justify subsequent games continuing to do so. They're called Legendaries because there should be something unique and awesome about them, which so far I have not seen. I'm sure later there are better ones, but right now they just feel weak.
  10. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    What's what people flame diablo for. Legendaries aren't really legendary :p
  11. ruggedland

    ruggedland Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Random drops. A good lucky boost helps, as is higher floor number (>100).
  12. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    That and all the other questionable decisions they made...
  13. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    #633 Cilo, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    Not necessarily that legendaries should outrank all other items stat wise, but in most games legendaries usually carry a unique name/backstory, tooltip, and also graphical look that is completely different than other items. There is usually some unique mechanic that is associated with legendaries, however that is not always the case. Also legendary sets carry bonuses that other items don't, which makes the set completely different.

    I know it's weird to think that legendaries should be top tier items, but they are and aren't in every rpg I have played, and I would assume this is just the lore that goes with those items.

    In WoW you wanted purples, even though orange items were legendary, mainly because the rarity of legendaries were so uncommon that the stats would be obsolete and replaced as lower tier items were more commonly found as you progress. Same goes with Diablo. For example I spent a good 4 months crafting a legendary staff in WoW, only for it to be replaced by a lower tier staff in the next patch. That doesn't mean I trashed it, it came with a unique achievement, and look that a lot of other people could not attain due to the nature of how difficult it was to get. I think what's missing in Dungeon Quest isn't that legendaries are underpowered, it's that there is no sense of achievement in getting them. Maybe a unique vanity piece could unlock if you completed a set, or something similar? This would motivate a lot of people to be scrounging for legendaries if there was an incentive to do it.

    You know the loading page with your characters? It would be awesome if you could earn titles based on legendary sets completed or certain damage missions completed like killing a boss in 30 seconds at Power Level 8 floor 60+ or something? Imagine earning a simple title like Cilo the Immortal - it's these little touches that drive people to continue to play, and continue to pay.
  14. Our philosophy is that Legend quality items aren't just God-tier items, but on average really good. If Legends were by far the best you could equip, everyone would end up being a configuration of the 70ish Legends available for their class, and usually only picking the best of those 70 making that number around 20-30.

    You also have to imagine a slider that looks like:
    Common ---------------- Drops Occasionally --------- Hardly Ever Drops

    If all Legends were God-tier, we'd be forced to put them at the Hardly Ever Drops end of the slider since we'd like to maintain some level of progression for your character, and not making you insanely powerful right as you find one of these items. We enjoy having Legends drop and it's usually fun when you pick them up and they are reasonably better for you ( which we hope happens sometimes ), so we generally match them up power-wise with how hard they are to find.

    When really well rolled Epics can be just as good as Legends, your character can have a bit more customization since Epics can be enchanted and rerolled until they suit what you're looking for, stats wise. To take this idea further, in one of the small patches coming soon we'll be adding an additional item tier and several new Augmentation/Build Customization options for items so that ideally your character slots will look something like:

    Great Legend
    Awesome Legend
    Really well rolled Epic
    Highly Customized Epic
    (New tier of item that changes build style)
    Customized Legend

    Hopefully this seems a bit more interesting than just Legends in each slot to some players. Others might want to just throw on Legends they find and not really worry about it, which is cool as well. Just as long as their options for players, we're happy, and we hope you guys will be too.
  15. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    Totally makes sense. I think the issue is due to item distribution. Since Epics drop so often, you can almost always find something with the stats you want. Compared to minimal legendary drops...the probability of getting a good legendary during normal play is fairly low. Not that it needs to change, and I'm sure it gets better late game, but it just bothers me bit.

    Do you mind going more in depth on how this customization will be achieved? And why we wouldn't heavily customize every slot?
  16. That's a great idea :)
  17. Oh that was just an example, every slot could be highly customized with the upcoming system. We'll cover the system in a lot more depth soon, but just wanted to give an overall idea of what's coming and what our goal is with itemization.

    Until then, let us know how you guys would like to customize your gear, and what sort of achievements you'd like to see associated with gear collection. :)
  18. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    #638 AzeTheGreat, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    Besides the obvious enchantment customization, I think being able to add on to gear would be epic. Basically have rare drops be certain materials that go in their own pouch. Then we can attempt to combine these materials with the weapons to convey special attributes. This should be fairly expensive since we know what we're getting, and probably shouldn't have averse effects if it fails. Ideally, it would also modify the appearance of the equipment.

    As an example: After killing a ton of slimes I get a some slime balls. I pay a bunch to combine these with my current weapon. It's now green, and will stick enemies to the ground, immobilizing them, whenever I strike with it.

    Alternatively, you could seperate gear into component parts, rach of which conveys particular effects. Then we could break our gear down to get one of its parts at random. We could later combine these parts to get exactly what we wanted.

    Example: I break down a bunch of wands until I end up with their key components: grip, branch, and crystal. Grip affects attack speed, branch determines damage and crit, and crystal affects most other things (leech/element/etc.). I could then, for a price, combine the pieces that I wanted to, creating a highly customized wand. Where this would really shine is Legendaries. If each unique effect had a part it was associated with, we could basically combine legendaries. The effects should probably be weakened somewhat (not too much) if they're legendary specific though.

    There are my random (far-fetched) ideas.
  19. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    Ok, I think I understand the problem. We only check for three controller types currently which is why it gets reset on level load (I think). I will put this in the bug DB and we will see what we can do for the next patch.
  20. Papa Deuce

    Papa Deuce Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2013
    Am I missing something? Is there a way to decide which element gets added when you purchase it? Or do I just save gear from each of the elements so that I have the correct one?

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