I haven't played this yet but it sounds amazing but as an answer to the DPS question, generally DPS means damage per second the higher the DPS the better. As a quicker weapon will have lower damage than a huge Warhammer because the Warhammer attacks slower it has harder hits so generally you work out the best weapon using damage pet second. Of course you take into account that if the quick weapon misses it's not big deal if the huge slow weapon misses and takes a while to swing again it's more painful. But like I said I haven't played this yet this is just how it generally works.
I am probably going to have too buy that second character slot lol anyone know if there is a shared chest or something to transfer drops to other characters?
Oh one thing if someone could please answer by the games explanation it's still confusing, is this game 1 linear path or can you repeat levels over and also on different difficulties and the same for the bosses all with the same character? Or is it make a character and play through to the end and then that's it unless you make another?
I've just been playing this for an hour, at the start you choose warrior or mage then you can go dungeon crawling, you can repeat any level you've already beaten and can alter the enemy settings to make them harder but also increase drops and things, You only get one character slot for free and then others cost you 69p, Erm..... I think the levels are randomly generated and when you get put in there's an exit point you have to find, you can overlay a map on the screen so you know where your going. Typical dungeon crawling stuff, for free this is pretty excellent. I'm really enjoying it.
This looks like the exact loot game I've been craving on iOS, hopefully it doesn't disappoint! The freemium always makes me wary, if it's done right ill definitely open up a second slot to support the dev #
I can't believe it's priced as free if the IAP is just character slots as I only like to have 1 main character anyway and that'll be a wizard unless anything new comes out in future that's more tempting. But I'd buy a slot to support the dev if I like this. So it sounds like you can play endlessly really to farm the best gear when you've completed the game still?
I BELIEVE so. You can buy more inventory space as you start out with ONE bag. Buying more costs coin (probably where iap comes in because you want more coin for more bag space. In that way it's just like Diablo where you'll have to keep cleaning your inventory because you get so much stuff. And then we go into your question, as past the bag inventories there's something called STASH. Which I'm assuming that's shared inventory. It makes sense because I keep picking up items for the Wizard but I'm a warrior. Hopefully that helps. I'd say this is the closest game to Diablo in terms of gameplay on the app store. It doesn't have a story or anything super fancy but all the basics are done right. I can imagine this thread hitting 80 or so pages at some point because of loot and figuring out where to get what. IAP is varied. You can buy pets for 99 cents. I guess they help you? There's also mercenaries you can buy (don't know how this works). There's special costumes that look cool for varying prices. The character slots are 99 c, then there are game boosters that cost some money and generally I'd say 80% of the items you'll see you can buy with coin but there are exclusive pets and aesthetics that only cost real money.
Hopefully it will become popular, it's forums look good too. Downloading now and hopefully I'll try it soon.
The more gameplay I watch the more I can't wait. I've been looking for a dungeon crawling / loot game for ios. I thought trouser heart could scratch my itch, but it didn't. This seems amazing!
Anyone having problem clicking on "DQ account" and doing the upload and encounter "unknown error". Also, when I try to access the leaderboard, same "unknown error" pop out. Anyone able to access the leaderboard when logging in the DQ account?
Anyone have a favourite class and the reason why? It's slightly awkward to aim the wizard I'd of liked it more like a dual stick shooter for his controls rather than make him face the monsters, makes it hard to run n gun. Liking the little I've played so far, there are a lot of IAP but seems mostly cosmetic or just to quicken things up. Also yes it does say the stash is for swapping gear between characters.